So I've been MIA...
So, it's been a while I know, between working all the darn time, and traveling for work, I am rarely near a computer. I just wanted to stop in and say HI!!! to everyone. I see there are some new faces, hello to you all. And to all the oldies :P I hope you guys are doing great!
So now that THAT is finished... I really stopped by to give myself a pat on the back.... I am officially one YEAR Cruelty Free!!! I didn't think I could do it, and I remember 2-3 months into it thinking there is no way I can make this lifestyle my own.... well darn it, here I am one year later. What makes it even more awesome is after transferring from Houston back to my home town with my job, I find other veggies at work! So it's nice not being the only one, one is vegan and the other 2 are vegetarian!
Anyhow hope all is well with everyone, and I'll try not to be such a stranger
Happy Anniversary!
95 animals are alive because of your efforts. Congratulations :)
Glad to have you back on the board!!
Welcome back Christina! That's so nice to have some real live veg support people. Congrats on your anniversary! :D