what household chore do you dislike the most?
Posted by pineappleprincess on Apr 26, 2008 · Member since Aug 2006 · 885 posts
While we have a thread about procrastinating...
what household chore do you avoid like the plague?
Mine's Laundry. Notice the capital L.
I would rather do anything, clean toilets, wash dishes, scrub floors, organize closets. And I love outside chores like mowing grass, washing cars, etc.
I really dislike laundry.
for some reason, my bf always requests cleaning the toilet on cleaning days.... weird.
Sounds cool to me, like he realises he's the one that makes most of the mess in there. My DH complained a lot when he first retired about bathroom smell, which he never noticed when he was working...yeah, cuz, like, I was the only one around to use our home facility 90% of the time, and, uh, like--I don't miss the bowl, yeah? He even offered to show me up and clean it himself, show me what doing a good job was like...till he found out how tiring it can be to bend over or crouch and scrub things like the corners and the throne and all. Somehow or other he's gotten over the complaints.
what household chore do you avoid like the plague?
Mine's Laundry. Notice the capital L.
As consolation, I have to go to a laundromat. I'd love to have a washer and dryer at home so I wouldn't have to strategize my fight for dryer space.
you mean there are chores we are supposed to like??? I cant really think of any i LIKE......
hate: dishes, cleaning the kittie box, and the bathroom and takin trash out
dont mind: laundry, dusting, vaccuming, sweeping, mopping
like: sitting down and reading!!!
apparently cleaning the rabbit cage. OVERDUE! its so easy tho...
what household chore do you avoid like the plague?
Mine's Laundry. Notice the capital L.
As consolation, I have to go to a laundromat. I'd love to have a washer and dryer at home so I wouldn't have to strategize my fight for dryer space.
Oh yuck! I commiserate wholeheartedly. I hate the dryers at laundromats! I also had to do that for many years, and they are so super hot and make everything so staticky! I used to just hang everything up in my apartment (which was an ex-porch) and let it take three days to dry.
You can come to my house and do laundry if you want. :-\
taking out the compost and cleaning the toilet. for some reason, my bf always requests cleaning the toilet on cleaning days.... weird. i think the compost thing is horrible because we put it off for so long that by the time it really needs to be taken out, its already moldey and mushy and fruit flies are all over. EW!
Same at our house... I bought some compostable bags made from corn to line the compost bucket. It's a bit of a wa$te, but the whole shabang can go straight in. There's usually some water in the bottom of the bucket to rinse out but not anything gross. Dirty compost buckets and kitchen sink drains ewwwwwww!
Another chore I'd rather not have... washing diapers! Thank-goodness we're almost done! Laundry's not a big deal once you've had to do 160 cloth diapers a week!
Any type of floor cleaning. It's never ending. I mop the kitchen floor and it is dirty again in a day.
I tire of doing dishes all the time (also seems to never end), but I don't really hate the physical task of washing them. More the time.
The kitty litter pan!!!!!!!!! I don't mind scooping it every day, but its the changing of kitty litter that gets to me. It always makes me gag when I dump the old litter into the trash. And there is such a mess to be sweeped up! no matter how much paper I put under the pan, the darn cat manages to kick litter EVERYWHERE!
The kitty litter pan!!!!!!!!! I don't mind scooping it every day, but its the changing of kitty litter that gets to me. It always makes me gag when I dump the old litter into the trash. And there is such a mess to be sweeped up! no matter how much paper I put under the pan, the darn cat manages to kick litter EVERYWHERE!
You should consider a covered litter box. I take the filter out (because I think it's pointless and just traps the smell inside). I don't know how big your cat is, but they make gigantic ones and it really cuts down on the litter outside of the box. There is a little to vacuum up right by the opening, but nothing like the stuff that flies from uncovered boxes!
I just hate all housework. I was really born into the wrong family or switched at birth. I believe I'm supposed to have maids and servants to do those menial tasks. I have allowed my husband to do all the vacuuming and he is also allowed to wash/scrub floors, dishes, laundry and anything else he'd like to do. ::)
Dishes! Lots of cooking + 3 kids = too many freakin dishes!
And dusting. I swear, it is dusty again like 5 minutes later....
I'd like one of these to do my ironing.
