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What are some everyday things you find beautiful?

I guess this might be considered a spinoff of the How We View Ourselves Thread, but anyways, over the past few months I have begun to take notice and enjoy life's simpler pleasures.  Finding something beautiful in everyday life.  I try to stay informed about what's going on in the world, but all too often reading the news is a rather depressing daily activity.  So, everyday I make it a point to identify one thing, or event I find uniquely beautiful.  Then I can tell myself that despite all the depressing news stories that are reported there are this infinite amount of these beautiful I like to hope a majority if not all of the population is enjoying on a daily basis (I know for a fact that isn't true, but I like to think so anyway).

One particular event that has stuck with me happened last week.  My campus is in the middle of an urban area, so rarely is there a time in the day when there aren't cars or sirens or something making noise.  Except later at night during the week.  At about 2 in the morning I was frustrated with thesis and decided to go for a run.  I ran up to the track without seeing/hearing a single person, car, or anything.  It was just myself and my thoughts.  It had cooled down significantly so there was that condensation/steam stuff (definitely not a science person, but you get my point) coming off the ground being illumniated by the lights around campus in the distance, but the track itself and the fields around the track were unlit.  I did a full track workout in the cold, dark night all by myself without any interruptions of any kind.  Just the sounds of an occasional car passing.  When I finished I just felt a great rush come over me.  Almost as if it was confirming what I believed that if you take a second and just observe the world around you in your own way you realize how beautiful it really is.

I don't know, there's a lot of these little things I notice on a daily basis that really make me smile.  Even though they may seem insignificant to other people.  Does anybody else notice these little things?

The most beautiful thing in this drought-ridden country is the sound of rain. Real rain!

Think kindly of Spain. Galicia, in the north, usually has recieved 200 litres per sq meter by this time of year (can't compute that to inches of rainfall, don't know how). So far, they've only recieved 3 litres total. So you see...less than 2 percent.

Send us good vibes, and clouds, if you've got em.

My daughter is always singing: "Rain, Rain, Go to Spain!" so I will tell her to keep it up!!!!
(This is from an Ant and Bee book where they travel the world in search of Bee's missing umbrella) :)

Thank you, quintess.  All together now!  ;)


The most beautiful thing in this drought-ridden country is the sound of rain. Real rain!

Think kindly of Spain. Galicia, in the north, usually has recieved 200 litres per sq meter by this time of year (can't compute that to inches of rainfall, don't know how). So far, they've only recieved 3 litres total. So you see...less than 2 percent.

Send us good vibes, and clouds, if you've got em.

Could she also send some to Georgia????

My daughter is always singing: "Rain, Rain, Go to Spain!" so I will tell her to keep it up!!!!
(This is from an Ant and Bee book where they travel the world in search of Bee's missing umbrella) :)

Thank you, quintess.  All together now!  ;)


Well, someone needs to send SOME of that rain to Georgia.  :( We're parched, too.


Today: Experiencing the exhilaration of walking on a gray, windy day and looking up to see a tall tree sway over your head and lean towards you as if it were going to fall.


deer. its an almost-everyday thing for me. but then again i purposely drive where they will be, because i love seeing them. i don't know why but i get so much enjoyment out of seeing them. yesterday morning i was on my way to work at 5:45am and took my normal quick route to work cuz i was late even tho i live less than 5 minutes from work. turned the corner and could see shadows running ahead of me. when i got to the corner, it was 2 babies and what looked like a daddy cuz it was pretty big. and it stopped at the edge of the trees where the babies had run into and watched me drive by, about 4 feet from my car :)


Digging the new vege garden and being chirped at the whole time by a sweet lil Grey Warbler (little birdie)  ;D

Having room for a vege garden. Growing things. Growing food. Iluvit!  :)


Someone was talking about couples, so I wanted to tell this story...I might have told it on here before but it bears repeating.

I was sitting on the tube in London and this old couple was rushing to catch the train.  They came in as the doors were closing and their heads got knocked together.  Everyone was kind of staring open mouthed, not knowing if they were ok and the man goes "it's alright, we're in love."  ;D  I thought that was the best thing ever!


Someone was talking about couples, so I wanted to tell this story...I might have told it on here before but it bears repeating.

I was sitting on the tube in London and this old couple was rushing to catch the train.  They came in as the doors were closing and their heads got knocked together.  Everyone was kind of staring open mouthed, not knowing if they were ok and the man goes "it's alright, we're in love."  ;D  I thought that was the best thing ever!

That's awesome!  ;D


I just woke up to the first snow. it's beautiful!

cold though...


Woke up to the first really cold morning of the season. Good, because I have a big pot of Greens and Beans and Miso Stew all ready in the fridge. MMmmmm.

Bad, because it means no rain for awhile. But then they still haven't replaced our pavements downstairs.
For now I can snuggle into my jammies-that-look-like-sweats and not have to change to tutor. And wear woolies. And drink tea.

On balance, it's a beautiful day.


About once a month I pick up an art magazine.  I know nothing about art, nor do I care to learn about the inner intricaties.  I just sit there in absolute awe of how beautiful each and every piece is.  Just knowing that someone went through such great time and effort to create the piece and that each one has its own separate story.  I've started to put them all up on my walls so they are the first thing I see when I wake up each morning.


Delicious vegan beauty ... Yesterday, I enjoyed a vegan baked goodie at the downtown Los Angeles Farmer's Market for the first time. I was thrilled to finally see an all-vegan baked goods vendor there, after having to pass the other vendors pimping their dairy cookies, muffins and ice cream for so long. I later enjoyed my purchase - a vegan chocolate biscotti dunked in a mug of chamomile tea.


:)  People who make small talk at the grocery check out counter.

Seeing couples hold hands and walking while rested against each other ( ::) if I'm not in a jealous mood)


this thread actually brightens my day. may it never die!


Being awakened in the middle of the night by the gentle scratching of a Labrador retriever's paws on the wall as she dreams of tennis balls bouncing through the yard.

Checking veg-web for the first time in almost a week and seeing how dramatically the negative energy of a few had been dissipated by the spirit of the many...thank you most for that.


A couple of days ago when I was walking in the park with my boyfriend, I stopped suddenly and just stared at the leaves falling off of these big, beautiful trees. I was floored by the beauty and elegance of these trees shedding their leaves. It made me want to dive into the forest and go on a long hike and suck in every part of nature.

I love trees!


Staying up all night and going out for a walk just before dawn to see the world turn subtly from grayscale to colours.  :)


The first snowfall  :) It looks pretty outside this morning


my heart seems to ache for beauty sometimes, and then when I see beauty, it aches even more. does anybody else feel that way?


I saw a shooting star last night!  :)



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