Reasons to frown
Posted by Charbot Kimzoid on Oct 01, 2009 · Member since Feb 2008 · 3769 posts
Ok, so we have a smiling thread. This thread is for all of the little dumb things that make you frown, or angry, or sad, etc., etc.
I'll start. I had chili for lunch today. I brought some crackers for the chili and a banana for breakfast. THE CRACKERS ABSORBED THE BANANA FLAVOR THROUGH THE BAG, SO I HAD BANANA FLAVORED CHILI FOR LUNCH! >:(
I went to bed at about 11 and came broad awake at 3. This is not enough sleep. To cap it all it's a 3-day weekend and I'll be too exhausted to do anything. DH is also suffering from sleeplessness which does not make him fun to be with.
A friend of mine was describing the coolness of a barista at Starbucks giving her a coffee on the house because she specifically asked for organic coffee, and she got the following responses...
Me: Sweet deal!
Guy: Fsck that, organic is shit.
Girl: No way, I don't want no organic coffee; I want a caramel frappuccino!
Guy: I'm sorry, but I buy stuff because I like it, and it tastes good. And organic tastes shit.
Girl: Yeah, I don't care if it's good for me. I want my crisps and biscuits.
Friend: Well, you wouldn't want to be like all those fat Americans.
Me: ...
Girl: Psh. Do I LOOK like an American? The second I get fat is the second I get on the treadmill. With my burger.
Me: If there is anyone up there, just strike me down now.
I think I've pinpointed the source of the stiffness and pain, here. Women like us tend to carry our stress in our necks and shoulders. You need some down-time, honey. Or a new job. Or both.
And definitely you need brownies. :)>>> They don't cure anything but they sure make you feel better.
just spotted this, thanks Yabbit : )
I was feeling heaps better by Saturday morning only to twist in the shower and feel a spike of pain running up and down my neck, so my weekend wasn't the most fun ever really.... probably more slanty than frowny though, but I can't be arsed moving this post, so there you go.
another freakin speech on thursday i'm sad already :(
another freakin speech on thursday i'm sad already :(
Don't worry- you'll do fine!
If you get nervous, picture this:
lol :) that did make me happy! it just sucks because this is my biggest fear and i am forced to do it CONSTANTLY!!! i just had one last thursday... i just remind myself college is almost over... it just sucks cause i have to take a bar of xanex just to keep myself from having a full-on panic attack :(
I hate giving speeches too. During high school, we had a required speech class.. I postponed it until my junior year, rather than the usual sophomore year, but eventually had to take it. I always felt sick to my stomach. I especially loved the time that I was honestly going to hyperventilate and pass out &/or throw up and when I told my teacher, she said if I didn't do my speech, she'd give me a zero. I took the zero. Sometimes anxiety is way too much to get a grip on.
Amy, if you can find it, try making a tea of kava kava (good for anxiety/nerves), ginger(digestive/masks flavor of kava/relaxant) , and peppermint (nerves/mild stimulant to counter act the uber relaxation of the kava and tastes good) (a little ginseng could be useful too!). That will help you to relax, but shouldn't muddy up your mind as much as xanex can. I just got back from an interesting date where we met at my favorite tea house. I got a pot of their 'Matejuana' it is a blend of Yerba Mate' and Kava. It is nice and relaxing with just enough 'pep' from the mate' to keep you alert. Definitely helped to calm my nerves, and once I shared some with my date, he was able to relax a bit more too.
I'm sorry, this may as well be on the things that grind my gears, but it's spelled Xanax.
Okay, onward!
I was thinking that's how it's spelled....but I'm tired and just took what was give to me....sorry tl908
Ha, it's okay.
New reason to frown, though. I was excited to hear about Red Robin serving Boca burgers. I thought I'd go there and get one before buying a whole package of them (to make sure I liked them).. I then got to thinking, though, and they probably cook them on the same grill as the regular burgers, providing plenty of meat contamination. There goes that idea.
Also, it's 7:35 am here and I've yet to go to bed. I'm out of sleep meds currently. This whole not sleeping thing is wearing me out. Ugh.
Taking the pipes apart and discovering that the clog is too far back and the plumber wants $160.00 to come out and snake the drain for like, 5 minutes. >:(
sorry i misspelled xanax (i knew that)
i will def check out that tea
I think Corissa (crab) is dead..... I'm hoping shes molting. But i've seen my crabs molt 3 times. This isnt the same.
And i havent seen any of my crabs walk around at all in a week. I found zeus burried, i didnt touch him though. And edgar is still MIA.
Sorry to hear about your crabs.
Uh, hermit crabs, underSarah.
That could have been taken wrongly.
I have massive cramps. :(
oh, Sarah, that sucks, I hope your crabbles are ok, that would be really sad...
Is Corissa your new one?
Yeah, Corrisas my new baby. I just got her out and poked her, she moved a tiny bit. But shes been like this for like, a weekish. Ehhh. I hope shes not sick or something.
I'm still yet to find Edgar. How come the biggest crab is the best at hiding??
ohhh I hope she's ok... thinking happy crab thoughts for you! : )
and haha, when I worked with reptiles I once spent 20 minutes trying to find a freaking tortoise. With lots of people watching. For someone who didn't move very fast, she hid bloody well!!
I'm kind of scared of hermit crabs, honestly.
Reason being is because I knew a girl back in elementary school who had tons of hermit crabs. Problem was that she would never take care of them. I'd go over there and they'd be dead. She'd replace them, and soon enough, dead again. The hermit crabs themselves didn't freak me out too badly, but the way they turn like translucent creeps the shit out of me. Crawfish, too. (I had some really fucked up kids in my neighborhood)
Yesterday I made a really yum ziti casserole thing with stuff in it including TVP. Soooo yummy. Half an hour ish after dinner I get the most horrible stomach/abdominal pains ever. Like almost as bad as the period cramps I used to get. The pain lasted through the night and while I'm not in the fetal position anymore, my lower belly is still tender. I'm blaming it on the TVP, but..I'm worrying a little that it's something else. And I don't need that right now. I have school stuff and the brain doctor to be worrying about. Hmphs. >:(