San Francisco Veg Restaurants 4/3 - 4/10
Posted by rswhitaker on Mar 28, 2010 · Member since Jan 2010 · 273 posts
I'm thinking of heading over to San Francisco with my daughter for a few days some time between 4/3 and 4/10 (Spring vacation) with the intent on visiting some of the vegan restaurants in the city.
1. Can anyone suggest which eateries to try?
2. Any bay area VW'ers want to get together for lunch or dinner?
It would be cool to put together a last minute mini meet up.
Do we have Bay Area vegwebbers after base moved?
Here's the restaurant reviews for San Francisco -->
It's a long list. Once on the page, it's easiest to do a search for San Francisco.
Laura is from SF. I don't think anyone else is, though.