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You know what really grinds my gears.......

Ok so maybe I'm just a weirdo, but there's silly little things that really bug me for no apparent reason - what about the rest of you?  Is there any little thing that really annoys you, but probably shouldn't that much?

Ok I'll start:

I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down.  Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT.  There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.

It also bugs me when women put their make up on on public transport - just wake up earlier if you want to wear it - and don't give people dirty looks when they stare at you.

Y'all is a perfectly functional plural pronoun without any other real equivalent, and further, is a contraction of 'you all' which is, grammatically speaking, just fine.
*proud defender of the y'all*

Agreed! Call me a feminist, but I cannot comfortably refer to a group of women as "you guys". I'm a y'all-er all the way. And it's y'all, NOT ya'll.


omg.  I'm with y'all.  Alot of ur examples clearly show their are peeps who need grammar skillz.  Its important to note it's affect on language, to. 


In light of my slanty face thread, people who hit the snooze button more than 2 times while in a living situation where they should REALLY take the well being of others into consideration. I WILL SMASH THE CLOCK. 


People who pronounce "nuclear" as "nukeyoulure." This includes a surprising number of news readers. Look at the word, folks. Nu-clear. How hard is that?

In light of my slanty face thread, people who hit the snooze button more than 2 times while in a living situation where they should REALLY take the well being of others into consideration. I WILL SMASH THE CLOCK. 

I agree! If you live in an apartment, it's not a private house. Remember there are people on each side of you, and above, and below. Keep your banging, hammering, noisy sex, and loud music to reasonable hours! I don't mean to stop your fun but surely drilling and hammering is a little excessive after 10.30 PM!

And I can't even speak coherently about the snooze button thing. Our neighbour upstairs hits his 5 or 6 times before he finally gets up, and that's at 6.30 AM. I don't need to be wakened every 5 minutes, thanks. Especially since I have no where to be before 9. These are the same people who used to have clock that struck the quarters, halfhour, and hour...all night long. With the  Big Ben thing.  >:(


I've often had bio professors who say nukeyoulus instead of nucleus :/ Then again, I've had some who struggled with saying phosphatidylcholine, so maybe I forgive them...

Nah, I don't.


I've often had bio professors who say nukeyoulus instead of nucleus :/ Then again, I've had some who struggled with saying phosphatidylcholine, so maybe I forgive them...

Nah, I don't.

Are they maybe referring to the nucleolus (structure within the nucleus)?

This reminded me...English-speaking foreign language teachers who don't bother to speak with and teach the accent of the language they're teaching drive me crazy. No wonder most Americans are not fluent in more than language. It seems that classes offered in public schools and universities in the US focus far too much on the reading/writing and not enough on conversing in the language. I'm perfectly capable of picking up a book and teaching myself grammar and vocabulary. I signed up for a course so I could learn to SPEAK the language!


This reminded me...English-speaking foreign language teachers who don't bother to speak with and teach the accent of the language they're teaching drive me crazy. No wonder most Americans are not fluent in more than language. It seems that classes offered in public schools and universities in the US focus far too much on the reading/writing and not enough on conversing in the language. I'm perfectly capable of picking up a book and teaching myself grammar and vocabulary. I signed up for a course so I could learn to SPEAK the language!

One of my Spanish teachers in high school drove me insane. She thought she was amazing because her mom is Mexican. The teacher, however, didn't even learn to speak the language until she was in college. Poser.


This won't comfort you any but just so you know, the "everyone could speak (my native language) if they really tried" attitude is everywhere. Where I live (Southern Spain) you will sometimes hear people (particularly men of a certain age) say, "We speak Christian here!" (because of the similarity between the words "castellano"--Spanish and "cristiano"--Christian, or in their case, Catholic, as here the two words are used interchangeably.)  I have heard this in the mouths of otherwise well-educated people...which just goes to show that formal education and deeprooted ignorance can co-exist.

Is there another word for the sort of "ignorance" that just doesn't want to know?


Fufuberry, I thought of you this morning. My roommate left without turning her alarm clock off again. *Sigh*


I've often had bio professors who say nukeyoulus instead of nucleus :/ Then again, I've had some who struggled with saying phosphatidylcholine, so maybe I forgive them...

Nah, I don't.

Are they maybe referring to the nucleolus (structure within the nucleus)?

Sometimes, but also mispronounced as nukeyolus as well. :/


Omgosh, about the alarm clock thing...

My roommate (and we live in the dorms, so she sleeps like less than 10 feet away) has her alarm on her cell phone, like me.  We both have ours set for around 7am, but she likes to hit the snooze on hers.  Which doesn't matter to me, because I go and take a shower and usually she is up by the time I get back.  However, far too often she will turn the alarm off, not hit snooze, and so when I come back from my shower she is still not up and has to be to class in 15 or 20 minutes.  Which means I have to wake her up.  So that's what really bugs me - when people are stupid and turn off their alarm when they mean to hit snooze.


Honey, if she's old enough for college she's an adult. You're not her mom. If you let her sleep through a couple of classes she will learn the lesson. Next time, let her sleep it out. The lessons we learn the hard way are the ones that stay with us.

I used to work in a language school and we got a lot of first-job teachers fresh out of college who thought Spain was just an extension of party-girl dorm life. "My alarm didn't go off" means "I slept through it or turned it off and turned over." My boss would dock a person's pay for that, and rightly. But if they admitted they slept through it,she didn't dock them, for being honest.


"I'm bored of that." No, honey---bored with. Tired of.


it doesnt really grind my gears, but it bothers me when people say "I don't have a choice!"  when they do.  i feel like we always have choices maybe its not always the choices we would like to choose from but there's always a choice.

oh and going along with yabbit "I'm soooo bored, this is soooo boring"  grrr that bugs me.


people with their personal stereos / mps players up so so so loud on public transport that you can either hear
a) an annoying 'tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk' continuously OR
b) the whole bloody song - are you really that deaf that I can hear your music from your headphones at the other end of the train?!?


people with their personal stereos / mps players up so so so loud on public transport that you can either hear
a) an annoying 'tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk' continuously OR
b) the whole bloody song - are you really that deaf that I can hear your music from your headphones at the other end of the train?!?

but haven't they seen the signs? ; )


no obviously not.  what's even worse is when little idiots come on with their music blaring out of their mobile phones.  It's shit quality and is always always crap music.
But I'm always to afraid to tell them off - I don't want to get stabbed or anything horrid.


yes. I despise the tinny cellphone music noise too, and noticed it to be particularly bad on the London tubes.  As is the risk of stabbing.
There you go, two more reasons to pack up and head for our sunny shores ; )


don't worry oww, I on't need any more reasons....just to wait to get my visa.


music that has racist lyrics.  hate it.



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