Posted by veganhippie on Dec 14, 2009 · Member since May 2008 · 5810 posts
My sister just ate dinner...while on the toilet. bleh!!
Posted by veganhippie on Nov 25, 2010 · Member since May 2008 · 5810 posts
yeah the legal age here is 18. she turns 18 in mid december but plans to quit smoking in the new year....weird
Posted by yabbitgirl on Nov 25, 2010 · Member since Apr 2006 · 14266 posts
I just found out that my new student smokes, and has a nipple piercing. That's more of a reason to :o than to be grossed out (well, the idea of piercing nipples grosses me out personally, somewhat) but I had no idea, and this thread reminded me of it. He so doesn't seem like the type to do either. You know, Mr Super-straight, squeaky clean, wouldn't say "shit" if he had a mouth full.
We *did* get into a hysterical conversation about piercings, though...I asked him how drunk you have to be to actually want to get your...John Thomas...pierced. His eyes got big and he was like, "Drunk, hell, you'd have to be drugged to the eyebrows!!" He almost slid his chair back from the table to get away from the idea!
Posted by eric christian on Nov 26, 2010 · Member since Mar 2006 · 1501 posts
Apparently at the young age of 5, my parents sent my to use a public restroom on my own. I was in there for a while according to them, a patron exited and asking my mother if that was her red headed boy taking a dump in the urinal. This was revealed over thanksgiving dinner. My family is no holds barred :)
Posted by irreverent on Nov 26, 2010 · Member since Mar 2010 · 457 posts
canned oysters. ew. My FIL asked me to make oyster stuffing for the bird this year and I about lost lunch. :P
Posted by laurenlovesgoodies on Nov 26, 2010 · Member since Nov 2007 · 2936 posts
Apparently at the young age of 5, my parents sent my to use a public restroom on my own. I was in there for a while according to them, a patron exited and asking my mother if that was her red headed boy taking a dump in the urinal. This was revealed over thanksgiving dinner. My family is no holds barred :)
Posted by yabbitgirl on Nov 26, 2010 · Member since Apr 2006 · 14266 posts
Eric, that needs to be repeated in the Holiday Horrors thread! :-D
Posted by _algae_ on Nov 26, 2010 · Member since Aug 2006 · 2268 posts
Apparently at the young age of 5, my parents sent my to use a public restroom on my own. I was in there for a while according to them, a patron exited and asking my mother if that was her red headed boy taking a dump in the urinal. This was revealed over thanksgiving dinner. My family is no holds barred :)
My mouth is still hanging open in horror. Yikes. Hilarious though.
Posted by little2ant on Nov 26, 2010 · Member since Aug 2004 · 3055 posts
i just learned what turducken is. jezus christ. i am sickened! i almost barfed looking at it. google it if you can stand it.
Posted by humboldt_honey on Nov 26, 2010 · Member since Feb 2007 · 12529 posts
Did you watch tweety's video? That was so gross. The piglet was the worst. How do people think that is okay?
Posted by little2ant on Nov 26, 2010 · Member since Aug 2004 · 3055 posts
no, what video? direct me please
Posted by humboldt_honey on Nov 26, 2010 · Member since Feb 2007 · 12529 posts
Posted by politicalmonty on Nov 26, 2010 · Member since Nov 2009 · 3633 posts
Yyyyyeahhhh I just watched the vid. Yeah, that's pretty disgusting.
Posted by little2ant on Nov 26, 2010 · Member since Aug 2004 · 3055 posts
i'm not seeing it, but I guess I don't really need or want to see a lot of meat anyway. How does a turducken show thanks for anything? it sounds like pure greed and gluttony...let's see how many animals i can squish into this carcass and then shove it down my fat ass throat.
Posted by politicalmonty on Nov 26, 2010 · Member since Nov 2009 · 3633 posts
How does a turducken show thanks for anything? it sounds like pure greed and gluttony...let's see how many animals i can squish into this carcass and then shove it down my fat ass throat.
Posted by little2ant on Nov 26, 2010 · Member since Aug 2004 · 3055 posts
holy. shit.
i saw it.
how is that even legal?
Posted by humboldt_honey on Nov 26, 2010 · Member since Feb 2007 · 12529 posts
:> You got out more words than I did when I saw it. It ended with me being bewilderedly gobsmacked.
Posted by theodamus on Nov 27, 2010 · Member since Oct 2008 · 2960 posts
I don't understand the pride attached to calories and fat? I mean I don't understand ANYTHING in that video, but why are they showing the calories clocking up and bragging about how fatty it is like more calories = more points? I mean I guess I can see that they feel ultra manly eating as many animals as possible (?!) but wouldn't have thought the calories would be the main bragging point there...
Ugh. Regardless. The whole thing makes me feel ill.
Posted by Dark_Cherry on Nov 27, 2010 · Member since Jul 2010 · 92 posts
omg That is gross. Makes me mad. >:( They are so proud of thier disgusting feast. Why stop at the piglet corpse? Why not wrap it all in a human carcass to top it off?
