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So why are you a vegan?

This question seems to come up more and more lately, especially since I started a new job and people are noticing I don't eat all the processed crap that is always laying around...  I assume that they don't always want the "long version" of how eating animals is disgusting and bad for the environment and super unhealthy...  How do you answer this question in a brief yet understandable way that omnis would understand?  Also, why does this question always seem to some up over meals when the person asking is usually eating a big greasy burger or something?  lol...  I really have to be careful what I say at that point...  So what are your "standard answers" to this question?  ???

Because cannibalism is illegal.

It seems to shut people up.  ;)

No, seriously, though, I usually just say "health" and leave it at that. Unless they continue to ask questions, then I'm forced to continue with explanations.


Because all the cool kids are doing it.


it seems like you are already doing this, but i would avoid bringing it up in the first place.  especially at work.  i get tired of answering the same questions over and over.  but if someone says "why are you vegan?" to me i'll usually  just say "because i love the earth, the animals, and my body".  then if they are really interested and want to ask more questions i will generally give a better explanation, but if someone asks me stupid things i will just think of a nice way to tell them that i am not wasting time on them and change the subject. 


This is such a good question!  I struggle with this all the time.  Especially if people ask you during a meal.  How do you say "I don't approve of what you all are putting in your mouth right now" without offending people?

Sometimes I do just go with the "health" answer, but even then, you have to put up with the "but vegan diets aren't healthy!  Where do you get your protein?  blah blah blah" responses.  So many times I just say that I realized all the things that go into producing animal products, and supporting that type of industry is not worth it to me.  It depends on the audience too.  When I know the person I am talking to is genuinely interested/supportive/curious, I might elaborate on all the different reasons why being vegan is awesome  :).  But for others it's not worth the extra words.  But I always try to frame it in a very personal, non-ranting, "this is what's right for me" manner, because I don't want people to feel like I am trying to convert them.  And people are very defensive about their food choices. 


There's the health, animal rights and environment/ecology reasons or you could just say for religious reasons like Buddhist or Rasta and most people won't press you


It was my grandma's dying wish.


There was a topic here once about this and I don't remember who said it, so I have no idea who to give credit to but their answer was
"I was raised Catholic, so I have a lot of guilt issues"



it's even worse when you're the only vegan in your high school.
lunch time sucks.
it's always a new person, "what the heck are you eating??!!"


Short and sweet:  animal rights, health and the environment.  If they press, I'll go into details. But otherwise, I keep the answer short.


Camillus -  ;D


My own reason for being veg*n is because I do not like meat and never have. People have a lot of difficulty arguing with that one, even if they can argue the health, lifestyle, or animal rights one. How ridiculous is that?


How 'bout:  So you can ask me why I'm vegan.

It's circular, like the lamb chops song.  You know you love it:


really thinking about it, i don't think i have ever gotten away with a short answer. usually if people ask me, they want to KNOW. i usually tell them primarily for sustainability reasons and talk about they other aspects as well. it seems like most people aren't too judgmental, but maybe that is just the people i come across. some people (ok, most) get defensive even if you aren't trying to convert them. but as long as you are calm and can discuss things in some sort of normal, intelligent manner it seems that most people are pretty receptive and understanding.

the main thing i hate is when people have to tell me about what they are doing for sustainability/the environment/animals. i think that is great and all, but it makes me feel so bad, like they think i am judging them for not being a vegan  :-[


Because all the cool kids are doing it.

;D Lately I've been telling people "I'm on the Skinny Bitch diet" Then I get to recommend the book!  It's odd how following a trendy sounding diet seems to be a good answer for most people.


Animals and then second reason health.

I don't think it's right to eat anyone's flesh.


"Life's too short to make others shorter".

Honestly, it does depend on my mood a bit. The answers can range from silly ("my neighbor's dog gave a great pamphlet") to serious ("because I refuse to pay for someone to torture animals").

My advice is to compile a short list of one line reasons in your head. Then you'll be armed no matter what the situation.


How 'bout:  So you can ask me why I'm vegan.

It's circular, like the lamb chops song.  You know you love it:

Thanks, now that song is stuck in my head!  ;D ;D


How 'bout:  So you can ask me why I'm vegan.

It's circular, like the lamb chops song.  You know you love it:

Thanks, now that song is stuck in my head!  ;D ;D

Nooo!  I knew what it was, and yet I clicked the link anyway!!  Why do I do this to myself?!  Why?!


Animals like me better when I don't eat them.


Ha ha some of those responses would get quite the attention I am sure!  However these are nurses at work who actually seem interested in why I have chosen this lifestyle.  I don't think sarcasm is the appropriate response because that is just going to make them think of me as the "angry defensive vegan" lol...  I am looking more for a nice response that quickly informs people why is is great to be vegan.  But every time I start talking about it I think I want to tell them too much and I start rambling and not making sense...  Then I just get this look ---->  ???  And they stop talking to me about it...  :-\



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