Winter needs to come back.
Posted by DelBeano on Jul 09, 2008 · Member since Jun 2008 · 44 posts
I'm sitting here in muggy ol' Vermont, sweating without even moving a muscle. The humidity is like 2,000,000%, and I was eaten alive by moisture-loving deer flies when I went on a hike through the woods behind my house today. I'm really missing a bit of cool, clean winter air right about now. For now, I'll just have to stare at this photo I took near the summit of Camel's Hump with the fan pointed at my face and imagine.
I would happily swap locations with you Delbeano! Its winter in Australia and where I am (at the highest point of a mountain) it is so effing cold and there are snow clouds lingering.. I hate winter, it makes me so depressed; give me sweaty summer humidity any day!!
Amen, DelBeano. If I were stinking rich I'd have a house in France and a house in NZ and just fly from autumn to autumn and never see summer again. Give me rain, cold, and even snow, and I'm all over it like a rash! I just wilt in the heat and here in S. Spain well over 100ºF for weeks on end is normal. We topped out last year at like 125ºF. (53ºC).
This is the first year we have had AC and it has really changed my life. But I hate to think of the electric bill.
Winter???? What's that? Here is an example of your standard Florida winter:
everyone... come hither to California!!! ;)b ;)b ;)b
No - winter does NOT need to come back. Not for another few months! It just got warm and I haven't even been to a beach yet.
I LOVE your picture Delbeano! It is so beautiful. I love snow!
Do you mind if I use your picture as a desktop? I could stare at it all day. I imagine cross country skiing through the trees, makes me feel peaceful.
I have some pictures from when I was in Alaska that would take your breath away! Don't have them here at work though.
I am also ready for winter to come back. I am a northern girl and always was okay with summer because where I have always lived summer was never that brutal, till I moved down here to Texas. Ugh, hate it down here! I hate summer now! It hits 90F degrees about mid-May and doesn't cool off till about mid-October. I hate it!
The weather for the next 4 days (high temps as reported on this mornings news): today 96F, tomorrow 97F, Saturday 98F, Sunday 98F and for lows it is only mid-to lower 80's. Hate summers down here.
I LOVE your picture Delbeano! It is so beautiful. I love snow!
Do you mind if I use your picture as a desktop? I could stare at it all day. I imagine cross country skiing through the trees, makes me feel peaceful.
I dinneven ask--I just kyped it. You are a far better person than me. :-[
I dinneven ask--I just kyped it. You are a far better person than me. :-[
I don't know about that?! I haven't heard back and I put it on my desktop anyway.
Living in California rules.
OMG it's going to be 97 degrees today in Colorado....I HATE summer....I love fall and winter. I told my hubby to drug me up, put me in a well air conditioned room and wake me in october :D
As much as I love winter, I DON'T love winter in Fairbanks, Alaska!
The first picture shows the temperature, and the ice fog that forms at such low temperatures. The water in car exhaust freezes in the air causing a brown/white fog which is suspended ice particles floating in the air.
The second picture is a self picture. The white powder all over the fur on the coat, and the front of the coat is ice from my breath. It was about minus 15F when that picture was taken.
The first picture shows the temperature, and the ice fog that forms at such low temperatures. The water in car exhaust freezes in the air causing a brown/white fog which is suspended ice particles floating in the air.
Ok, that really grossed me out. When I think of Alaska, I think of a beautiful place with cold, clean air....not frozen smog particles hanging in the air :(
All these pictures of winters glory have really cooled me off....thanx for posting them :)
Ok, that really grossed me out. When I think of Alaska, I think of a beautiful place with cold, clean air....not frozen smog particles hanging in the air :(
You are right, Alaska is a place with cold, clean air, but in the cities where there is a lot of traffic, like in Fairbanks, you get ice fog. It was interesting, I lived just outside of Fairbanks when I was there. At my cabin there never was any ice fog, but when I drove into town I would drive into it. But it isn't only caused by car exhaust, it is also caused by just water particles that are already in the air, humidity that froze. It is just that in the city, you always had more ice fog due to the water in car exhaust.
I have seen pictures of an icebow which were really cool.
I found a nice picture of a fogbow here
Ice bow
This picture was taken in Alaska. I never saw an icebow when I was up there, that picture came from the internet. I will have to bring in some pictures from home. I have some great ones I would love to show off.