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? about eating and exhaustion..

i'm not sure if anyone here can answer this, but i thought i'd try and see..

every time i eat, within 5 minutes of finishing i get extremely tired. it's been going on for months and it didn't bother me too much until i started taking anti-depressants about a week ago which makes me so tired to the point where i actually sleep for a couple hours during the middle of the day (and that's not normal for me)

it doesn't matter what i eat or how much/little.. i was hoping someone might have some insight on this. anything is much appreciated  :-\

Wow. A circulatory problem? Blood sugar? I strongly suggest you see a doctor and get some tests done.
I have extremely low bloodpressure so after a meal I often feel cold, since the blood leaves your extremeties a bit and goes to the stomach to help out with digestion. My (Spanish) doctor prescribed a nip of brandy--but that wouldn't help with sleepiness. Maybe an after-dinner coffee or tea would help you stay awake, but I do think you need a professional opinion.


This is a very common symptom of diabetes or hypoglycemia. I would ask a doctor to check your sugar levels.

Also, make sure that your meals have enough fiber and protein and some fats - that helps keep sugar levels even. Refined carbs (ie, white bread, fruit juice, candy) are famous for causing this problem.


really glad someone posted this.
I have the *exact*same problem.
But the doctor's always tell me my sugar is within "acceptable" levels.  :?


yogaferret, my doctor tells me my sugar level is fine too. i haven't had a blood test in a long time but it just makes me hesitant to get another one because i feel like it'll be a waste (besides the fact that i hate needles)

looking up the hypoglycemia thing now, though, im thinking i might have to get that checked.. because for months i've woken up every night sweating, which i guess is a symptom, but my doctor just said it was from stress. and because i get excessively thirsty every night


yogaferret, my doctor tells me my sugar level is fine too. i haven't had a blood test in a long time but it just makes me hesitant to get another one because i feel like it'll be a waste (besides the fact that i hate needles)

looking up the hypoglycemia thing now, though, im thinking i might have to get that checked.. because for months i've woken up every night sweating, which i guess is a symptom, but my doctor just said it was from stress. and because i get excessively thirsty every night

hypoglycemia is another sugar problem so that would have (or should have) been "diagnosed" at the same time as diabetes.  They're like opposite sides of the same coin.  Often showing up hand-in-hand

Excessively thirsty though... that could be a symptom.
I drink constantly out of habit not thrist so I don't have that as a symptom. :)


I drink constantly out of habit not thrist so I don't have that as a symptom. :)

i drink constantly too  :(  that's the only reason why i consider it some kind of symptom


Being thirst all the time is another symptom of diabetes-- so it might be worth going in to get your blood sugars/insulin levels checked. It might be nothing, but it can't hurt.


If the last check you had was over 3 mos ago, get your blood tested again. A lot can happen in that time. If it's nothing, you haven't wasted anyone's time--they get paid for it and you have just purchased some peace of mind. Well worth the effort!
Don't look at the needle, and take deep breaths--it only takes a minute. ((Sariea))


If the last check you had was over 3 mos ago, get your blood tested again. A lot can happen in that time.

Very very good point to bring up.
If you have insurance, it certainly wouldn't hurt to check.

Incidentally, my reason for drinking constantly is boredom. 
I drink half as much at home on the weekends than I do during the week at work. ;)

Ferret Research:
Ferret Resources:
Mahatma Gandhi:
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." 


i wish i drank out of boredom. i eat instead  :-\  not something i'm happy about


I have heard of this, and I believe it's called reactive hypoglycemia (or something like that). The usual fasting blood-sugar test wouldn't pick up on it, because the drop in blood sugar occurs after eating not after fasting.  I believe there are other blood glucose tests that can be done that test your reaction to the consumption of a sugary drink after fasting.  It may be called a Glucose tolerance test?  I'm not sure exactly, but I have read a bit about this before.  Of course it's best to get a doctor to check because there could be something else entirely that's causing the problem.


I have these symptoms, too...for me it was due to an endocrine imbalance...I thought it was just an inconvenience through most of school.  I wish I'd gotten it checked sooner, because now it's a real pain.

There are a lot of tests you can take; the glucose tolerance test formerly mentioned is a real pain but should rule out diabetes, of which those symptoms are very common.  Good luck, and don't let anyone tell you not to do anything about it!!


I have heard of this, and I believe it's called reactive hypoglycemia (or something like that). The usual fasting blood-sugar test wouldn't pick up on it, because the drop in blood sugar occurs after eating not after fasting.  I believe there are other blood glucose tests that can be done that test your reaction to the consumption of a sugary drink after fasting.  It may be called a Glucose tolerance test?  I'm not sure exactly, but I have read a bit about this before. 

This is definitely something for me to look into because I was using a blood glucose monitor for a few months and nothing unusual showed up.  (I had it for my fuzzies and tested it on myself until I felt adept in using i t.)

