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What do you say when people ask...

I went veg about two weeks ago and at work here people know that I used to be omni.  So they often ask why I went veg.  When it comes down to it I am not sure why I started, I just started because it seemed like a good idea and something new and interesting to try, but I stay with it because of the environment and for the animals...and because the www.vegweb recipes are so delicious.

But I can't tell people that I am veg to help the environment and to help stop animal cruelty, they will think I am a little crazy especially sines the general population believes (wrongly I think) that "food animals" are treated humanely.  So when I say that I want to help end animal cruelty they will argue with me. 

So I just say that I started out of curiosity, for something new to try and I stick with it because it makes me feel better.  But what do you all say?

I think it's important to not be blunt or nasty when you answer that question.  I know I asked that question of several people before I went veg...and if I'd gotten a smart@ss answer, it would have pissed me off.  Some people are asking you because they are just curious, and they too may one day be vegetarians...

My father teases me a bit about going veg, but he was genuinely curious and respectful when we discussed it.  He asked me about meat industry practices, and I've sent him articles about nutrition and factory farm issues.  He actually reads them, and emails me back with comments (usually pretty positive).  He's not remotely ready to give up meat, but he's curious about vegetarianism because it's what I'm doing.  Besides,  I'm pretty sure I'm only one of a handful of people he's ever known who didn't eat meat.

You may be the only vegetarian the person has ever met...make a good impression.  8)


Actually, people never ask me about why.  I'm intimidating, it seems.  >:(  Ha!

Really though, why are you so worried about standing out?  You can stand up for your reasons without being pushy.  If someone doesn't like that, well, they aren't worth worrying about.

No one can please all people all the time.



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