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the transition

Okay so here's the deal.

I really want to go vegan, and my husband could care less....except for cheese. He LOVES cheese. The problem, is we are having a hard time finding a non-soy based cheese replacement because I can't have a ton of soy.  So right now we're still lacto-ova.... except we haven't been buying eggs or milk, just comsuming products that have that in it.

I'm beginning to think it's gonna be super hard to go vegan because of the soy cuts back on a ton of convenience foods and meat/dairy replacements! 

I just found out my favorite frozen food ever (quorn) has milk and eggs in it =-( .

GAH.  Any suggestions/support at all would be marvelous.

Tomorrow I make my second attempt at vegan bread.  First one was months ago...and I think it was just a bad recipe, I'm going to use one from this site this time  ;)b

If you haven't already found it, I would try the Outrageously Easy Big Bread recipe from this site. I follow it exactly, except I do knead it twice, even though it says you don' t need to. I have never ever had this bread fail me and everyone loves it every time I make it. You can even add fresh herbs in it and it tastes sooooo good!


I'm actually getting ready to make it =-)  I am using brown sugar instead of...turbinado? because that's what i have, but someone else did that and said hers was fine.


no...unfortunately, the only vegan cheese carried in my town is either soy based and right now I can only have soy once a week, so all of it would even get eaten, or its American flavored rice cheese.  I have never EVER liked american cheese. 

So When we can afford to drive an hour away and invest in some groceries, We'll head out of town to some BIG health food chains to stock up on things we can't get locally.

fufu why can't you have soy? just curious...


Im hypothyroid, and although some of the hypothryoid vegetarians/vegans can have soy, it really messes with my medication if I eat it more than once or twice a week.  So until I can convince my doctor to up my meds to make up for the difference, I have to keep it at a bare minimum... The problem is my doctor doesn't want me to be vegetarian anyways because last time I tried almost 3 years ago, I got VERY ill from being anemic...but I didn't know about the vitamin C/iron connection.  She also also denies there is a relationship between thyroid function and soy. if she just...upped my meds a little, it'd be fine.

so yeah...that's why =-)


Im hypothyroid, and although some of the hypothryoid vegetarians/vegans can have soy, it really messes with my medication if I eat it more than once or twice a week.  So until I can convince my doctor to up my meds to make up for the difference, I have to keep it at a bare minimum... The problem is my doctor doesn't want me to be vegetarian anyways because last time I tried almost 3 years ago, I got VERY ill from being anemic...but I didn't know about the vitamin C/iron connection.  She also also denies there is a relationship between thyroid function and soy. if she just...upped my meds a little, it'd be fine.

so yeah...that's why =-)

I don't know how much you like your doctor but maybe you should seek a second opinion on the soy thing and uping your meds...


unfortunately, mu hubby is still in college, and I'm looking for a job but until i can get one with benefits, the college doctor is the only one we can see..  Ahhhhh life.....  :D


Which recipe did you use for nutritional yeast sauce?  I have been meaning to try one, but haven't had a chance.  I would love to know which one worked well for you!


I used just a vegan margarine with it. It's really good as a dip , especially the next day after the flavors have really mixed. It was a little salty...would be good with salsa or tomatoes and cumin for a taco dip.  I didn't care for it on pizza, but I think it's just because I'm not used to pizza like that yet.


Thanks so much.  I had this one already saved to my recipe box, but had not tried it yet.  If you find any other good ones, please share  :)  We newbies have to help each other through this transition stuff ya know? I don't think I would have been so "brave"  without discovering this site!  Having everyones support here makes it fun...



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