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post college depression

i cant handle this sudden lack of friends and social life.  granted, i've been out of college for a year now, but the realization about the loneliness of my new life has been building and building.  michael doesnt understand, he doesnt really like people, and he never really had the same college experience as me.  i've been looking at jobs back in pittsburgh and austin in a thought that if i find that perfect job, maybe i can run away and either go back to be with my friends from school or move on to meet new people in austin.  bagh.  how did you deal with life after college.

I was the same way when I first moved here! I met this girl who was in the class of 89 (HS) and was SOOO excited! actually, I met two in the same night! One of them is probably my best friend now. BUt there are a ton of people in my age bracket around here.

I had just assumed this was what happened to everyone after college - I know it did for both me and my husband.  Most of us spent our entire lives thus far surrounded all day every day by people born the same exact year - and now all of a sudden, you're thrown out there into a world of completely mixed ages, and you have no model for how to socialize in such a different environment.  I was out of school three years, and then went to grad school, but my husband's been out of school since '02, and he still gets really excited whenever he meets someone his age.  We went to dinner the other night with my friend from school and her sister, and my husband found out her sister was born in 1980, and was so happy - he said, "What happened to all the other people born in '80?  Do you know any in Dallas?  You're only the second one I've met besides me!"  I don't know how long he's going to be like that, but... it's funny, but it weirds people out.

Man, does this thread ever make me miss Austin.  I can't wait until I can live somewhere wonderful again.


so you live up in dallas?  have you been to spiral diner?  mmmm

Yeah, hehe, we were actually at Spiral Diner during the aforementioned conversation.  It's awesome.  When we lived in Austin, my husband had to meet with someone in Ft. Worth regularly for work, and he'd always offer to go up there, just so he could eat at Spiral Diner.  ::)


so you live up in dallas?  have you been to spiral diner?  mmmm

Yeah, hehe, we were actually at Spiral Diner during the aforementioned conversation.  It's awesome.  When we lived in Austin, my husband had to meet with someone in Ft. Worth regularly for work, and he'd always offer to go up there, just so he could eat at Spiral Diner.   ::)

mmm i love it. my friend is gonna be the owner of the new sprial diner in austin!  i'm excited.



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