slightly gross things you enjoy sharing with people
Posted by hespedal on Aug 24, 2008 · Member since Mar 2006 · 5259 posts
sometimes i find myself slightly grosser than the average population, i don't think it's very gross, but i get weird reactions out of people sometimes.
- i'm an 'if it's yellow let it mellow kind of person and sometimes i will see all this pee in the toilet and think "wtf, why has it been so long since i have pooped?" and realize that i pooped at work or summat.
- i think picking my nose is an enjoyable pass-time.
- sometimes i will brush my teeth and the toothbrush will be really red and i think that i cut my mouth from vigorous brushing but it's just tomato/strawberry/etc.
- i eat food off of the ground/questionable tables all of the time.
... please tell me gross things you enjoy sharing!
The very first hardcore (music, not porn) show that I went to was quite an experience. There was a group of guys who were known as 'the Naked Army' and they would show up to these shows, get naked (with the exception of their socks) and mosh.
Were they actually moshing, or doing one of those stupid hardcore "dance" things. That crap always made me so mad.
Josh, who is one of my best friends, and I were roomies for a while. One night, our ac wasn't working..
Oh, yeah. I wasn't working that night! ;D
I pooped in my pants a lot when I was in the rehab hospital, and on morphine and iron pills. Luckily, I wasn't aware enough to was really gross for everyone else involved though.
have you ever heard of gg allen? he would get naked on stage, shit, pee, break a beer bottle and roll in the glass, stick the microphone up his butt......I had a friend that was a big fan for some reason
Yeah. PG was the first person to truly gross me out. I think it's because it likely got in his mouth. And maybe he aspirated some of it, too. *shudder*
Finger-licking good zit puss wins, too. But only if he licked it.
CK: :-D
That reminds me..... Once upon a New Year's Eve (I believe it was 2001) while I was living in Sydney, I went along with my friend and her brother and his friends to a beach to make a bonfire, watch fireworks, eat, drink and be merry, and perhaps stay for the dawn of the new year. I was not accustomed to drinking in groups of partying people, and imbibed rather more wine than I should have. At some point during the fireworks, I must have puked and passed out by the bonfire. I woke up later as we were getting ready to leave (having opted not to stay up all night for the sunrise). It was chilly, so I staggered to the car with my blanket wrapped tightly around me... only to realise later that, yes, I had puked ON the blanket, and the messy side was against me all through the ride home. :o :-[ ::)
ck, your entire post seriously made me lmao! The the butt cheek engulfing your shoe
the vet tech where i work told me that getting peed in the mouth was no big deal; she's gotten anal secretions in hers. (cats have anal glands that occasionally clog up, but the stuff can shoot out if, uh, prompted in the right way)
i never knew if it was true, but that is one of the few things that had made me rethink becoming a vet. I don't think I would be able to eat for a week if that happened to me.
the vet tech where i work told me that getting peed in the mouth was no big deal; she's gotten anal secretions in hers. (cats have anal glands that occasionally clog up, but the stuff can shoot out if, uh, prompted in the right way)
i never knew if it was true, but that is one of the few things that had made me rethink becoming a vet. I don't think I would be able to eat for a week if that happened to me.
um. ew.
I love how faunablues says all this gross stuff and you look at her avatar and there is no emotion in
the vet tech where i work told me that getting peed in the mouth was no big deal; she's gotten anal secretions in hers. (cats have anal glands that occasionally clog up, but the stuff can shoot out if, uh, prompted in the right way)
i never knew if it was true, but that is one of the few things that had made me rethink becoming a vet. I don't think I would be able to eat for a week if that happened to me.
id have a facemask handy anytime when dealing with cat ass.
Our precious little cocker spaniel had to have her anal glands squeezed...I guess they become clogged or impacted or some other such grossness. But when the vet did it the smell damn near killed me. I don't know how they can do something like that on a regular basis. My son watched. He said it was this thick oily poop looking stuff. smelled so bad all the way home. I had to drive with the windows opened and was still gagging and holding my jacket up over my nose. My old boxer had to have it done too...but for some reason she didn't stick when we drove her home.
thhf, i think you must have an impeccable nose.
I think that it is bionic.
Once my husband farted in the car and then had to pull over so that I could throw up.
I think that it is bionic.
Once my husband farted in the car and then had to pull over so that I could throw up.
Any chance you have endometriosis? One of the things we've (my online support group) noticed is that we all have "bionic" noses. Just a thought...
I have never been diagnosed with it...but my periods are so heavy that I am severely anemic and have passed out. :-[ do they diagnose? I have had 3 ultrasounds and many pelvic exams..
I have never been diagnosed with it...but my periods are so heavy that I am severely anemic and have passed out. :-[ do they diagnose? I have had 3 ultrasounds and many pelvic exams..
it's only diagnosed via surgery, a laparoscopy. It doesn't show up on any scans or ultrasounds.
I have never been diagnosed with it...but my periods are so heavy that I am severely anemic and have passed out. :-[ do they diagnose? I have had 3 ultrasounds and many pelvic exams..
it's only diagnosed via surgery, a laparoscopy. It doesn't show up on any scans or ultrasounds.
That's interesting, coz a doctor a few years ago told me I should get a pelvic scan to find out. >:( I never got one though, so no money was wasted.
you can see lots of gyno related stuff on scans/ultrasouonds, just not endo.
That's good to know! Thanks; I shall remember this.
Our precious little cocker spaniel had to have her anal glands squeezed...I guess they become clogged or impacted or some other such grossness. But when the vet did it the smell damn near killed me. I don't know how they can do something like that on a regular basis. My son watched. He said it was this thick oily poop looking stuff. smelled so bad all the way home. I had to drive with the windows opened and was still gagging and holding my jacket up over my nose. My old boxer had to have it done too...but for some reason she didn't stick when we drove her home.
my mom is a dog groomer, and for some reason she gets calls on her machine ALL THE TIME requesting to do this for their's abosolutely disgusting. She used to do it when she started her business a long time ago (not any more though) and the it will knock you out cold. It's really the worst smell ever. The vet must have gotten some of the secretion on your dog's fur somehow, because that's the only reason it would still stink.
SoG is even cool when talking about a dog's booty syrup.