please help before i freak
Posted by rachlove2 on Jun 11, 2007 · Member since Dec 2006 · 136 posts
ok ok ok oh mygod
there's a bird outside of my house and i think it may have gotten hit by a car, i'm really scared and idon't know what to do.. it's shaking pretty hard but i don't know if i should touch it... how do i help it???? i need to know soon!!! any advice!!!!
Is it seriously injured (like half mushed, but still moving)? Do you think you could put it down if it was suffering?
Any idea what kind of bird? If it is anything interesting or possibly endangered call your vet to see if there are rescue groups in your area. We had someone come pick up an injured blue heron out of our yard a while back.
There are times when my cat only half finishes the job on a hunting spree and we have to get involved. I can't stand to see them die slowly and painfully.
Sorry, this isn't helping with the freaking, is it?
Hey Rachel,
I know you are in GA, but not sure exactly where. Here is a list of Wild Life Rehabilitators in our state. There are more that may not be listed. If you call some of these they can point you in the right direction, or at least tell you the right thing to do. I found a bird hit by a car a few years ago. They told me to put it in a box with lots of towels and poke a few small air holes in it so that it will rest (thinking it's night time I guess). I brought it to a place in Ellijay GA. after that since nobody would come out to see me. Sorry you are having to deal with this right now! :-\
put some gloves on and do was DD said.
We had an injured one on our porch (tried to fly thru the glass) and he was all shaken up and not moving. We picked him up, gave him water, after a couple of hours he flew away.
Do the best you can do........but don't just leave it there alone.
Don't let it suffer! I am very very fond of birds and keep them as pets. They are not wormy or germy and if they were carrying mites, they would not alive for long. DO use gloves because even soft billed birds (most wild in the US are soft bills) can peck and bite pretty hard. Give it water and see if you can find a rescue. If it is in shock, a small box with a towel is a good thing, but make sure it can get out on its own.
Sometimes birds are injured in a way that means they can't go on. Sometimes wild birds are startled and they can drag a wing because it hurts, but that doesn't mean it is broken necessarily. Our feathered friends have "brittle" bones because they are porous and not solid like mammal bones, so that they are lighter and can fly. Thus, they are more easily injured in a serious way.
Let us know how you make out.
well i called my boyfriend and he brought some gloves over, we put the bird (i named it chicky) in a little box with holes like davedrum said and took it to the hometown vet, who is a family friend - named dave, coincidentally -
anyway, he said he'd see what he could do.. i trust him. it's wing was damaged.
poor, scared little chicky!!