Reasons to frown
Posted by Charbot Kimzoid on Oct 01, 2009 · Member since Feb 2008 · 3769 posts
Ok, so we have a smiling thread. This thread is for all of the little dumb things that make you frown, or angry, or sad, etc., etc.
I'll start. I had chili for lunch today. I brought some crackers for the chili and a banana for breakfast. THE CRACKERS ABSORBED THE BANANA FLAVOR THROUGH THE BAG, SO I HAD BANANA FLAVORED CHILI FOR LUNCH! >:(
My leg hurts. I was playing tag and smashed my shin against a metal rung on the playground structure, causing a huge gash. I got stitches for the first time. Owww.
My husband hurt his knee so he can barely walk, we don't know if its broken or whatever. To top it off we have a foot of snow coming our way so I'm worried about him going to work tomorrow in the snow, coming home in whiteout conditions and a foot of snow, plus the knee, uh tomorrow is gonna suck. Oh yeah, don't forget the -20 degree temp ! :o :'(
step dad just got deployed for iraq and was wounded now needs half of his foot amputated
"friends" selling out and being lame as hell
getting my wisdom teeth pulled
dealing with scummy kids at school
kids my age
all close friends joined the army and are gone now (training)
community college that is easier than high school
my tofu expired
not being able to sleep
:( Made me frown... Sounds like things are really rough. Hang in there, Jake.
jakevx, i loved having my wisdom teeth out! i hope yours will be as good.
my reason to frown: at 3am someone slammed our front door, which is right beneath my bedroom, and it woke me up and I almost shat my pants.
Finals. Specifically statistics and econ. Statistics because I always worry about stats, and econ because i hate econ.
Even though my career final is online, our teacher is making us come to class at our scheduled finals time. She said its required. IT IS NOT. Like half the teachers are having students not come that day because they have papers and things due instead.
Aka, i have to drive all the way there, and come all the way back to get credit on a final i did before class and come right home.
Aka, wasted gas + money.
Missing several basic ingredients means that I have no freaking idea what to cook for dinner. No canned tomatoes or beans. No potatoes. No lemons/limes, so I can't use these avocados, which I DO have, for guacamole. I have some vegetables, but no way to make a sauce for them. WTF am I gonna eeeeeat?!?!
It is cold. It is too cold for D to come over (he rides his is below freezing outside). I can't sleepover night with him due to kitty health troubles. Which means I'm sleeping alone tonight, and probably won't see D 'til Thurs.....
Oh yeah, and he has some noms I need for cooking....I brought over a huge bag of green onions last night to share with his dad (seriously huge...gotta love dollar bins!), and I need them!!
Someone knocked on my door earlier today and I have no idea why. I did not answer because I do not speak Chinese so it would have made things way worse if I had answered. They left some printed out note on my door ALL in Chinese. I just spent about an hour or more online and managed to sort of translate three quarters of ONE line. Now I am worried it is something serious, did the landlord leave it or the building? And the line I translated says something about not wanting large deposits of cash? And I deposited three months rent last week. Argh. So now I am just sitting around waiting for my BF to wake up so I can consult him about this and then try to arrange to take the note to one of our native speaking friends. >:(
The motor on my Soyquick soymilk maker burned out the other day. I have now wasted 4 batches of beans trying to make decent soymilk with a Vitamix and cooking it on the stove. This is becoming really lame buying Silk that costs 10 times as much as making it myself.
Dear Hanashi,
Portland is effing cold. That is all.
The cold front out to get your city and turn everyone's kitties to ice sculptures
The motor on my Soyquick soymilk maker burned out the other day. I have now wasted 4 batches of beans trying to make decent soymilk with a Vitamix and cooking it on the stove. This is becoming really lame buying Silk that costs 10 times as much as making it myself.
Dear Hanashi,
Portland is effing cold. That is all.
The cold front out to get your city and turn everyone's kitties to ice sculptures
Like this?:
My "Uncle" who lives up here in Hillsboro isn't responding to his current chemo treatment for his brain tumor....They're starting him on new meds.....
Like this?:
Come to Iowa and you get this: (originally made for a family member(s) )
Mind you this is only about 4ish hours of pile up, they have been plowing nonstop almost.
As a linguistics person, and someone who loves of marine mammals, this is so depressing to me:
EG, that's so sad! I wish there was some way to help the pod... :'(
I'm getting evicted.
I couldn't pay rent this month, because apparently my bank caught on to the fact that I was using my credit card to transfer funds each month to cover rent and the credit card payment (totally dumb, but what else could I do?) my deposit is being used to cover rent until the 15th, when I need to have my stuff out.
CW....If I don't come up with $100 by the end of the day, I'll be in the same boat.
jakevx, i loved having my wisdom teeth out! i hope yours will be as good.
I need to hear more about this. The dentist keeps asking me about getting mine out and I'm scared to 1) because I don't know why it's necessary, 2) because I hate needles and anything medical, and 3) because DH had a really bad experience with it.
Reason to frown--my stomach has been a mess for the past 2 days. I vowed to go to more group cardio classes but I'm afraid if I go I'll have to keep running out :(
I had my crock pot on warm all day instead of high. Now I have to set my alarm for 2 am to turn it off.
No beans for me. :(
l2a, I just checked mine, and noticed it had become I may be in the same boat =o/
I need to hear more about this. The dentist keeps asking me about getting mine out and I'm scared to 1) because I don't know why it's necessary, 2) because I hate needles and anything medical, and 3) because DH had a really bad experience with it.
Reason to frown--my stomach has been a mess for the past 2 days. I vowed to go to more group cardio classes but I'm afraid if I go I'll have to keep running out :(
I got my wisdom teeth out when I was in high school, wasn't that bad (except eating mush for a week, mush including fresh baked cookies). But mine were growing into my jaw bone... which is bad. But getting them out was fine.
Reason to frown: I have a sinus headache and a paper to write... but sinus headaches do not create optimal paper writing conditions (this is being aggravated by the fact that it is really cold in TN atm... well, cold to me, my friend who is from NY would beg to differ)