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Selling on Craigslist

I've never used Craigslist for anything, but I'm thinking about selling some clothes and shoes on there. I have a box full, and would like to make a bit of money (I DO usually donate). I'm kinda nervous, because of the whole...strange factor. Any tips? What all should I put in my ad? What to look out for? I don't even know what kinda price to ask for/accept!

For clothes and shoes I'd have thought eBay would be a better bet.

Anyway, tips-wise: really clear photos, be upfront about any problems and defects.


eBay=having to ship, plus the fees. Are there fees for CL? This is sounding more complicated than I thought.


I tried to sell some antiques, and actually took some stuff to meet people but nothing ever panned out.  I would meet people in a public place rather than have them come to your house.
I did buy a cool chair from a lady cleaning out her mothers house.


my friend sold her car on craig's list - the guy came to her house, but her neighbor was there to chaperone.....

but definitely post pictures - I just skip over the stuff without....


I've had pretty good luck. There are no fees involved. I think it is safer to meet in a place that is neutral. Also, get a phone number and call the person. I like to hear a person's voice and have contact info before I set something up online. If they sound too crazy or scary, you can always back out.

That goes for freecycle and CL type stuff.
Pics are a must, like erin said.

Don't expect to make a ton, but you might do OK!
On ebay, you can charge for the shipping. There are some fees involved, but you would probably be able to sell it for more than on CL.


Yeah, I've actually sold quite a few things on eBay. I'm very familiar with buying/selling there, but I just hate having to ship things, so I was wanting to try something different. Thanks for the suggestions so far, and I'll think about it!


I've had success buying things but not selling on craigslist. It's great for furniture. for some reason I feel like I've had better luck with selling things on ebay, but maybe it's just my area.


i got free furniture from craigslist once. it was awesome.


i shop on craigslist (and apperantly am stalked on craigslist...) I got a toddler bed and matteress on there, the lady dropped it off at my work. i see "lots" (as in buy this whole collection) of clothes for sale on there a lot. please ALWAYS meet in a public place, and if you sell anything big take it to them, and bring a big scary friend with you. the last thing i want to see on the news is a fellow vegwebber hurt from a craigslist mishap.


I like Craigslist, I've always had good luck.  I recently got a beautiful oak table with a leaf and 6 chairs for $200, and a really nice wheel-barrow for $20. Taj got a new bike too. I've also purchased a kids toy-kitchen, and other big kid items, and Taj sold his truck in Kauai on there, in like 1 day.  I would meet people in the parking lot of a busy place instead of going to their homes or having them at yours, for something like clothes that would be easy. Go with someone, talk to them on the phone before setting everything up, etc.

I've heard that a lot of people flake so be prepared for no-shows too.
Of course, include nice/clear pics of you stuff too, I never even look at the stuff without pictures.

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