White Castle on Vegsource.com
Posted by krs on Apr 09, 2009 · Member since Jul 2006 · 146 posts
Does anyone else have an issue with the prominent ad for White Castle on the vegsource.com homepage? I even clicked it thinking it may take me to some sort of anti-fast food link, but no. I was directed to whitecastle.com where I was urged to buy three sliders for $2. Yuck.
I left feedback saying I thought it was horrible. Talk about selling out. Trying to get ad revenue without regard to which types of ads are used. I left my email address. I wonder if I'll get a response.
I don't think I have ever been to vegsource.com
Probably the reason you would see a ad like this there
Site is a transition site. One for just facts not a dedicated vegetarian site.
Not sure why
We can all speculate why
sending the email was a good idea.
yeah - i dont know exactly how much knowledge sites have about what is being advertised sometimes. i know that susan from ffv has mentioned that she's seen meaty ads on her own site and had them removed. i mean, even on this site, over on the left of the page under the green bar that says 'ads by google' i just had one that included 'Hamburgers'.
This is a wee bit off subject but does anyone know a recipe for veggie burgers that taste like white castle burgers??? b/c that is one of the few things i miss about eating meat
I only do veggie castle... :)>>>
This is a wee bit off subject but does anyone know a recipe for veggie burgers that taste like white castle burgers??? b/c that is one of the few things i miss about eating meat
I think the key is the onions..don't they steam the burgers with onions or something like that?
This is a wee bit off subject but does anyone know a recipe for veggie burgers that taste like white castle burgers??? b/c that is one of the few things i miss about eating meat
LOL! Amy's "California Burgers" are awesome. They are quick to make too- coat them with oil and microwave for 1 minute and 15 seconds (and no longer or they'll get dry and hard!).