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Why Don't Prunes Have a Warning Label?

So, I've been on iron pills for a few weeks and feel fantastic.... except for the expected constipation.

So, tonight I'm eating a serving of prunes, and I got to thinking... "Okay, so I know I'm eating these because I'm constipated, but why don't they say on the container: "CAUTION! Excessive prune consumption may cause massive poop?"

Last time I ate prunes I was a teenager and I just liked them a lot (still do). So I ate half a bag in one sitting. It's a healthy snack, you know?

Boy, did I regret that decision later! I pooped for like an hour straight!

Anyway, I had no one else to share this with. Carry on.


do you eat alot of whole fruits & veggies?  things with fiber like apples?  maybe you just need to mix it up..  whats the first time you eat in the morning?  try to eat a piece of whole fruit like a halfhour before the rest of your breakfast.

exercise helps too.  try jumping around for awhile.  things have to start moving...

Thanks ppc I'll try the fruit before breakfast.... I usually do eat lots of fresh fruits and veg and I've been doing lots of cardio at the gym lately (work off leftover post-baby weight) so that's why I was like...I'm eating food and it's just staying...where is it going? Just getting absorbed back into body fat and tissues? lol... I think I just need to mix it up like you guys suggested...I don't like the idea of food just um 'staying in there'.... not okay  :-X


Oh, the other thing the hydrotherapist said was to "train" your body to poop at a certain time. She said that the best thing to do was designate a certain time every day and sit on the toilet for 20 minutes. No interruptions, no breaks, just sit there. She said to put your feet on a phone book or something so your knees are slightly higher than your hips.
Apparently this creates a rhythm for your body, so you start pooping more every day. Magic!

I never really got to try it, though, because I have a baby who doesn't give me consistent 20-minute breaks. Maybe your toddler is a little more easy-going?


First off poo humor... always funny.  I think I might just put this to the test.  I can't ever remember eating prunes but we have some in the house and I think I might eat a generous amount to see if my bowels can beat the "poo fruit".


:-[  why would you do that to yourself??

but if you do - let us know how it goes.



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