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Reasons to smile

I guess not everyone needs to find a reason, but... What made you smile and/or laugh today?

My first LOL of the day was caused by this LOLdog.

I went to the uniform laundry room at work yesterday, to ask if I could try on a size smaller in my trousers. And they fit! The laundry lady asked me if I needed a new shirt, too, so I tried the next size down in that, too. And it fit! Wow. My pants had been slipping down my hips a little for weeks, but last week they got ridiculously slippy. So happy to have confirmation that my body's changing shape/size a little. :iloveyou:

Humming along to the occasional good song at work... it's amazing how much it can lift my mood. ;)b

Overhearing customers' reactions when they can't decide whether flowers are real or not. It's hilarious either way - when they think fake are real, or real are fake. ;D

Josh - thank god for time zones!!

Sarah - Did your class really get canceled for sunshine? haha, we have had 2 days worth of campus closures so far, then snow has been amazing.

way to go faylinameir :)


My reason to smile is that the Food Lion nearby me is closing down and their entire store is 50% off tomorrow morning... including dozens of untouched delights such as Boca nuggets, Amy's meals, sweet potato fries, dressings and whole grains and even vegan shampoos and conditioners... I am going to break the bank tomorrow. :D


Josh - thank god for time zones!!
way to go faylinameir :)

Thankies! :)

Woah woah woah!!! Ms. faylinameir!!! That's soooo awesome!! Congratulations to you!! Keep up the awesome work! :D

And, no, I don't apologize for the overuse of exclamation points! 8)


It's okay, I am a fellow abuser of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8)  & Thankies!


That reminds me of something I saw on pinterest.  A person had two clear glass vases and filled one with those colored glass beads people used to place in vases - a bead per 1/4 pound.  For each quarter pound, she'd transfer a bead to the other vase.

Kind of like this:


What is this pinterest? Someone in my family is really into it.

I smile because I'm really enjoying the Deftones screaming in my ears right now. Good stuff.


I'm still happily mellowed out from a late afternoon at the beach yesterday and my arthritis flare up is waning.  Beach time is the best medicine.


That reminds me of something I saw on pinterest.  A person had two clear glass vases and filled one with those colored glass beads people used to place in vases - a bead per 1/4 pound.  For each quarter pound, she'd transfer a bead to the other vase.

Kind of like this:

I think thats pretty cool in all honesty :D it wouldn't be something I would do but for some people I could see that being a big motivator!
I use my wii-fit every morning to weigh myself, my big motivator will be when it stops calling me obese and tells me im just overweight LOL yeah that sounded a lot less pathetic in my head  :-[ :o :-D :-D


I went to the Pinterest page just to see and they had a comment on "olive oil as a facewash."
The lady who has cured my excema (how do you spell that, anyway? No matter what I do it looks wrong) has me wash my face with bitter chamomile tea twice a day, and at night I beat a teaspoon of olive oil with 4 drops of water to make an emulsion. This is my night-cream.
It works.


Wow, way to go fay!! :)


awesome, fay!!!


My reason to smile is that the Food Lion nearby me is closing down and their entire store is 50% off tomorrow morning... including dozens of untouched delights such as Boca nuggets, Amy's meals, sweet potato fries, dressings and whole grains and even vegan shampoos and conditioners... I am going to break the bank tomorrow. :D

They still have Food Lions?!?! Wow. Anyhow, sounds like an awesome grocery adventure, TLB. :)


My reason to smile: I received some well-wishes from and a song sung to me by jessimaka33's (butthead) daughter. :)>>>


I'm at the point where I don't care so...I'm bowing out. :)


My reason to smile is that the Food Lion nearby me is closing down and their entire store is 50% off tomorrow morning... including dozens of untouched delights such as Boca nuggets, Amy's meals, sweet potato fries, dressings and whole grains and even vegan shampoos and conditioners... I am going to break the bank tomorrow. :D

They still have Food Lions?!?! Wow. Anyhow, sounds like an awesome grocery adventure, TLB. :)


My reason to smile: I received some well-wishes from and a song sung to me by jessimaka33's (butthead) daughter. :)>>>

awwwhow sweet.

also, the food lions by me are closing too! i should go check them out.


Made my sister tear up with a poem I wrote for her for her birthday yesterday :'}


awwww <3 so cute


Went for the 3rd physio session today and it is a LOT less painful. Still hurts, yeah, but I can really notice the difference. Maybe I can stop eating ibuprofen like breath mints. We've gone from uberpainful to a localised feeling that someone stabbed me in the shoulder.


Glad to hear you're feeling better, yabbit! :)


Glad to hear you're feeling better, yabbit! :)

I second that :D


Bjork on Colbert right now.... gawwdddd love her so very much



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