Posted by shelloid on Nov 27, 2010 · Member since Nov 2006 · 4427 posts
and that is supposed to be appetizing how?
omg That is gross. Makes me mad. >:( They are so proud of thier disgusting feast. Why stop at the piglet corpse? Why not wrap it all in a human carcass to top it off?
I'm sure with that amount of fat it the ones doing the eating will be human carcass soon enough!
Posted by yabbitgirl on Nov 28, 2010 · Member since Apr 2006 · 14266 posts
and that is supposed to be appetizing how?
I'm sure with that amount of fat it the ones doing the eating will be human carcass soon enough!
LOL Shell! You remind me of that bit in Hamlet where H. talks about the fish that ate a worm that ate a king... WHAT will end up dining on that human carcass stuffed with birds within birds?
Actually, the idea goes right back to Roman times, of stuffing little birds inside big ones inside bigger ones. Of course the Romans didn't have turkeys. But it's still that idea of excess, extravagant display, "more is better cuz it makes me look cool." No it doesn't. Ridiculous, idiotic, and insensitive, yes. Cool, not so much.
yeah the legal age here is 18. she turns 18 in mid december but plans to quit smoking in the new year....weird
I just found out that my new student smokes, and has a nipple piercing. That's more of a reason to :o than to be grossed out (well, the idea of piercing nipples grosses me out personally, somewhat) but I had no idea, and this thread reminded me of it. He so doesn't seem like the type to do either. You know, Mr Super-straight, squeaky clean, wouldn't say "shit" if he had a mouth full.
We *did* get into a hysterical conversation about piercings, though...I asked him how drunk you have to be to actually want to get your...John Thomas...pierced. His eyes got big and he was like, "Drunk, hell, you'd have to be drugged to the eyebrows!!" He almost slid his chair back from the table to get away from the idea!
Apparently at the young age of 5, my parents sent my to use a public restroom on my own.
I was in there for a while according to them, a patron exited and asking my mother if that was her red headed boy taking a dump in the urinal. This was revealed over thanksgiving dinner. My family is no holds barred :)
canned oysters. ew. My FIL asked me to make oyster stuffing for the bird this year and I about lost lunch. :P
Apparently at the young age of 5, my parents sent my to use a public restroom on my own.
I was in there for a while according to them, a patron exited and asking my mother if that was her red headed boy taking a dump in the urinal. This was revealed over thanksgiving dinner. My family is no holds barred :)
Eric, that needs to be repeated in the Holiday Horrors thread! :-D
Apparently at the young age of 5, my parents sent my to use a public restroom on my own.
I was in there for a while according to them, a patron exited and asking my mother if that was her red headed boy taking a dump in the urinal. This was revealed over thanksgiving dinner. My family is no holds barred :)
My mouth is still hanging open in horror. Yikes. Hilarious though.
i just learned what turducken is. jezus christ. i am sickened! i almost barfed looking at it.
google it if you can stand it.
Did you watch tweety's video? That was so gross. The piglet was the worst. How do people think that is okay?
no, what video? direct me please
Yyyyyeahhhh I just watched the vid. Yeah, that's pretty disgusting.
i'm not seeing it, but I guess I don't really need or want to see a lot of meat anyway.
How does a turducken show thanks for anything? it sounds like pure greed and gluttony...let's see how many animals i can squish into this carcass and then shove it down my fat ass throat.
How does a turducken show thanks for anything? it sounds like pure greed and gluttony...let's see how many animals i can squish into this carcass and then shove it down my fat ass throat.
holy. shit.
i saw it.
how is that even legal?
:> You got out more words than I did when I saw it. It ended with me being bewilderedly gobsmacked.
I don't understand the pride attached to calories and fat? I mean I don't understand ANYTHING in that video, but why are they showing the calories clocking up and bragging about how fatty it is like more calories = more points? I mean I guess I can see that they feel ultra manly eating as many animals as possible (?!) but wouldn't have thought the calories would be the main bragging point there...
Ugh. Regardless. The whole thing makes me feel ill.
omg That is gross. Makes me mad. >:(
They are so proud of thier disgusting feast.
Why stop at the piglet corpse? Why not wrap it all in a human carcass to top it off?
and that is supposed to be appetizing how?
omg That is gross. Makes me mad. >:(
They are so proud of thier disgusting feast.
Why stop at the piglet corpse? Why not wrap it all in a human carcass to top it off?
I'm sure with that amount of fat it the ones doing the eating will be human carcass soon enough!
and that is supposed to be appetizing how?
I'm sure with that amount of fat it the ones doing the eating will be human carcass soon enough!
LOL Shell! You remind me of that bit in Hamlet where H. talks about the fish that ate a worm that ate a king...
WHAT will end up dining on that human carcass stuffed with birds within birds?
Actually, the idea goes right back to Roman times, of stuffing little birds inside big ones inside bigger ones. Of course the Romans didn't have turkeys. But it's still that idea of excess, extravagant display, "more is better cuz it makes me look cool." No it doesn't. Ridiculous, idiotic, and insensitive, yes. Cool, not so much.