Reasons to smile
I guess not everyone needs to find a reason, but... What made you smile and/or laugh today?
My first LOL of the day was caused by this LOLdog.
I went to the uniform laundry room at work yesterday, to ask if I could try on a size smaller in my trousers. And they fit! The laundry lady asked me if I needed a new shirt, too, so I tried the next size down in that, too. And it fit! Wow. My pants had been slipping down my hips a little for weeks, but last week they got ridiculously slippy. So happy to have confirmation that my body's changing shape/size a little. :iloveyou:
Humming along to the occasional good song at work... it's amazing how much it can lift my mood. ;)b
Overhearing customers' reactions when they can't decide whether flowers are real or not. It's hilarious either way - when they think fake are real, or real are fake. ;D
first, I am feeling much better after a May surgery plus two more ER visits and one more hospital stay. I am only taking RX pain meds at night to sleep.
Second, DGS is really starting to talk, not that anyone outside the house can understand him. His latest two words "elfan" meaning elephant. He insisted on taking a large stuffed one with him to his Nanna's for the weekend. And "emm-may" meaning monkey. Not sure how that one works but it does. :)
third, first 2 cherry tomatoes of the year. Several more tomatoes are starting to turn color and we have a week plus of 80+ degree temps so they will ripen fast.
Glad to hear the good news, Semiveg!!
My RTS: DH's BFF has discovered he lives a hundred yards from an Indian grocery. Of course he's down on the coast and we're up here, but he did offer to send me anything urgent if I run out.
And my last batch of lime pickle is gorgeous.
And after a hellish Friday, Saturday was pretty good.
Someone pinch me if I'm dreaming, but it looks like the thread organization is back to normal (and that is definitely a reason to smile).
RECIPE BOXES ARE BACK!! And I haven't lost any!!
I know using all caps is shouting but believe me I am whooping and hollerin' for joy!!
And today I realised I have finished 3 important projects in the past 48 hours. Now I can do some fun stuff.
Game on, baby!!! It has begun and oh how it makes me smile!!
Looks Good, Storm!!
My RTS: they finally have decent stevia available here.