What Song Are You Listening To Right Now?
Posted by feelinsoreal on Jan 15, 2008 · Member since Feb 2007 · 623 posts
I'm sure that many of us listen to music while we surf the 'net. Similar in vein to the "ctrl-v" thread, what song are you listening to right now? Post it here! Just remember, one song at a time, and please wait until someone else has replied before posting another song. This thread can also serve as a recommendation list for people. :)
Anyhoo, I will start...
"Tomorrow People" - Ziggy Marley
Close to You....Maxi Priest
Or scorn, or pity on me take,
I must the true relation make,
I am undone to-night :
Love in a subtil dream disguised,
hath both my heart and me surprised,
Whom never yet he durst attempt t' awake ;
Nor will he tell me for whose sake
He did me the delight,
Or spite ;
But leaves me to inquire,
In all my wild desire,
Of Sleep again, who was his aid,
And Sleep, so guilty and afraid,
As since he dares not come within my sight.
(The Dream, by Ben Jonson.)
Tomas Luis de Vitoria: O Magnum Mysterium. I forgot I owned this CD, and for a person with synasthesia it's like a deep massage.
:)>>> :headphones:
Band of Horses "Island on the Coast" - because BP keeps making me.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs 'Zero'
Lupe Fiasco 'kick push'
'This is Halloween, this is Halloween....Halloween, Halloween....' from TNBC >:D
'This is Halloween, this is Halloween....Halloween, Halloween....' from TNBC >:D
Thank you for officially infecting me with this song. Now I'll have to watch the movie to get it out of my head ... I am the clown with the tear-away face!
'This is Halloween, this is Halloween....Halloween, Halloween....' from TNBC >:D
Thank you for officially infecting me with this song. Now I'll have to watch the movie to get it out of my head ... I am the clown with the tear-away face!
hehe, yes now you'll have to watch it!
now...'something's up with Jack, something's up with Jack....'.....i <3 tim burton :)>>>
I think there's something in the wind
that feels like tragedy's at hand.
Dont stop believing
(how original)
my bf once told me when my hair was long that I look like Steve Perry.
What a sweetheart. ::)
The Wyld - "Fly By Nighter"
Does it get much better than 60's garage rock?
Pesah ala Mano.... Flory Jagoda
Eh....I was actually jammin' to some Britney in the car on the way to work this morning... /duck, hide :err:
"Laundry" by Say hi to your Mom
Move This -Technotronic
Shake that body! Shake that body! Shake that body!
People don't you know, don't you know it's about time?!
Move This -Technotronic
Shake that body! Shake that body! Shake that body!
People don't you know, don't you know it's about time?!
Call me old, but I remember when this song was on a Revlon commercial in the 90's with Cindy Crawford and Claudia Schiffer!