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Reasons to frown

Ok, so we have a smiling thread.  This thread is for all of the little dumb things that make you frown, or angry, or sad, etc., etc.

I'll start.  I had chili for lunch today.  I brought some crackers for the chili and a banana for breakfast.  THE CRACKERS ABSORBED THE BANANA FLAVOR THROUGH THE BAG, SO I HAD BANANA FLAVORED CHILI FOR LUNCH! >:(

Since the accident, I've lost 3-5 lbs. Yesterday, I was too numb to do anything but sit and stare at the wall. Today, I've done nothing but eat and sleep.... At least I'm eating again...?

:( Hang in there, Hanashi. Post-traumatic stress can be really excruciating; you are definitely in my thoughts. I imagine it might be especially difficult right now, but sometimes it helps to have another person there with you. Do you have anyone you love and trust who you can reach out to to help you get through this?

Also.. Tara Brach is a Buddhist teacher and psychotherapist who has provided some really insightful teachings on making it through difficult times-- especially when they involve trauma. I don't know if you're open to meditation or some of the mindfulness teachings that have come out of the Eastern traditions, but I've found some of Tara Brach's words of wisdom to be really useful in my own life.

If you're interested, here are links to two of her articles with some practical advice on getting through tough times:

Befriend Your Fears

The Power of Radical Acceptance


My roommate is being a MEGA SUPER PSYCHO BITCH.
Today she told me that she expects to me "clean up after myself" every time I take a shower-- as in, clean hair and water off the floor, every morning.
Not the shower, the FLOOR. The bathroom floor.

Who the fuck cleans their bathroom floor every morning? I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this is insane.

It may or may not be insane, but I just told P to do the same thing today. Well..kind of. He somehow gets water all over the floor with showers, so I just talked to him about it (and reminded him to clean his hair out). I didn't tell him to clean the floor, just to try to prevent it..

I doubt you're like my roommate. I don't get water all over the floor, I splash it a tiny bit with a few drops here and there. Nothing that would offend most people. I also don't get hair in the drain, we have a plastic thing over it so I can scoop my hair out easily. I just have thick fluffy hair that sheds on the floor sometimes. I don't have time to clean the floor every day. It's a pretty asinine and unreasonable expectation.


Two possible replies, GB: "You're not my mom" and "Get over yourself."


My roommate is being a MEGA SUPER PSYCHO BITCH.
Today she told me that she expects to me "clean up after myself" every time I take a shower-- as in, clean hair and water off the floor, every morning.
Not the shower, the FLOOR. The bathroom floor.

Who the fuck cleans their bathroom floor every morning? I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this is insane.

It may or may not be insane, but I just told P to do the same thing today. Well..kind of. He somehow gets water all over the floor with showers, so I just talked to him about it (and reminded him to clean his hair out). I didn't tell him to clean the floor, just to try to prevent it..

I doubt you're like my roommate. I don't get water all over the floor, I splash it a tiny bit with a few drops here and there. Nothing that would offend most people. I also don't get hair in the drain, we have a plastic thing over it so I can scoop my hair out easily. I just have thick fluffy hair that sheds on the floor sometimes. I don't have time to clean the floor every day. It's a pretty asinine and unreasonable expectation.

wow, thats just, I don't even know the right word for it.  You could always be a mega bitch back and go through only picking up your hair, if she says anything point out to her its not yours. Personally I would get up like an hour early one morning to do this, but I just do stuff like that to spite people sometimes.

Personally if you put a towel down, use your foot to mop up the water with the towel, hang that towel up. I don't see the issue, thats what we've always done.

Maybe its time for a new roommate? I dunno


Since the accident, I've lost 3-5 lbs. Yesterday, I was too numb to do anything but sit and stare at the wall. Today, I've done nothing but eat and sleep.... At least I'm eating again...?

:( feel better! *virtual hugs*


Thank you newshoes and fay. Yes, I do have someone. D has been coming over every night to hold me and watch movies. I feel really lucky to have him in my life right now. Also, my cats have been good cuddlers/comfort to me.

Newshoes, thanks for the links, I'm definitely going to check them out.

I just have to say, I'm sooooooooo grateful for VW right now.... I posted about my accident on fb and non of my irl friends have even checked in on me.... Thank you guys for caring.


