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What is the Change You want to Make in the World?

Ghandi said ' You must be the change you want to see in the world'.

What change do you want to make in the world?

I would like to see people be kind to each other.
it makes me so upset to hear people being rude toward others.


word dessie... people r rotten now a days... especially where i live... i say "hello" to people and they just look me up and down without saying a word... i hope i can raise kids that aren't so rotten as many kids now a days :)

oh ya and of course make everyone vegan :)


I would like people to see themselves in others.  To reavlize that all people and other creatures have lives and feelings that need to be respected.  It pains me when I hear people say cold comments about the poor especailly the current rise of homeless.  Don't they realize they are people too.  They deserve compassion.  They deserve all the help we can give them.

Also, I really want people to understand that just because animlas do not speak a human language they are not lumps of clay.  Animals are intelligent and care about their lives.  If you hurt them it causes them pain and is wrong.


exactly, aml :)

dlb, so true.
I hear terrible comments about homeless people around here ALL the time.
we have no homeless people here (small town in the mountains), but where I'm from, you could not walk down the street without seeing people.
it's sad.


I would like to see all forms of child abuse stop overnight. Particularly sexual predators, but anything.


If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

-Emily Dickinson 


I rarely go to church but when my dad was here he made me go to church, and the surmine that day was great, this just reminded me of it.

Over night a storm came in from the sea and washed tens of thousands of starfish up on the beach.  At dawn the next morning two people were on the beach slowly making their way among the starfish picking one up, tossing it back into the ocean waves, then would pick the next one up and do the same, and they continued this for hours.  A person walking by noticed these two men doing this and saw that the beach was littered with thousands of starfish.  Out of curiousity he went down on the beach to talk to the men who where still throwing starfish back into the sea.

"I don't understand, why do you do this?"  The stranger asked.  "There are thousands of starfish on the beach, you can not possibly hope to rescue them all, you can't hope to make a difference!"

One of the men replied as he picked up a starfish and tossed it back in the sea.  "It just made a difference to that one" and then he picked up another one and tossed it into the sea "and to that one".

We may not be able to make a difference on a global scale, but by staying true to your beliefs, and doing what you feel is right, you do make a difference, even if it is only very small, it is still a defference.  By not eating meat, you make a difference to each animal that is not killed for you to eat.  To me, that is a huge difference. 

It was a great story.  I so loved it.


If I could make one change, that would be that all species were created equally. We would have a vegan world, save the environment, and be a healthy planet.


I wish everyone would just get along.  No killing, no crime, no hate, no nastiness.  If everyone could learn to love one another.  I can start by being nice to people.  A smile, a wave, an extra dollar tip,...........


I would help my students to see that they can be better than they are.  I wish I could make them understand that not every comment is a personal affront; that sometimes when people tell you things, it's genuinely meant to help you.  I would like to make them realize that they are already making choices that could negatively affect their lives.  I can't comprehend the situations most of them deal with and it scares me that they will continue the cycle simply because they don't know any better.  I wish I could make that change.


To see the world go vegan.


For none of my loved ones to go cold and hungry.

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