Dishes! Lots of cooking + 3 kids = too many freakin dishes!
I like that I can see what you look like now, VS! :)
p.s. you're pretty!
I. Hate. Dishes.
Everything else is pretty much ok, though dusting has gotten on my nerves in the past (sneezing, plus the job's never really done).
speaking of dishes... when I first started going over to my boyfriend's in high school, his very "traditional" father complained to him that I never did the dishes (they were his dirty dishes!!!). That's still carrying on a bit now... but my bf knows I hate dishes, and he usually does the cleaning, I do the rinsing (I think I have the good end of the bargain).
and speaking of dishes again... I won't even do the "dishes" in my chemistry labs. I always make a deal with my lab partner: I do the experiment, s/he does the dishes. And they think they're getting the deal: little do they know that every compound known to ochem cannot be scrubbed off in this lifetime... mwahaha...
and speaking of dishes again... I won't even do the "dishes" in my chemistry labs. I always make a deal with my lab partner: I do the experiment, s/he does the dishes. And they think they're getting the deal: little do they know that every compound known to ochem cannot be scrubbed off in this lifetime... mwahaha...
Can you do that? I mean, obviously you can, but it seems like your partner(s) are missing out on all the experiments! Not that I would have hated not having to do chemistry experiments (ugh), BUT....you know? What do they do while you're doing the work?
I tire of doing dishes all the time (also seems to never end), but I don't really hate the physical task of washing them. More the time.
What I hate is, of course, the fact that you have a finite number of dishes at your disposal so of course the same darn things show up at every mealtime. You're like, "Darn, I just washed this!!"
For years I didn't feel I could justify a DW (there are after all only the 2 of us, not 5-7 like in my mothers house) but when we we redid the kitchen DH said, "I think if we don't get one now we'll be sorry" and I thought, "YES!" It's just so wonderful to have enough dishes to just stuff the dirty ones in there and not see them again till they're clean. We only run it once a day (sometimes once every 2 days) so I think we're actually saving water. I have learned the drying cycle isn't necessary so I don't even have to feel "un-green" about the electricity.
For years I didn't feel I could justify a DW (there are after all only the 2 of us, not 5-7 like in my mothers house) but when we we redid the kitchen DH said, "I think if we don't get one now we'll be sorry" and I thought, "YES!" It's just so wonderful to have enough dishes to just stuff the dirty ones in there and not see them again till they're clean. We only run it once a day (sometimes once every 2 days) so I think we're actually saving water. I have learned the drying cycle isn't necessary so I don't even have to feel "un-green" about the electricity.
For a minute, I thought DW = dear wife! :D :D
I'm always joking to my DH that we need a wife... I don't like doing the "wife" duties of cleaning, ironing, dusting... blah blah blah (In advance... Please don't take the statement "wife" duties to be discriminating toward women, I'm joking.)
I used to be in the like/love to clean category. Every day I would vacuum and dust. Once a week I scrubbed down the walls, cleaned the windows, etc. Then again, I was living in about 700 sq. ft. What I really hate is to clean for 15-16 hours a weekend and still see things that need to be done. (like, really need to be done - my ceiling fans are caked in dust) I really, really hate my big house. Just counting down the days to move back into a sweet little condo. :)>>>
I love our li'l 550 APT! It's so nice...what's the draw of a bigger house anyway? The ONLY thing that I would love to have bigger-KITCHEN.
My most hated of all household tasks is yard work. I hate the dirt that gets stuck (even while wearing gloves, mind you!) between my real nails and the acrylic overlay, I hate having gnats swarm in my face, I hate the humidity, the weeds that break off at the base and then you have to dig them out, the flowering trees that make a huge mess on my patio... >:(
Agh! Get rid of those nails! I finally decided to cut my nails ALL the way down because I got so annoyed making bread and such things.
Dishes! Lots of cooking + 3 kids = too many freakin dishes!
I like that I can see what you look like now, VS! :)
p.s. you're pretty!
Awww, thanks AC. I think it's the crappy dark-barn lighting.....lol..
P.s. You're very pretty,too. Of course, all vegans are sexier than average!
Awww, thanks AC. I think it's the crappy dark-barn lighting.....lol..
P.s. You're very pretty,too. Of course, all vegans are sexier than average!