Anyone have/know anything about Meniere's diesease?
So, my mom has been diagnosed with this. Basically, it involves these vertigo attacks that send her to the bathroom with insane diarrhea, vomitting, extreme dizziness, and a hell of a fever (like turning an ice cold wash cloth hot in a matter of seconds). All of this happens within a matter of minutes, sometimes seconds, after her initial dizziness There is usually no warning of these attacks, though her doctor told her that a high sodium diet and stress are both potential triggers. She just had another attack tonight (sometimes she'll go years without them, sometimes months).
I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about it/could offer any advice. It's such a shock to her system that she's just exhausted for the rest of the day afterward and it's really stressful/scary for her to not get any warning.
When ever I need advice I just look it up on the internet.
Ménière's disease (pronounced /meɪnˈyɛərz) is a disorder of the inner ear that can affect hearing and balance. It is characterized by episodes of dizziness and tinnitus and progressive hearing loss, usually in one ear. It is caused by an increase in volume and pressure of the endolymph of the inner ear.
There is lots of advice there for you too.
I guess I should have mentioned that we have done extensive internet research (both my mom and I have), so I know what's out there. I guess I was just wanting to know if anyone else had any experience with it and knew of anything that wasn't commonly suggested that was helpful in reducing the intensity/frequency of the attacks.
There are some maneuvers, if you will, that can help. It is an inner ear disorder. They use diuretics to treat it sometimes, I know that. Those don't work well for many people, however. When I was doing a freestanding surgical center we had a pair of doctors, a father and son, who specialized in Meniere's disorder and they would sometimes try minor surgery for the worst cases. Because I only transcribed the operative procedure and not the followup, I can't tell you how that all works, or if it does.
It can be just awful and it sounds like she has some of the worst. Research for Meniere's exercises. I can't remember what they are called anymore because I don't transcribe clinic work these days.
Thanks, LadyDragonfly! I'll check out the exercises. Her doctor pretty much told her there was nothing she could do about it, but she's been taking lipoflavonoids for a while now and the ringing in her ear (tinnitus) has finally stopped after years and years of it. The attacks are still possible, though, so anything she could try would be great. Thanks, again!