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one of my coworkers also works parttime at starbucks & is constantly bringing leftovers. Most of the time I resist but today one of the goodies she brought was a blueberry oat bar. I looked it up online & it appears to be vegan this makes me happy & I just thought I'd share

I just had a small peice I swear!!!  ;D


I heard that Starbucks is supposed to be coming out with a vegan brownie?  I think it might be in Canada now but I'm not sure what stores have it in the US.  I used to work for starbucks and yeah, you got to take home a lot of food. 


damnit!!! i've worked at starbucks for a year (and we have another vegan at our store) and we always assumed that the pastries weren't vegan (the few boxes that do have ingredients on them usually have butter, cream, eggs, butter, butter), and this whole time I could've had the blueberry oat bar!

and now my starbucks is piloting pastries from La Brea bakery, so we have no blueberry oat bars! Aaaagh


I've heard of the vegan brownies. They're available in Canada, but I've never had one, and I've been told they don't look very appealing. Kind of like blobs of... well.


i want vegan blob brownies at my store =( waaaaaaaahhh


other than teh great coffe. I get bagles or the nut/dried fruit blend (but they have changed that adn now add chocolate? WTF!!!) This is cool to know.

Who else was sad to see that tehy are now selling meaty breakfast sandwiches? I liked supporting starbucks BECAUSE they didnt sell those, I dont really want to go anymore...maybe I should write the company...


The vegan brownies aren't spectacular... but a least you can blend in with everyone else when you go out for coffee and your friend get dessert too...



Isn't Vitamin D3 from Lanolin?


Man, why is it so hard for them to do a completely vegan baked goodie? They're easy to bake, taste better and are better for you. They could even just sell those yummy packaged Alternative Baking Company cookies.


I know what you mean Saskia. I usually don't eat a lot of pastries, but these last few weeks, I've made so many vegan cupcakes and I managed to do a good job with them. And I'm not a baker. I don't know why Starbucks can't try a little harder.


Oh no no!
Starbucks is the devil. DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL!

Resist! Resist

Starbucks is NOT shadegrown, which means they pretty much plow down rain forest to plant their coffee beans. Even if you don't drink the coffee, you are sill supporting their process by nibbling their other products. I know they are tasty. Oh so tasty. But please! please for heavens sakes, find a company that doesn't contribute to slaughtering of the rain forest and the heating of the planet to support.

sorry for being bitchy.


Oh no no!
Starbucks is the devil. DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL!

Resist! Resist

Starbucks is NOT shadegrown, which means they pretty much plow down rain forest to plant their coffee beans. Even if you don't drink the coffee, you are sill supporting their process by nibbling their other products. I know they are tasty. Oh so tasty. But please! please for heavens sakes, find a company that doesn't contribute to slaughtering of the rain forest and the heating of the planet to support.

sorry for being bitchy.

I know Starbucks is easy to hate on being a big corporation and such but I have to say that in terms of corporate monsters there are much worse than starbucks.  I worked for them for two years and they are good to their employees.  I was able to easily change my schedule to fit my classes every semester and they offer decent health insurance at a good price for only working an average of 20 hours a week.  That was very important to me and a lot of other employees who couldn't work full time.  It's been two years since I've worked there but at that time they did offer a shadegrown and a fair trade blend to buy.  My store had a plastic and paper recycling program.  The cups and sleeves have some percentage of post consumer recycled product in them.  We all support "evil" companies at times.  Most of our veggie products are owned by larger evil companies (isn't Silk soymilk owned by Kraft or something?).  Just my two cents. 


left over coffee shop trash is the best.  my friend worked at a local place in 9th grade.. and brought all the dough nuts and stuff from his job to my house.. and we pigged out (before vegan.)  sorry if i'm off topic.


I love love love how Starbucks don't charge 50c extra for soy milk, like every other cafe does.

(Speaking as a customer of Starbucks New Zealand,) I think pretty much all their coffees are fair trade, but I have no idea whether this means shade-grown or not. *unedumacated*  ???

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