What's Your Middle Name?
Posted by ledzepfan12 on Sep 16, 2008 · Member since Jan 2007 · 675 posts
Totally Random. I'm trying to take my mind off the cat. Plus, knowing all of your first names would ruin it for me. I like the mystery of screen names.
Mine's Nicole.
OKAY, soo.......
My first name IS Ashleigh. (bonus points to Courth...maybe we could just meet up for lunch sometime, eh? ;)b )
My mom's best friend's middle name is Rae (go VS! you have it, too!) and I want to use that name for a future pet or child.
Most of these suggestions are awesome and I would love them--Charlie, Bradley, Peyton, Taylor, Ryan...actually, Ryan is the first name of the son of my mom's best friend!
And ledzep....Bobbi was my mom's name. thanks for makin' me cry.*
but LUBIMILLER is the winner!!
Ashleigh Jo.
yup. My pseudonym is Maggie. Or Maggeigh, to honor my mom's awesome taste in weird spellings.
I really did tear up a bit, but I'm highly emotional right now. 'twas a great guess.
I must have just thought it.
Lubi....you knew I was thinking it..so you took it. Rude.
I read your mind AC!!!! But unfortunately for you.....I get the care pkg!!!! :-D yey!!!!
I read your mind AC!!!! But unfortunately for you.....I get the care pkg!!!! :-D yey!!!!
I get a lunch date. :)
I read your mind AC!!!! But unfortunately for you.....I get the care pkg!!!! :-D yey!!!!
I get a lunch date. :)
.......I got a sister!
We need to make the OFFICIAL Al(l)is*n club!
We need to make the OFFICIAL Al(l)is*n club!
I thought your reply to my post would be.....RUDE!!! lol
I thought your reply to my post would be.....RUDE!!! lol
Oh, I thought it. And in my mind, I shunned you. You have been shunned!
I thought your reply to my post would be.....RUDE!!! lol
Oh, I thought it. And in my mind, I shunned you. You have been shunned!
no Charlie, nooooooooo!!!
anna. And that's the name I go by, since college. I wanted a total change.
I'm lucky I wasn't a boy, since we already had Mark, Matthew and John--I would have ended up as Luke. Ol' Luke. Like a huntin dawg.
My middle name is Anne...but my husband's name is Lucas (aka Luke) and now I'm picturing him as a doggie !!!
Why do you gals keep saying my name whenever you shun somebody?
I really know, I'm just being facetious.
I know PK's REAL middle name... ^-^
You're taking that to your grave. I give you permission to call me that while cooking at Pinks wedding though! In the kitchen only so no one hears.
A guy I used to work with had Turbengruff as his middle name. I'm not too sure that is how it's spelled, though.
Why do you gals keep saying my name whenever you shun somebody?
it's because we can't quit thinking about you!!!!
I really know, I'm just being facetious.
I know PK's REAL middle name... ^-^
You're taking that to your grave. I give you permission to call me that while cooking at Pinks wedding though! In the kitchen only so no one hears.
Awww, PK, you're not gonna let me tell them that your middle name is Vino?
Heehee. :-X
the 12millionth marie here. it's like a 2nd tier name.. it just hardly ever makes the cut to be first string but it's a good flow-between so it gets the job done. nothing fancy, but stable.
My friend and I have a theory that 90% of U.S. females born in the early to mid 1980s have one of the following middle names:
I think I have the only Elizabeth here so far...I think that's weird because I know like 15 irl.
In Australia the most popular middle names seem to be Louise, Jane and Elizabeth (of course).
My friend and I have a theory that 90% of U.S. females born in the early to mid 1980s have one of the following middle names:
I defy those odds.
My first & second names are evidently Bullpen Cola, on the Sarah Palin name generator. My real middle name is Marlene.