About Vitamin D
Vit. D is beginning to make headlines as one of the most important vitamins for health, especially bone health. For years we've heard ad nauseum about calcium is the most important. Now we know without vitamin D, all that calcium doesn't help.
As an aspiring vegan it's been a dilema to me because the most effective Vit D is D3 which is animal derived. Wrong.
I've read an online source that D2, which is plant derived and is just as effective. I read a study in webmd or somewhere that this was being discovered, but also read it in my Nursing journal which states:
Source: National Osteoporosis Foundation. http://www.nof.org/osteoporosis/faq.htm.
MYTH: Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is better for bone health than vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol).
FACT: Although previous studies indicated that vitamin D3 was better, more recent studies haven’t found a difference between the effect of the two forms of vitamin D on bone health. Vitamin D helps with calcium absorption. Adults under age 50 need 400 to 800 international units of vitamin
D daily; those 50 and older need 800 to 1,000 international units daily.
Now at least I can feel good about my vegan calcium/vit D tablet without feeling like I'm wasting money.
Just thought I would share. :)
thanks for sharing Tweety - my understanding was that it doesn't matter what the source vit D.
It's usually taken in in the diet in the inactive form (can't remember which) and then partially activated in the liver and then in the kidney to the active form. So most healthy adults are able to activate whichever form of vit D is taken in.
Also, in UK healthcare, we tend to accept that most adults in the UK are able to synthesise enough vitamin D themselves due to going out in the sun (or what little we have of it!) - even in winter months. Generally we only recommend vit D supplements for elderly patients who are less likely to get enough sun exposure to synthesise their own (and other patients at high risk of fractures)
So basically a pointless post from me there - except to say - I agree with you Tweety :)
I also just found out this week, that not only does vitamin D help w/ Calcium absorption, but is also helpful/important in mental health!! Apparently, it helps the brain produce serotonin. To achieve this level, you may need to take a supplement (if you don't already take a calcium supplement that contains it) if you live in an area that's mostly overcast/rainy for the majority of the year.
www.webmd.com/depression/news/ 20040803/vitamin-d-ease-depression
Thanks! This has been on my mind a lot...because it IS all over the news, and with me trying to grow a kid and all. I am relieved!
Thanks for starting this thread Tweety.
I am starting to take Calcium and Vitamin D tomorrow. I have heard that Calcium Citrate is more easily absorbed and as the one I bought does not contain D, I bought a separate bottle of D. Of course because I can't find my reading glasses, I have no idea which D I have bought. Probably the animal derived one.
Something else I read, if you take calcium supplements, take it with something citrus. A glass of OJ or something. Helps it absorb better.
Without googling, what are all the citrus foods? Grapefruit, orange and what else?
Nice to read in this thread that D is also good for brain health. With my mom having Alzheimer's, it is a constant worry for me.
Good to know one can find D that is not animal derived but do you think the D added to foods is? Probably, I would think. As in fortified anything.
Once again Tweety, thanks. I guess I never thought about D being from an animal. It is supposed to be from sunshine. :) Which I get a lot of in the spring, summer and fall. Not so much in the winter.
Di, D3 is the what your body produces and can be manufactured in pill form from animal products (I don't know how), and I'm not sure which form is in fortified foods, I think both, but if it says "in the form of Cholecalciferol they are using animal derived D3, and if it's ergocalciferol, it's plant derived. l notice my almond milk and rice milk both say ergocalciferol. Just another thing for vegans to read labels about. :)
Citris is indeed organges, lemons, etc. Vit C is also in tomatoes, strawberries and other fruits.
I know Robert Cohen is a little whacky, but this was in his newsletter the other day. I thought it was interesting:
Too Much Vitamin-D is Unhealthy
How soon we forget! Children are taught in first
grade that Vitamin D is the "sunshine vitamin."
Vitamin D is a steroid hormone and is synthesized
in one's body after skin is exposed to sunlight.
Once the body has made enough, it will produce
no more. Too much Vitamin D can be toxic and
result in bone loss.
Vitamin D-3 is used to kill rats!
Why is it added to milk?
(A brochure produced by the Ministry of Environment
in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.)
The brochure represents a series of "safe and
sensible" pest control measures, according to
the Canadian Health Minister.
Many methods of mice and rat control are discussed.
