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(Updated 2) Unofficial VegWeb Chat until the official one goes back up. It uses the same Chat system as VegWeb does. There are now two ways to access the same chat:

And if my page ever goes down, is not available, etc; you can access the chat independently here:

I'll leave this public until chat here is working again. Feel free to go in and use it whenever you want. It is not linked to from anywhere except vegweb, so if any one pops in, it will be a VWer.

Sucks to be me. Nobody's ever on when I'm on. One of the main things I hate about living on the arse end of in this part of the world. Le Sigh. ::)

Heliamphora, I'll try to remember to check in the day when I can. You and I are (marginally) often awake together, though Spain is diametrically opposite NZ on the other side of the world.

Yeah, zat's odd, innit? ::) But good. ;)b :-* Those darn timezones. It would be The Coolness to chat with the yabbit.


Im awake w/  yous usually. But, marginally functional and hardly chatty.  :-X


Im awake w/  yous usually. But, marginally functional and hardly chatty.  :-X

Heh, heh... I know... when I saw you (and PK) in chat several times when I was on, I got all excited... and it was nice when we did acually talk! ;D But I realise that you must be up at some odd hours, by your clock, and in a strange sleepybrained state. ;) I remember that state well; I used to stay awake through crazy times of the night and day, often chatting, in the year or two when I had no job, just after high school. (It was my way of socialising when we'd moved to Australia and I knew nobody IRL.) But enough about meh.


yes, i have no life. and for some reason, no matter how tired i am at 10 pm, i wake up...oh about now.  :o
i have to force myself to get out of here.

btw, i was playing w/ my beads the other day, and thought to myself: "self, i wonder if  helia has been making some fabulous summa (or winter) designs."


yes, i have no life. and for some reason, no matter how tired i am at 10 pm, i wake up...oh about now.  :o
i have to force myself to get out of here.

btw, i was playing w/ my beads the other day, and thought to myself: "self, i wonder if  helia has been making some fabulous summa (or winter) designs."

I didn't mean to imply that you have no life! and anyway, I found it rather fun to be a chat zombie. Sometimes I wish my timetable would allow me the odd all-nighter here and there. Doubt that I could stay awake...  :(

Sadly, no, I haven't made any new joolery in weeks months. Kept meaning to! It's not like I don't have enough beads. Funnily enough, today I'm wearing that labradorite 'n' seed bead necklace that I showed you last time we chatted. :D ;)b


THanks for making that new chat room PK! it's lots of fun!


THanks for making that new chat room PK! it's lots of fun!

Thanks Lisa  ;)b :^


lunchtime chattime!


lunchtime chattime!

yay! fun  ;)b thanks PK!


I want lunchtime chat.  Dumb work block.


I want lunchtime chat.  Dumb work block.

aw hh that sucks :(  hopefully everyone will still be on when you're done working and back home!


I didn't mean to imply that you have no life! and anyway, I found it rather fun to be a chat zombie. Sometimes I wish my timetable would allow me the odd all-nighter here and there. Doubt that I could stay awake...  :(

Sadly, no, I haven't made any new joolery in weeks months. Kept meaning to! It's not like I don't have enough beads. Funnily enough, today I'm wearing that labradorite 'n' seed bead necklace that I showed you last time we chatted. :D ;)b

no, i know you  werent implying..youre too *kew* for that.  ;) I was outright admitting it. ha.

yeah, ive got to get on the ball for some designs..i totally missed out on selling to the hoity toits this summer. Ive got to get some stuff done for the fall leaf i can make some $$ and buy more beeeeeds!!!  ::)


<snip> i can make some $$ and buy more beeeeeds!!!  ::)

HELL yeah. :> ;)b :)>>>

My budget is so tight at the moment it's not funneh. ::)
But as of last week I can actually say I HAVE a budget, thanks to a little lot of help from Dad.
Facing up to my irresponsible spending habits is like painfully pulling a bandage off a very messy wound. :( :-X

I'll have to have a good, thorough look at my bead collection and think of some things to do to use some of it up. Gee, I could say the same thing about my pantry. I prolly have enough dry staples in there to feed me for a month! ;D


Chat people!! NOW!!!


I'm there nao. Nobuddy else is. *whistles tunelessly and twiddles thumbs*


It's been a little inactive lately... :-(


Everyone should go to chat right now! You guys're always complaining about the chat on here not working yet no one's taking advantage of this one.  ??? :(


The chat applet only likes me about 1 in 4 times... sometimes it won't let me enter my username, so I can't get in. I mean, I click on the box, but no cursor appears, so I can't type anything. I can click the button, but that's it. ??? >:( ::) Must be a browser thang.


oh noes!  we want you in chat, Heli!


By popular demand!  My scraped knee!

And my chatting situation, in which my scraped knee oozed onto my sister's bed.



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