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School Rant ~ NVR

I've moved a LOT....I've now attended 3 different colleges, in 3 different states.  I also have "military" credits.  So, 4 transcripts (well, 8 actually because my program director needs official copies for her records) is what I'm in need of acquiring!  :o

3 down, 1 to go...but I'm currently attending it and don't get my AA for another month (read: don't want to waste $).  I am worried about deadlines!!  ACK!  :-\

Not to mention the fact that my degree program is at a 4 yr down here, but I also have to attend a community college to get certain undergrad classes out of the way...that are actually offered at the times I can take them!

End rant....sorry.

I know how you feel!  I'm on my 4th school, and you'd figure that once you transfer to one school, they could "absorb" all of your old credits into their transcript.  But no...

And I thought since I'm graduating, I wouldn't have to worry about this anymore, but it seems that a lot of the jobs I'm applying for want ALL of my transcripts.  Argh.

Sorry you have to go through this yuck.  Good luck in school!  I hope you make the deadlines!


Yup, I've been there, too - I submitted 5 last time this came up, and they still managed to find one I had missed!  ::)

I, too, think transcripts should absorb each other.  :)


I've moved a LOT....I've now attended 3 different colleges, in 3 different states.  I also have "military" credits.  So, 4 transcripts (well, 8 actually because my program director needs official copies for her records) is what I'm in need of acquiring!   :o

4 different schools, in 3 different countries.... i have to deal with transcript translations UGH...........................................
I can't even write anymore about it or i'll get all frustrated.


4 different schools, in 3 different countries.... i have to deal with transcript translations UGH...........................................
I can't even write anymore about it or i'll get all frustrated.

WOW!   :o  Now I just feel whiny!  Seeing as how there are several of us nomads out there, you'd think they'd make it a tad easier for us.  I'm all for the "absorbtion" method.  ;D

Gotskates:  I just like to move....I ended up here in Florida through the CG though, but every other state was before I joined.


I just liked to move too that was all before we became mil affiliated. :)
I do think absorption is a good idea... or how about a transcript service... where i send all my stuff ONCE and THEY absorb it and send it to my next school...and my next school LOL...  and they are totally accredited etc... you know?


I just liked to move too that was all before we became mil affiliated. :)
I do think absorption is a good idea... or how about a transcript service... where i send all my stuff ONCE and THEY absorb it and send it to my next school...and my next school LOL...  and they are totally accredited etc... you know?

Wanna start a company?  ;)


I just liked to move too that was all before we became mil affiliated. :)
I do think absorption is a good idea... or how about a transcript service... where i send all my stuff ONCE and THEY absorb it and send it to my next school...and my next school LOL...  and they are totally accredited etc... you know?

Wanna start a company?  ;)

Nah... I don't want to deal with al those weirdos with multiple transcripts... I mean who has that many trnascripts... they're probably all around strange like maybe vegans or something. :)


Yeah, you're right.  Those freaks!


I really hate it when my college only offers certain classes that I need to take all in the same semester at the same times and I need to take them to graduate and I can't take them later bevause I would have graduated by that time. Argh!!!!!!!! My college doesn't really seem to think straight... I don't understand... ???


jenniferhughes, I had that problem, but going the other way. I had to have my High School in the US take over my german high school transcript. Like you, I cannot even talk (or think) about it without getting super frustrated. In Munich (Bavaria, which has the strictest and hardest high school system in the country), a C is great, a B is excellent, and an A almost never happens. Here, anything below an A is not ok. I was not a bad student in Munich, but when I came here, we had to fight not to have all my tranlated grades come out as Cs and Ds. They had to be translated from a six-number system (1 is the best, 6 is failing) to a five-letter system (A is best, F is failing, with no "E"), which dropped my grades even lower. Even with fighting and changing the numbers from pure math to interpretation-in-context, I ended up with a 2.8 GPA. Compare that to what happened once I was here. I got my Associates degree with high honors and a 3.96 GPA. There is absolutely no system in place for standardized trascript translation and it is not just frustrating, it can ruin people's academic careers.

I feel my blood pressure rising, I need to stop talking about this.


I'm actually in the same position as you VegAnna, I have transcripts from russia and england that end up at american schools... the english one doesn't cause as many problems but the russian one is so difficult to get people to understand the numbering

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