Reasons to frown
Posted by Charbot Kimzoid on Oct 01, 2009 · Member since Feb 2008 · 3769 posts
Ok, so we have a smiling thread. This thread is for all of the little dumb things that make you frown, or angry, or sad, etc., etc.
I'll start. I had chili for lunch today. I brought some crackers for the chili and a banana for breakfast. THE CRACKERS ABSORBED THE BANANA FLAVOR THROUGH THE BAG, SO I HAD BANANA FLAVORED CHILI FOR LUNCH! >:(
Spent the night with a boy and he SNORED. The whole night! I had a hard time sleeping, and I won't see him again even though I like him. I could never date someone who snores like that :(
sb, i feel you! i cannot stand sleeping near people who snore. my parents and my grandparents snore so going on vacation is a real bitch.
I think the charity didn't get the right phone number (the one I called is simply a dispatch for others) to contact me. I have yet to hear from them.... which means I don't get that extra $$
Spent the night with a boy and he SNORED. The whole night! I had a hard time sleeping, and I won't see him again even though I like him. I could never date someone who snores like that :(
why do boys snore so much? i only snore when i am piss-drunk.... my bf snores all the time especially when he is sleeping on his back...
sb: if this is the case maybe u could "lovingly" push him on his side... i know i do this to my bf and he almost never remembers lol
I remember my mom snored horribly.... Sometimes, I could even hear her in my room across the hallway with two closed doors between us!!
Yeah my mom snores. My aunt snores. Once I was in a hotel with both. My brother tried to sell me ear plugs. Haha.
I have classes todayyyy =[ I hope this will turn into a smiley after my first day which is hopefully good. But just going for the first time in a month is hmmph worthy.
yeah, ear plugs are a necessity on our vacations.
i hope your first day back goes well, sarah! mine's tomorrow :/
My day was good. aside from the reason for me to come to this thread
COLLEGE ALGEBRA! arg. hmmph. It does not make sense. I completely failed our pre-quiz thing. I think i had 5 answers down (multiple choice) out of 15, and 4 of those were guesses. The stuff we took notes on and have homework for makes sense, but what i'm supposed to know is like a crazy foreign language. But. I guess I failed my pre-quiz in my last math class too and I did really good, hopefully thats the case again.
Good luck with your algebra, sarah. I can't imagine. I failed high school algebra.
Sarah, even though I was a Creative Writing major, I tutored in beginning Algebra and Stats.... if you want help, I can see if I remember it all!
We could set up a time and head over to the laundry room where no one will disturb us ^-^ 8-) :-D
While doing an awesome job at packing - I am moving cities by plane, so have to get everything I will need to start a new life into my backpack - I somehow injured my thumb. I have no idea how. It started as a niggle, and now it's swollen and bruised looking and hurts to move it...and hurts when I move my hand in general!
My other thumb already needs surgery for an old injury, I certainly don't need a mystery thumb injury to put me out of action right now...
Weds night, I discovered green m&m's apparently have red #40 in them when my fingers got red and hot and began Buffy night....
THEN I was rear-ended on my way from my friend's to D's. I had to stop upon seeing the car in front of me put on their back up lights to parallel park in a space on the side of the street. No damage was done, thankfully, seeing as how the other driver had a friend/witness and the only other vehicle that could have seen anything sped away as soon as we moved to the side, and I was on benedryl.... Unfortunately, during the time I got out to talk to the other driver, I had my hazard lights on....and that drained my she had to give me a jump.
Amazingly, I was able to hold myself together until I got over to D's, where I had a PTSD breakdown.... I was in a pretty brutal multi-vehicle collision 6 years ago that began with me getting rear-ended.
Now, my skin is starting to peel off.... much the same way as my friend who has a soy allergy reacts when she encounters it.... looks and behaves similar to acne, only continues to peel and refuses to heal kinda thing.... That's what I get for not taking my *usual* nightly dose of Zyrtec knockoff last night!! has been on the fritz all. blooming. DAY. Not only can I not acess today's finds, because every time I go in there, I get a posting purporting to be for today, but can be from as long ago as 2005, but I can't get to yesterday's finds either. And the search function doesn't work, so even if you type in the name of yesterday's find you get nada.
In the immortal words of CCH Pounder, "PISS me off!" >:(
It took three nurses a total of seven tries (including three "fishing" attempts) to set up an IV in my arm for my MRI yesterday.
It took three nurses a total of seven tries (including three "fishing" attempts) to set up an IV in my arm for my MRI yesterday.
Yeeeouch! I was lucky, no contrast die or anything. I have "good veins" but that doesn't mean anything, sometimes.
I miss vegweb .
My roommate is being a MEGA SUPER PSYCHO BITCH.
Today she told me that she expects to me "clean up after myself" every time I take a shower-- as in, clean hair and water off the floor, every morning.
Not the shower, the FLOOR. The bathroom floor.
Who the fuck cleans their bathroom floor every morning? I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this is insane.
My roommate is being a MEGA SUPER PSYCHO BITCH.
Today she told me that she expects to me "clean up after myself" every time I take a shower-- as in, clean hair and water off the floor, every morning.
Not the shower, the FLOOR. The bathroom floor.
Who the fuck cleans their bathroom floor every morning? I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this is insane.
It may or may not be insane, but I just told P to do the same thing today. Well..kind of. He somehow gets water all over the floor with showers, so I just talked to him about it (and reminded him to clean his hair out). I didn't tell him to clean the floor, just to try to prevent it..
Try having a bathroom with carpet - it's so gross.....I can't wait until we can tile it.
Since the accident, I've lost 3-5 lbs. Yesterday, I was too numb to do anything but sit and stare at the wall. Today, I've done nothing but eat and sleep.... At least I'm eating again...?