I prefer the most foolproof of methods: Don't let
them eat your food. Store all foods in refrigerators
or tamper-proof containers. With no food supply,
mice and rats go elsewhere to dine.
According to Canadian health officials, Vitamin D-3
is the most effective and ecologically sound method
of dealing with rat and mouse infestation.
According to the brochure, products containing
Vitamin D-3 (calciferol) kill by vitamin overdose
after 3-4 days. The Vitamin D-3 actually mobilizes
excessive amounts of calcium from an animal's bones.
And you thought that Vitamin D-3 helped to absorb
calcium. Another dairy industry myth!
Don't try this at home. When the animal dies within
your walls, its putrefying body will add the most
unpleasant bouquet to your environment. The
offensive smell may last for months.
In 1963, the Journal Pediatrics revealed:
"Consuming as little as 45 micrograms of Vitamin
D-3 in young children has resulted in signs of
overdose." (one gallon of milk contains 1600 IU,
or 40 micrograms)." (Pediatrics, 1963; 31)
A study published in the New England Journal of
Medicine revealed that of 42 milk samples, only
12% were within the expected range of Vitamin D
content. Testing of 10 samples of infant formula
revealed seven with more that twice the Vitamin
D content reported on the label, one of which
had more than four times the label amount.
(New England Journal of Medicine, 1992, 326)
Robert Cohen
Damn! I just bought a huge bottle of calcium pills that said no added dairy but it has D3! >:(
Damn! I just bought a huge bottle of calcium pills that said no added dairy but it has D3! >:(
No "added" dairy. They don't need to add it because it's already in there! Bwahahaha >:D
I think D3 actually comes from Sheep's wool. So not dairy, but still gross.
Ugh! I'm so pissed! I have 120 capsules!!
Thank you for this topic. I just had a blood test of vitamin D level because I discussed with my doctor about my vegan diet because I was not sure if it is related with my bone pain which I was also diagnosed with auto immune disease. My doctor told me that low level of D will cause some auto immune disease and bone pain. The result is shocking. My D level is 8.1. Normal should be above 30. I am put on prescription mega dose with D and today I have a bone density test. I don't know the result yet. That is the reason I come to check what my fellow vegans ever discussed vitamin D.
We talked about lots of B12 but not much of D. My B12 is also very low. I am much more aware about supplements now. I started to take these two supplements and already felt energy level is improved a lot within one week!
I am also shock to learn supplement of D3 is from sheep wool! As long as they don't need to kill the sheep for it. I will have to endure it for whole year that is the prescription.
I decided that I am going to sun bath in my back yard when weather is warmer now!
Thanks the topic
this is cool stuff. Phosphorus is the third part of the bone-building triangle, but I think is relatively abundant in plant foods (leafy greens especially) so people don't generally have to worry about it. Apparently "sunflower seeds, peanuts, pine nuts, peanut butter, bran flakes, shredded wheat, whole wheat bread, noodles, rice, white bread, potatoes, corn, peas, French fries, & broccoli" are good sources, according to this (seemingly meat/dairy-centered) website. (aside: I like how they claim the best way to get it is in supplement form. Obviously trying to sell their stuff whether this is true or not - clearly it's found in MANY foods)
The vitamin D + serotonin thing is pretty cool! Makes me want to take D supplements, although generally I don't take any supplements. But I have worked outdoors alot for the past couple of years, and have definitely found that it makes a difference if you tend to get SAD in the winter months. I used to hate winter and feel down in the wintertime pretty often. Since working in an outdoor environment - even just for the summer - I feel alot better in the winter, I assume due to having more D3 stored or something. :)
I'm going to have the check out my multi vitamin. It should have 100% of Vitamin D, right?
Doughbunny, the cruelty in the wool industry is well documented, but you have to take care of yourself. Also don't be too harsh on your vegan diet, as Americans in general don't get enough Vit D, thus our high rates of hip fractures, osteoporosis, etc. Don't sunbathe too long. 15 minutes will do. Best of luck to you.
Rediscoverlife, the RDA is probably low compared to some recommendations. 15 minutes of sun will do. :)
Thank you all, that was very informative.
Thank you tweey.
My bone density result is back and it is normal. I am lucky!
Do remember when sun bath, do not put on sun protection lotion! It will prevent the absorption of D!
That's good to hear doughbunny!