Two Questions!
Posted by imonlysleeping on Jun 19, 2010 · Member since Dec 2009 · 6 posts
1. I submitted a new recipe like a week ago and it's just sitting in the "new recipe queue" and the "new recipe" list doesn't look like it's been updated in quite a while. Anyone know what's up with that?
2. Why is kirod (look below) ALWAYS online?
I'm just taking him at face value. While they learn English and speak it often, it's not their primarily language in India, so some things might be lost in translation. Perhaps his profile that imonlysleeping is making fun of reflects is lack of command of the language.
Has he been spamming VW with the site "" or is that just the same name he chose as his handle here?
The message he sent me:
i have a question ;), apple pie is veg or non veg :D . its really looks awesome :)>>>
where in california do you live?
algae, i love that question he sent you.
hespedal, i live in santa cruz right now. what about you?
tweety, i stated multiple times i wasn't making fun of it. it just makes me laugh, end of story. it's clear that his profile may seem sketchy due to the fact that english is possibly not his first language.
the website is linked to in his profile, but not in his posts
tweety, i stated multiple times i wasn't making fun of it. it just makes me laugh, end of story. it's clear that his profile may seem sketchy due to the fact that english is possibly not his first language.
Understood and my apologies for misintrepreting.
Just be aware that what you state and how you appear are two different things. Not to be a jerk or anything, but I missed the "multiple times" except for the "not to be a jerk or anything but................", which is kind of like the person above "not to be nosy or anything, but............" (not that there's anything wrong with being nosy) LOL..
All is good, just don't want to see anyone get made fun of or ganged up on.
It is strange he's always online though.............
It said something about one of my pics, with my dog. Nothing weird.
I think he is a real person, I wonder why he has never posted in the forums?
He's not here today at 9 AM CET.
He's back, Yabbit. 11:15 (central europe) ^-^. I want him to post! or show some pics of all the delicious food he's made during his non-stop vegweb lurking...
He's back, Yabbit. 11:15 (central europe) ^-^. I want him to post! or show some pics of all the delicious food he's made during his non-stop vegweb lurking...
I still don't think it's so much a person as a computer. I am still very suspicious of it.
He's here at 1:30 pm Eastern USA time.
I've never seen him offline.
I don't think he's a bot, but I'm not 100%. I think I'm going to send him a msg and ask about HIS bike.
he is on here every time I come on VW, he sent me a message once, I think he is real. It was when my pic had me, my sister and one of my girlfriends in it and he sent a message saying, "wow, whos the girl on the right? She is so hot" So I messaged back saying "umm, thats not me its my sister, and shes engaged" I don't know why but I felt offended....(not that I was interested or anything, but still)
Anyways, not trying to tease him, Kirod if you're reading this you should post something about yourself and assure me that I'm hot too. (kidding...)
It's just me and Kirod.
At least you're never alone on VegWeb. :)
haha Minke!
I'm sad--I've always thought that kirod was cute! I hope he's real. For some strange reason I have have not yet decided!
san diego, just moved from san luis obispo.
There are times when I will be on VegWeb for hours because I'll be trying out a bunch of different recipes....from now on I'm referring to this as, "Pulling a Kirod," kind of like an all nighter. ;D
Kirod, you're inspirational! You make me want to try more recipes! :)
I sent kirod a message, asking wtf actually is... We'll see what happens.