Here's a clip from the Mayo Clinic:
Here's a clip from the Health Cares Net:

Doesn't seemlike there's much to do for it... :(

Ferret Research:
Ferret Resources:
Mahatma Gandhi:
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."


no new suggestions here?    :'(



:o OK I was just reading for my Med-Surg nursing class, and after 9 hours in the hospital and 4 hours doing homework, I was just about to quit...  When I read something that pertained to this very topic!  Of course I had to come on here and search until I found this post...

Dumping syndrome is a condition that occurs after eating,  believed to be caused by a rapid emptying of gastric contents into the gut, causing abdominal distention.  Symptoms usually occur within 30 minutes of eating and include vertigo, increased heart rate, syncope, sweating, palpitations, and the desire to lay down.  Late dumping syndrome occurs 90 min - 3 hours after eating and includes symptoms such as dizziness, light-headedness, sweating, and confusion.

To those that are complaining of weakness after eating - does this sound like anything that you guys are experiencing?  This condition is managed primarily through dietary measures such as eating smaller meals and not drinking fluids during meals, or one hour before or after...  Yogaferrett - didn't I read in another post that you drink *excessive* amounts of fluids?  Could you try to limit them around meal times and see if you still experience the same symptoms?

I am not trying to diagnose anyone here, just give helpful information...  I am after all, going into the medical field!  Please let me know what you think about this information, I will be curiously awaiting!  :)


There is hypoglycemia and then here is glucose intolerance.  You can have some level of glucose intolerance and still have blood sugar in the normal range.  You can test this at home.  What happens if you sit down to a meal, being sure to be hungry, and put away mostly white flour pasta? Or say spaghetti with tomato sauce and garlic bread?  Do you get tired right away, or after about 20 to 60 minutes?  How long does it take you to be hungry again?

If you feel better after such a meal, initially right after eating, but then about half an hour later you need a nap, you have glucose intolerance.  Let this go on long enough and you'll end up with blood sugar problems that register with the doctor.

So, what to do.  Cut out the white foods (white flour, white pasta, white rice, white bread and potatoes).  Replace them with small portions of whole grains as whole as you can get, so brown rice rather than bread, barley over pasta, less refined even ifwhole grain.  REmember that a serving ONE SERVING of these foods is 1/2-cup, not 1 cup, not 1-1/2 cups, 1/2-cup only.  Round out your meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables and if you do have grains, have 1/2-cup not more and be sure you have a source of protein.

You can learn to deal with this pretty well.  I have problems and I do have hypoglycemia.  I have to have whole grains as a condiment.  A slice of toast at breakfast and I need a nap in half an hour. 


i couldn't really say how i'd react to white pasta or spaghetti and garlic bread because i don't eat those things--or i try not to--if i do eat them, i try and make sure it is whole wheat pasta and breads.

is it a carb thing though? i know sugars are carbs, but my diet is mainly carbs, i eat a lot of cereals, home-made muffins cookies and breads, crackers. so i guess it'd be hard to figure out what it is, but a lot of times i have just a pear for lunch and that makes me tired too. i'm so confused!!  :o

that Dumping Syndrome sounds very interesting. and i have a lot of those symptoms (sweating, palpitations, drowsiness, and confusion) but i do have to admit.. i have been battling with anorexia for over 5 years and within the last year (and especially within the last few months) it has gone in the exact opposite direction and i am now fighting with binge eating

So i know that the sweating could be due to the fact that i eat a mass amount of food at night, the drowsiness happens no matter how little i eat though, but i've recently been getting chest pains too (probably just indigestion) and even my family and friends have noticed that i can't think as well as i used to. i seriously haven't known what day it is for over two weeks, i had to buy a watch that says what day it is, and they tell me i stop mid-sentence and act like i wasn't talking.

obviously this is frustrating, so i apologize for rambling and getting off-topic. i just had to get it out somewhere, especially since i found out today that the only doctor left that i'd hoped would help me said she won't help me because i used to be anorexic  :-\


obviously this is frustrating, so i apologize for rambling and getting off-topic. i just had to get it out somewhere, especially since i found out today that the only doctor left that i'd hoped would help me said she won't help me because i used to be anorexic  :-\

Why won't she help you if you used to be anorexic?! I don't get that!


we contacted that doctor because she specializes in helping binge eaters. but she won't help me because she works at a weight-loss clinic.

i was very upset when my mother told me this today. there seems to be some kinda of belief that "as long as she's eating, she's better and doesn't need help, even if she's now overeating"

i guess they just don't want to be held responsible if i had lost too much weight. thats the only thing i can come up with


Antidepressants make you *extremely* tired when you first start taking them -- for about the first 3 months. I took them when my father was dying, and I constantly felt like passing out. I slept every afternoon and my appetite lessened. I was groggy all day long. I slowly had to ween myself off the medication, and months later, was back to normal. My sleepiness also occured at meal-times, perhaps digestion punctuates the problem.

Don't know if that helps. How sleepy were you before the medication?? Do you have problems standing for long periods of time--for instance, when you shower?



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