Sooooooo pleased
Posted by yabbitgirl on Jul 05, 2006 · Member since Apr 2006 · 14266 posts
Well pals it's finally getting thru to my friends that I Mean it when I say I'm a veg. We went to dinner with some friends who are older and transplanted Midwesterners like myself, and they actually gave us a vegetarian meal! Not a sniff of meat anywhere! Quiche, spinach salad with dried fruit, icecream and greenbeans. This was such an advance...even wholewheat crust (homemade) on the quiche! DH wasn't thrilled (my poor little carnivore) but that was mostly becuz of the pieces of onion in the quiche...he don't like onion! I have to blitz it in the Cusinart until it almost disappears or grate it on the fine side of the grater.
It's nice to get a little respect! ;D
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