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Was Cesar Chavez vegetarian, or vegan?

Happy Cesar Chavez Day to all! It is a state holiday today, March 31, in California.

Does anyone know if Cesar Chavez was vegetarian or vegan?

I've heard both and would like to encourage the omnis here to go the day without meat and dairy in Cesar Chavez's honor.

He was vegetarian, vegan for a little bit.
I think.


Cesar Chavez was a vegetarian, not a vegan. I went straight to the source and confirmed this from a UFW contact who checked with Cesar Chavez's longtime(more than 30 years) personal aide for me.

With this in mind, I am thrilled that so many of my non-vegan friends went meatless, or vegan, in honor of Cesar Chavez, or signed the e-petition to make Cesar Chavez Day a national holiday through this link.

If you are interested in learning more about Cesar Chavez or to help continue his historic non-violent legacy, visit


You're welcome. :)

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