What to do: Barbecue at my New Job!
Okay so this Thursday there is going to be a barbecue at my new job. I would really rather not even go but I don't want to look like an ass since everyone else is going. There is one other "vegetarian" at my work who eats fish =/ (not a veg at all but whatever) so I know they are going to be serving veggie burgers but I heard they were going to be Morningstar Farms ones and I don't think any of those are vegan. Also I have no idea if the buns will be vegan. I also don't know if they will be serving anything else (like sides).
I was thinking I could bring my own burger and bun, but do I really want to have it cooked on the same grill as carcass? Not really, but I don't want to seem difficult or make being vegan appear to be impossible. Most people at my work know I'm vegan (I told 2 people and they told the entire office) and seem like they have no problems with it. I'm just new and don't want to rub anyone the wrong way you know?
So what would you guys do? I really want your opinions... Remember this barbecue is on this Thursday, so the last time I will be reading posts before then is Wednesday night. Please help!
I would say seeing you're new and everyone will be going that you should at least attend.
If people haven't made a big deal about your veg-ness, then I don't think it would be too much fuss to take your own food along, and you could take some foil to put down on the bbq so you don't have to cook your food on their meaty grill.
Or, you could go along, but say that you have arrangements to go out for a meal straight after work, and so you can just have a drink or whatever, but you don't want anything to eat.
I don't know, but there should be some way around it... good luck! : )
If you really aren't comfortable with taking the chance on the veggie burgers and grill (I usually am not very picky when I'm eating "out" because I don't want to be a pain and so I figure as long as it's not a meat burger, I'll deal), then what I would say is eat something before you go so that you won't be starving and tempted to eat something you don't want. Then, if there's chips or fruit or something there that you do want, you can munch on that and socialize and then just eat a real dinner afterwards. If anyone gives you crap just say that you're not feeling up to eating much (or something like that)...
When we have catered work things, I bring a light amount of food, like California rolls. I try to make it something fun. If they have cups, drink out of their cups, even if you use it to drink water you brought in case they only have soda. Or I'll pick up a to-go meal from someplace like Trader Joe's to make it look more casual.
Bring some snacks. Or your own with some foil. Just explain nicely. As long as you aren't an ass about it, I doubt they will be either. AND!! Bring some vegan cookies to share that way you have something tasty to break the ice. :)
Definitely bring baked goods. And eat before you go.
AND!! Bring some vegan cookies to share that way you have something tasty to break the ice. :)
Definitely bring baked goods.
llg and secondbase speak more sense than I do. COOKIES ARE THE ANSWER : )
Great ideas guys! Keep them coming!
Living in the Midwest, people don't know what a vegan is at all. I usually bring some sort of sandwhich, maybe some fruits, and some chips and a dessert to share. Covering the grill with foil would cause major strife here, but maybe wrap just your food in foil. I find omnis like the look, smell, and taste of Morningstar/Gardenburger Riblets. I always get comments about where I got the McRib. Even here, if I don't make a huge fuss about it, some others don't either. I have run into a few militant jerks. especially where my daughter is concerned, but I'd rather deal with a barbecue than a restaurant. At least it is easy to bring your own food, even if it stinks.
Others have left great advice. I would definitely try to bring a vegan dessert or side dish that would knock their socks off along with my own food.
I personally wouldn't want my veg burger on a grill with anything other than vegetables.
Yeah, I agree with what everyone's said. You should definitely go and bring some great food to share and maybe a burger that you can grill on top of aluminum foil. I went to a bbq recently and brought mac n cheese and cinnamon rolls. those cinnamon rolls were a huge hit and there wasn't any other dessert so it worked out great. Vegans can totally have a good time at a bbq (if you ignore all the meat).
I'm agreeing with most too....
I would just bring my own food and definitely some type of cookie/cupcake for everyone...
I wouldn't mess around with the grill and foil...that would make me feel weird, especially around new people...
My advice is like everyone elses'. Simply bring your own food of choice and a dessert to share. I would suggest a simple dish that covers all the bases for your meal; like lentils and rice with veggies or pasta with beans and veggies. That way you can have a bowl of lovely yumminess and ignore the grill area completely.
Pull out a container of cupcakes or cookies and no one will care what food you are eating, just that you brought the best dessert at the bbq.
If you absolutely must put something on the grill wrap up veggies in foil and ask to put it on the grill where the veggie burgers will be cooked. That way it avoids the meaty area while being sealed in foil. Then you get to break it open and have delish steaming veggies like diced potato, broccoli, mushrooms and asperagus all fragrant and flavorful. People will be jealous! hehe
Yes, you need to go. And bring something so good it'll knock everyone's socks off.
Okay so I planned ahead and brought a sandwich to eat... But right when I got to work a lady that works with me said "We got you Vegan Boca Burgers"... So crap, there went my plan... I didn't want to be an ass so I ate one, even though it was cooked on the SAME GRILL WITH THE SAME TOOLS :( I couldn't taste any carcass on my veggie burger but it was gross... People are clueless seriously =/
aww Amy that's pretty sucky. Did you take along any awesome vegan treats to share? At least they provided vegan food without making a fuss, now you just gotta work on the 'contamination' issue before the next event..... : /
that was nice of them
aww Amy that's pretty sucky. Did you take along any awesome vegan treats to share? At least they provided vegan food without making a fuss, now you just gotta work on the 'contamination' issue before the next event..... : /
No I wanted to get a feel for how these things work... I think I will start bringing treats when I feel a little more comfortable with everyone
that was nice of them
ya i agree... i thought it was cute... the lady went out and spent her own money on them!