Reasons to brag or congratulate each other.......
Posted by politicalmonty on Sep 14, 2010 · Member since Nov 2009 · 3633 posts
I thought we could add a topic that says -- "Way to Go!" or "Congrats" to our fellow VegWebbers! Maybe we could also use this area to toot our own horns. Say stuff like -- "I just got an A+ in my class!" It's okay to pat yourself on your back sometimes.
I'll start off by saying - it looks like Webmistress Laura got rid of spammer/dickcheese "claudiuswie". Way to go, Laura! And thank you! ;)b
yayyyy josh!!!
Theo got the role she wanted! Woo hoo--stars in our midst!! :)>>>
What what! Great job, Ms. Theo!
woo hoo theo! :D
I'm going back to school!!! I just got accepted to Fort Hays State University here in KS for summer term to start my BGS! *happydance*
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats!
that is awesome news revvie!!!
Josh - congrats on your one year facebook sobriety
GO REVVIE! And Josh!
Thanks guys :D I am now officially the nerdy creator of SEDUCTOBOT... be afraid :P
i am sure you will rock the charictar out!! and you will leave a though act to follow for future people trying to fill your shoes. :)
Jess/Theo - lol! Thank you! I don't see me giving up Facebook and MySpace a year ago being a congratulatory event buuuuuut I'll take it. Thank you.
irreverent - Congrats to you! :)
Yeatsa got a B on her exam!!!
And UnderSarah got an AAA in Geologyyyy!
Thank you!!
I gots a 97 marks out of 100 (so much prouder of that than a calculated 97%) for my huge research assignment WOOP WOOP!
Golly, everyone in this room is smarter than me. ;)b :)>>>
That's very awesome, Ms. Theodamus and Ms. underSARAH!
go theo!
I got A's in all my classes. :) Now, I've got two weeks off and then I start my final 10 week term with graduation being in April.
Helllllzzz yes! That's awesome, Ms. mirrya1! Congratulations! :)