Vegweb B-12 ad
Posted by quintess on Nov 20, 2007 · Member since Feb 2007 · 1036 posts
Has anyone noticed that ad on VegWeb that says "92% of Vegans have a B-12 deficiency. Don't be one of them..." and it is an ad for a B-12 patch.
What is up with that? Does anyone else find that kind of offensive and misinformed? OR do I only know vegans without B-12 deficiencies? I just have never heard of any vegans with B-12 deficiencies. What up??!!
I have a B-12 deficiency. I am ovo-lacto but it is because I do not absorb B12. Sublinguals didn't help. I go for monthly shot. I was dangerously low. Lack of B12 can cause many illnesses.
When they were diagnosing my mom for Alzheimer's, they first checked her B12 levels as lack of B12 can replicate signs of dementia. I wish my mom had only had a B12 deficiency. Sadly, it is Alzheimer's.
I do believe that vegans should have their B12 checked annually when getting routine blood work done at their physicals. Not routinely checked. You have to ask.
Maybe it is presumptuous for the ad to say what it did but if it makes you aware that you might or could have a deficiency, then it is a good thing. I didn't read the ad.
Not everyone absorbs B12 like they should and as one ages, it is worth the little extra blood to check it out.
It makes sense to be proactive when your health is involved.
To show the flip side, i recently learned that you can get too MUCH B-12. I think it depends on the person though. I started taking the DEVA vitamin even though I was perfectly healthy because I figured that it could not hurt. Well, my skin started FREAKING OUT. I am not even joking..awful! I did not make the connection between the vitamin and the skin until I did a ton of research online. It was my last idea of what was wrong because I have had pretty good skin for my entire life and then, three months ago everything went downhill. I tried everything - diet changes, tons of water, exercise, tea tree oil, etc, etc. Then, last Wednesday I quit taking the vitamin. Guess what? My skin is 70% back to normal and it has only been a week! I guess that my warning is, see what your body is telling you. If you do not seem to have a problem, do not try to fix it. I know that seems obvious, but for some reason I totally forgot about it. :)
I've noticed that ad before & it makes me mad too!!! I take a multi almost every day that has 100% of my needed B12, plus sometimes I supplement with soymilk, clif bars, odawalla drinks, & nut yeast. I get enough I'm sure!
What are the symptoms/effects of vitamin B12 deficiency?
I'm not sure if it's the same ad you're talking about, but the one to my right right now for the B-12 patch says "Vegans and Vegetarians Rejoice!" I've seen this one before and had similar thoughts as quintess. Maybe this is a little extreme, but the fact that it says veg*s should "rejoice" because of the B-12 patch has some negative connotations in my opinion. It really rubs me the wrong way. While some do need to pay extra attention to B-12, it's as if the ad is assuming that all people who don't eat meat have a B-12 deficiency and need to have the patch in order to be healthy. Like the veg diet itself is deficient. It's just an ad, I know.... I also know a couple of meateaters who have the deficiency, and know no veg*s who do (I don't actually know too many veg*s, but still). If the ad wasn't worded so strongly it'd be fine.
What are the symptoms/effects of vitamin B12 deficiency?
I found this at
Early, Noticeable Symptoms of Overt B12 Deficiency:
unusual fatigue
faulty digestion
no appetite
loss of menstruation
Other symptoms of Overt B12 Deficiency:
numbness and tingling of the hands and feet
mild depression
striking behavioral changes
hyperactive reflexe
frequent upper respiratory infections4
impaired memory
sore tongue
enlargement of the mucous membranes of the mouth, vagina, and stomach
macrocytic anemia
low platelet count and increased bleeding
Neurological Symptoms
Neurological symptoms, often referred to as subacute combined degeneration (SCD), are the biggest concern regarding B12 deficiency. The damage can be irreversible if not caught early enough. SCD affects peripheral nerves and the spinal cord, and is normally different in children than adults.
An interesting article:
Lets click on the ad a bunch :) When you click on ads it takes money away from the advertiser and gives it to the website. Muhaha! *steals 10 cents from B-12 Patch site and gives it to vegweb*
An interesting article:
Love it!!! :D