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Where the heck is the "modify" button???

Why was that taken away????

Yes, I want to know this too! I make so many typos, and even though I re-read, I often don't catch them until later. Which, by then, is too late and looks as if I'm illiterate.

I know many message boards have the feature where you modify, and then it states "modified by Ecstatic on 2 November 2007 11:41PM." Which is a way of keeping track if someone insults another person, then changes their post.

But, I am definitely missing that feature. Feeling the pain ... mainly the painful typos in my posts, lol.


...I make so many typos, and even though I re-read, I often don't catch them until later. Which, by then, is too late and looks as if I'm illiterate. 

I AM illiterate Ecstatic, I just like to hide the fact with that handy modify button.    ;D 


Yes, I prefer to be able to correct my mistakes; please bring it back soon! 



Ys I peferre to be abel to crorect my misteaks pleese to bring ti bak soonn



Ha ha!  I did send Yvette an email this morning asking if the "Modify" had been intentionally removed and if not, would it be possible to return it to us. 


It's back!!  yay!

Edit:  Sweet!

Edit again, just because I can!

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