Question for Meggs
Posted by lotus42 on Aug 19, 2007 · Member since Mar 2007 · 3081 posts
Hi Meggs, I know you've probably already done this at some point, but I can't seem to find it. Can you list what you put in your kale smoothies? I've been thinking about trying it, so I bought kale today. You said, the kale taste isn't really noticeable, right?
Oh, and do you use a blender or food processor? To me is seems like a blender could make the kale stringy. I don't know though.
Oh dear. I hope they live up to expectations :-\
I make sure to take the hard inside part out and only use the outer parts.
I use a blender and put about a cup of cold water in it.
Then, I put some melon (any kind will do, I've used watermelon, Casaba melon, honeydew melon, or cantaloupe).
Puree. That should give you about 2 or 2 1/2 cups watery liquid.
Then I add a handful of (ripped apart to salad like sized) kale (I was told to start out with 40/60 kale to fruit, then increase over time, as you get used to the kale taste) and puree.
Then I add frozen or fresh fruit, puree then liquefy.
I don't know if you're also asking for fruit combos? I like mango and blueberry with the kale. The first one I did, from the 12 Steps to Raw book suggested juice from half of a lemon and three Fuji apples (very fibrous, but good). At this point, I'm not super concerned about the flavor, just the nutrients, so I just dump whatever I have handy in. It always tastes good to me. I tried organic spinach in place of kale today, after a bad experience with regular spinach- organic does make a difference, a noticeable one, in this case! In the same aforementioned book, there was a recipe for spinach/peach. Kiwis are good too. Here I go, rambling.
I hope this is decent enough as far as a "recipe" goes- I just eyeball everything and when it's a nice green color, I know I've achieved success. :) Hope you like it!
Oooh and kale salads are good too... but you must (in my opinion only) massage the kale with celtic sea salt first... mmmmm.....
Thanks a lot! I'll let you know how it goes.
Hey Meggs I made my first kale smoothie...and by saying my first, I mean, the first of many!!! Yay! I was really worried that it would be stringy and taste bad, but I couldn't even tell the kale was in there (other than the color, which was quite gross with my mixture of fruit). I used quite a large handful too! I have been making smoothies every morning and I will definitely be adding kale now. Oh, and I used half soymilk, half water. I am so excited!
YAY!! To be honest, I was a little scared to read what you thought, I hoped that what I thought of them turned out to be your experience as well, and YAY! it was!
I concur- the color is enough to turn most people off, but the taste is worth it!
I am interested to try half soy/almond/rice milk like you did- I will try that tomorrow!
I'm so glad it all worked out, and you have got another way to get some veggies... as if you needed one, being veg*n ;D
Yay thanks for posting this meggs!
i'm gonna try it too!
the color of the smoothie sounds cool actually that appeals to me! LOL that way people will go "god what ARE you drinking??!" ;D ;D
There are few ways we can gross out the omnis so if i have to drink green stuff... sounds good to me! ;)
okay J/K I really think it sounds yummy though!
haha, Jennifer, I don't mind the color either, but my mother was completely disgusted with it. Ah, well... I think I get my minimum requirement of daily fruits/veggies just from my morning green smoothie!
question for Meggs
howd ya get so cute?
/online flirting off
question for Meggs
howd ya get so cute?
/online flirting off
Let's take this into the vegchat, adam sweetie... ;)
The green color is pretty cool, but yesterday I added a few frozen cherries. It turned this brownish-green color (honestly it looked like baby poop). It doesn't bother me though. I drink it out of a blue nalgene, so I can't really tell once I pour it in there. This morning I left out the cherries and it was a pretty cool green :) Oh, I added more kale this morning too!
YAY, Lotus!!
I have experienced the brown effect as well ;)
Kale and Kiwi is some serious greenery...
question for Meggs
howd ya get so cute?
/online flirting off
Let's take this into the vegchat, adam sweetie... ;)
I wanna know what happened in vegchat.... ;)
Nothing, he wasn't online!
Can you just imagine?!
so you're saying adam stood you up?! aww man! ;D
so you're saying adam stood you up?! aww man! ;D
i didnt see the chat offer until the next morning
What could have been....
the chat to end all chats