So bad they're good! (NVR)
OK, we had such a good time with the "favourite films" thread, another one has occurred to me. What is your favourite "bad" film or TV series, and why? You know, the ones that are so bad they are unintentionally hysterical! Because of what: bad acting, terrible sets/script, effects, what?
For me, the winner has to be the 60's series "The Prisoner." You know, "I am not a number--I am a free man!" I saw it when it first came out and figured I was too little to get it. Well I saw it again last year--nope, it just makes not much sense at all, and I never did find out what the mysterious "bicycle" symbol meant! It took itself far too seriously and Patrick McGoohan--well the less said about his solemn acting, the better.
In terms of films, there's the 80's "bad" classic, Clash of the Titans. To me it looked like they walked into the studio canteen and said, "Who wants to make a film about the Greek gods?" and all these famous folks yelled, "Me! Me! Pick me!" Once again, so solemn it was funny, and let's not even discuss writing a mysterious message--with a severed chickens' foot??? ???
So what's your candidate for the "So Bad it's Wonderful" sweepstakes? Give reasons!
Haha. My friends always try to imitate Horatio strategically putting his sunglasses on after he makes some kind of "declaration" on the suspect
I haven't had the opportunity to see all the bad movies you guys have mentioned, but my personal pick is Supergirl.
Anyone ever heard of Hammer Films?
My personal favorite is Dracula: AD 1972.
I used to love the Incredible Hulk. Bill Bixby was fine, but the guest stars and production quality were "so bad they're good." I remember in one scene with an ape, they had the trainer's head in the shot. He was crouched down giving directions.
Anyone ever heard of Hammer Films?
My personal favorite is Dracula: AD 1972.
I'm going through the list of their movies, and I don't believe I've seen any of these. But I am cracking up because the list looks something like this:
Apparently this company made more than just campy sci-fi and horror movies!
OK, I thought of another one: "Alien Prey." I highly doubt anyone has ever heard of this movie, but it was SO BAD!
This is a really fun topic. Thanks yabbitgirl!
...and I was a fan of Valley Girl and all of those 80's flicks. Wonder Why? ::)
Also a fan of Paul Thomas Anderson's: Boogie Nights , Magnolia, and Punch Drunk Love
He was GREAT in Adaptation.
Great movie, as is Charlie Kaufman's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
He was GREAT in Adaptation.
Great movie, as is Charlie Kaufman's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
I'm the only person I know (in real life) that loves those movies.
I love old fashioned "so bad they're good" horror movies. Two of my favourites are Little Shop of Horrors and Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.
I used to love the Incredible Hulk. Bill Bixby was fine, but the guest stars and production quality were "so bad they're good." I remember in one scene with an ape, they had the trainer's head in the shot. He was crouched down giving directions.
OMG! i was totally thinking of that when i read this! (i think the valley girl refs are rubbing off on me.)
about 2 years ago, there was a station that played hulk reruns at night. when i caught it, it would be the most i'd laugh all week. if you think horatio overacts, he's got nothing on bill bigsby's pre-hulking shtick. this was in the early days of special effects, so he had to rely mostly on the eyes and contorting his mouth. sooo method.
when it comes to quotes-- i remember this one episode where bigs was helping out this Hip Priest type guy who was out to save the Youths from the Gangs. When Hip Priest confronted the head gang guy, boy did he lay down the law. "i'm gonna bust Your rotten action", he said, showing off his street smarts.
i said that around the office for weeks.
The one and only reason to see that movie is to see Bob Saget say, "I used to suck d*ck for coke"
Watching Bob Saget in the Aristocrats changed my WHOLE view of him. I thought he was just this goofy guy from Full House. Little did I know what a mouth that guy has on him. It made his bit in the movie that much funnier that I didn't know he was like that!
Also, I don't know if Conan O'Brian does this anymore, but he used to play short clips of Chuck Norris in Walker, Texas Ranger, making fun of it--and I would laugh hysterically at how bad the acting is. Conan cracks me up.
I cannot believe that nobody has yet mentioned "Barbarella." It has to be one of the worst movies ever made and is still utterly hilarious.
I also remember watching "Mom and Dad Save the World" once when I was younger. That was pretty awful and I loved it.
"i'm gonna bust Your rotten action"
;D ;D ;D
Great! It's stuck in my head. I tried using it on a racoon a couple of minutes ago, without result.
Duh, I forgot to mention the cult movie that inspired this thread--The Stuff. Look on IMDB for details. Most vegans would probably find it even more hysterical than most omnis!!
Great! It's stuck in my head. I tried using it on a racoon a couple of minutes ago, without result.
lol. yeah, didn't really have too much effect on my coworkers either. guess that's why you need the hulk. :)
Anyone ever heard of Hammer Films?
I love Hammer Films-- all lurid color and sex appeal! Oh, yeah, and horror.
Hey Dave, I loved Punch Drunk Love and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Both movies were unusual roles for the lead actors, and both were so good!
Excuse me?? Clash of the Titans - BAD?! It was cutting edge special effects back then guys - I'm serious! People buy books about the making of it re: the creatures & people behind it. I loved & still love it.
Flash Gordon was good too - not bad! There was another movie I loved when I was wee that you people might be able to help me with the name of, I'd love to find it again, it had similar looking effects to Titans, I think it might have been along the lines of Ali Baba or Thieves of something or other... I remember a bit in it where all these people were bringing offerings of jewels & fruit to a king & an evil guy had some kind of magic to create diamonds.... I know, now I'm trying to remember I realize I have less idea than I thought...
The evil guy dies at the end 'cause someone crushes a jewel that is also his heart or something.... Just ignore me.... ???
I remember a bit in it where all these people were bringing offerings of jewels & fruit to a king & an evil guy had some kind of magic to create diamonds.... I know, now I'm trying to remember I realize I have less idea than I thought...
The evil guy dies at the end 'cause someone crushes a jewel that is also his heart or something.... Just ignore me.... ???
it wasn't the dark crystal, was it? that had muppeet type things in it. man. i loved that movie when i was a kid though. thanks for the flashback~ even if it turns out to be misguided.