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Reasons to be grossed out

My sister just ate dinner...while on the toilet. bleh!!

it's not arsenic, it's cyanide. All members of that family (peaches, plums, apricots, cherries, almonds) have some, and it depends which part of the plant. Sucks =( But they're still tasty.

I knew it was one or the other.
Are cyanide and prussic acid the same thing? they both smell of almonds.

yup. i didn't know it would smell like almonds.

... wait. how do YOU know how cyanide smells?

Agatha Christie, duh! Not to mention Nero Wolfe.  ::) ;D


my roommate just told me there's cat shit smeared all over her bathroom. (i wish we still had the throw up smiley here) and there's been a terrible odor coming from her room for months and you can smell it all the way downstairs. ughhhhhhh.


:o You and your roommates and their obsession with shit. First, they use your bathroom.. You make a slanty face in the slanty thread because you run out of toilet paper.. Now your roommate has poop smeared all over the bathroom. What are you doing down there at that school?!! lol!


bahahaha!!! they're still fixated in freud's anal stage of development. THEY LOVE POOP!


bahahaha!!! they're still fixated in freud's anal stage of development. THEY LOVE POOP!


I have no comeback.


my roommate just told me there's cat shit smeared all over her bathroom. (i wish we still had the throw up smiley here) and there's been a terrible odor coming from her room for months and you can smell it all the way downstairs. ughhhhhhh.

And she doesn't clean this up because....? Yeah it's gross but it's her bathroom and that's why God gave us rubber gloves.


I found a possum rooting around in my recycle bin two nights ago.  This morning when I went to take the bin to the curb, I found possum turds. 


yabbit- she doesnt clean it because she's gross! lol

storm- siiiick


more poop-related grossness:
1) the family i work for does not own a toilet brush. their toilet bowl has become progressively browner and stinkier since they moved here in august. i'm thinking of buying a toilet brush for them as a gift.
2) one day i was playing with the little girl i take care of on the floor of this family's house. i realized there was some dried brown stuff on the floor and it had little seeds in it, much like the kid's poop. i cleaned it up. but i don't get how this doesn't get cleaned up when it happens!! and they tell me not to clean but obviously sometimes i have no choice.


more poop-related grossness:
1) the family i work for does not own a toilet brush. their toilet bowl has become progressively browner and stinkier since they moved here in august. i'm thinking of buying a toilet brush for them as a gift.
2) one day i was playing with the little girl i take care of on the floor of this family's house. i realized there was some dried brown stuff on the floor and it had little seeds in it, much like the kid's poop. i cleaned it up. but i don't get how this doesn't get cleaned up when it happens!! and they tell me not to clean but obviously sometimes i have no choice.

lmao! This is hilarious. Thank you, _algae_


hahaha you're welcome. But it's only funny if you don't have to deal with it every day!!


hahaha you're welcome. But it's only funny if you don't have to deal with it every day!!

True. I wasn't trying to rub your nose in it but I do like your Xmas idea. :)


hahaha you're welcome. But it's only funny if you don't have to deal with it every day!!

True. I wasn't trying to rub your nose in it but I do like your Xmas idea. :)

No worries, I guess that's how all these gross things are :P


Goopy things that come out of your mouth after oral surgery.  I think that's all the detail I need to go into.  ???


My whole house smells like turkey cooking. Bleeeeeh.


My whole house smells like turkey cooking. Bleeeeeh.

Even in the days when I cooked the turkey, I hated that. By the time it's done I never wanted to sit down and eat it, I'd been smelling it all day.


my cousin asked me to buy her cigarettes. i said no so she stood outside the gas station and waited for someone old enough to buy them for her. and my little sisters were there. i took them home because i didn't want them to be around that. it really is disgusting. begging for cigarettes. come on


Someone asked my older cousin to buy cigarettes once. She took their money, went into the station and never boufht the cigarettes.


thats awesome!! ugh it's really pathetic watching your cousin ask total strangers to buy her cigarettes. and them tell her that she doesn't look 18 and her try to convince them that she is..ugh


but surely if she was 18 she'd be buying her own cigarettes?  I'm assuming that's the legal age to get them.
I started buying my own cigarettes when I was 14 (the legal age then was 16), but if I ever got refused (only happened once or twice) I never asked randoms.



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