I'm going to have to find another job. And damn soon. My nice flower company actually doesn't have enough work for me to do, and as it turns out, they don't want to pay me any more than my last job (a measly dollar above minimum wage) to do it. >:( They sent me home early again today. Normally that would make me go 'Yay!' but at the moment I need a steady full-time job so I can pay rent*; I also need to work as many hours as I can to save as much as possible before my first semester begins on the 22nd of February. Siiiiiigh.

* See Reasons To Smile.


My ex who I broke up with 2 years ago is still starting shit with me. He's said things to me in the past 2 weeks that I cant imagine coming out of any civilized persons mouth. I've deleted him from everything possible online. He is now using friends pictures of me to say crap. And try to start a stupid fight through facebook picture comments. And I have this fear he tried to start something in person with this guy who he thinks I dated after we broke up. That guy has not answered to anything I've said, so he probably made up things to tell him I've said about him and stupid things and he believed it. He also always talks to my friend to complain about me. And she is going to his side I think somehow, so he's probably convinced her stupid things that arent true either. I hate him. I never say I hate people. But him, Yeah. I feel like he's reached a point where I can say that.
Pretty much one big fat frowny.


im feeling really down today. i cried for no reason. -__- well, there's kind of a reason, but it's so dumb. agghhh. whyyy?!?!


HANASHI!!! I'm so sorry to hear you were in a accident!  I haven't had internet for a while so this is news to me

I hope everything is okay.


I'm so sick of other parents thinking that because I'm a single mom I have extra time to do all the driving for our kids meetups.  In what world does being a single parent = more free time than a married couple?


I'm feeling like I'll never find a job. Todays search failed. I have $40 in the bank. Ugh.


I'm so sick of other parents thinking that because I'm a single mom I have extra time to do all the driving for our kids meetups.  In what world does being a single parent = more free time than a married couple?

In their parallel alternate universe.... duh!!


No doubt STORM!!!  In some ways, being a single mom is the pits.

I can't even go get a HAIR CUT!!!!  How do I get a haircut when I have a 16 mo old son with no one to take care of him while I am sitting there getting my hair cut!  And he constantly pulls my VERY long hair.  I so need a hair cut!  Even if I had someone who could just sit in the loby of the syle salon with him would help, but I have no friends and everybody is rude as hell on the horrible island.  Ugh, life can be tough sometimes.

And SARAH, sorry to hear about your ex.  Us single moms can understand jerk men!  I know not all men are jerks, but sometimes it sure looks that way from my point of view. I sure have a hard time finding good ones.  


We aren't sure where we'll be tranferring to and it could end up worse than Miami! *see also; 'Reasons to smile'


I have PMS induced anemia, plus nausea which made it impossible for me to keep anything down yesterday 'til like midnight last night.... I've been having hot-flashes and night-sweats for the past week, my breasts have grown a full cup size and a half over-night and all I want to do right now is stay in bed and cry.

Unfortunately, with the exception of the anemia, none of this is atypical of my PMS... although I don't ever remember actually throwing up before.


And now my roommate is continuing to be psychotic.
She apparently refuses to share basic things like cabinet space and dishes, but never straight up told me that. When I first moved in, I put all of my stuff with hers, because that's what I've always done with the old roommates, which made sense to me, since kitchens typically have only one silverware drawer. So a few days later, she started hiding her silverware and can opener in her room. Today, I checked the drawer, and her silverware was back, except now she had a label there with her name on it, and moved all of my stuff to a different drawer. WTF? What is wrong with her?


Gnarls, I'm asking this with  sincerity (I've been there), does she have psychiatric problems? This sounds like what my previous roommates did when they stopped taking their meds....


we got our case officer today and they need me to get my qualifications assessed formally.  To legally practice as a pharmacist in the UK you need to have done a four yr degree which means it's classed as a  masters.
Because my degree is  masters that is not preceeded by a bachelors, NZ immigratin are assking me to get my degree formally assessed by NZ people.
If I only had a bachelors (ie having dropped out after the third yr) they would have accepted that as a qualification, but because I completed my degree they won't recognise it.
This is gonna take 6 weeks to get formally assessed which means our move date of end of March is not gonna happen. >:(


I think she has OCD. Probably other issues too, because she doesn't go out or socialize. I feel bad for her sometimes, but I still think she's a bitch.



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