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Sorry I have been out of the loop.....

Just a little update.

I have been super busy with the home renovations so haven't been on line.

Cali is improving day by day and becoming the rascal she used to be.  Her hair grows more and more every day.  Ate one of my Tony Little flip flops.  They cost $19.99.  Ate the back of one of my new running shoes tonight and three rolls of paper towel.  Ate the rung on one of my good oak dining room chairs.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love this dog???  :)

As for the smoking, I was doing so great but have had a relapse and not very happy with myself.  Need to get back on track.  Smoking outside and only by myself so I can keep it to myself.

Had my first stress pains last week.  Sharp pains in my chest Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  The person I was seeing is calling me and I am worried about it (not answering the phone).  My last call from him where I picked up the phone was scary.  Also stressed that I was ripped off by my first contractor.  So much for trusting some people.

My new dear sweet BF was very comforting when I sat and cried buckets last Thursday night.  The pains went away.  Now when I think of the sh*t,  I do deep breathing and I calm right down.  Haven't had a pain since then.  It is not like me to let things get to me the way they have been but to go in to debt by someone you trusted is unfathomable.  The stress with Cali over the last few months has taken its toll too.

None the less, I will be fine.  Am fine!  I have many things to be grateful and thankful for.

Anyway, have a very busy next couple of weeks so won't be able to check in much.

Just wanted to let you all know I am alive and kicking!

Just got Skinny Bitch and another book that looks great. The Eat-Clean Diet by Tosca Reno.

Hope everyone is well and will try to check in soon.



Di, I'm so glad you're back! We missed you!! Did you see all the threads where everyone was asking about you?
Skinny Bitch is a great book! We got it last month and I read the whole outloud to my DH is about 3 hours (while he played video games  ::) I kept quizzing him to be sure he was listening LOL He was!) We didn't even know the book was about being vegan! Totally cool! I am mailing my copying (I highlighted a few things) to my sister, she wouldn't read Fast Food Nation when I sent it to her for some reason, but Skinny Bitch is totally a book I think she'll glance at and not be able to put down. :)
Anyhow, enjoy your reading! :) and again, so glad you're back!  :) :)


Thanks so much Jennifer!  Glad to be back. :-)



Yea!  We did miss you.  Even if you're busy, you must check in every so often at least to see what we're saying about you  :D

Glad Cali is better; puppies can be such a mixed blessing...

If I could plug again, add Allen Carr's Easyway to Quit Smoking to your reading list.  It has helped me TREMENDOUSLY.  I would have never been able to stand it without that book.  We're on day 12 (with one slip that pissed me off more than relieved any anxiety or whatever). 
I can wear my hair down and it doesn't stink of smoke.  I never realized that I ALWAYS wore my hair up so I didn't have to smell it.  Will loves it; he keeps complementing me.

Take care and be safe and be happy!


hello Di!  So glad Cali is doing so well!  Keep up the good work on smoking, don't beat yourself up too bad, you can do it!  Hugs for Cali! 


Don't worry about stumbling on the road to smoke free. I too have been doing pretty upanddown with my weight but weighed in today and have lost almost 3 lbs! Let this inspire you to breathe smokefree air!  ;D
DH is threatening to take me for pizza tomorrow, though. At Pizza Hut of all places. I'd rather make my own. Cheaper and you know what's in it. I buy a bag of bread-machine mix (don't have the machine, but it has good yeast in it) and make a loaf's worth for 2 pizzas. It's WW flour with sunflower seeds in it..lush!
I've missed seeing your posts, honey. Pat Cali for me when she's not devouring the place. Like little kids, naughty means she's healthy!  ::)


Welcome back, Di--and remember we'd all love to see a picture of the newly mostly-healthy Cali whenever you can get one and post it (I remember that you said you don't have a digital camera. Perhaps a friend does and they could take a pic for you?). Cali's a real miracle puppy! And so lucky. There aren't many people who would have gone to the "trouble" (depends on how you define that) to get her over the hump and well on the road to recovery. When things settle down for you, hopefully the lower stress level will assist in your giving up smoking. Hang in there and don't give up.


Cali is improving day by day and becoming the rascal she used to be.  Her hair grows more and more every day.  Ate one of my Tony Little flip flops.  They cost $19.99.  Ate the back of one of my new running shoes tonight and three rolls of paper towel.  Ate the rung on one of my good oak dining room chairs.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love this dog???  :)

Hi Di,
Glad to hear from you again and to also hear that Cali is improving! As far as the her some bones.....lots and lots of bones! ;D


Hey Di!!!!!

Good to hear from you. I'm so glad you are doing well and Cali too.


Oh my goodness!  How did I miss your post?  I was just thinking about you last night.  It's so good to hear from you!!!  Don't worry about slipping up with the smoking.  How many days straight did you quit?  Think of it as though you finished a race.  It was a "not smoking" race, and you finished the race in ___ days.  Next time you run this race, you can try to beat your own record (by going longer of course!)  But remember, you finished one race, and that is a victory!

Give Cali hugs and kisses for us! 

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