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ATTN: Humbolt Honey, Cheezes, and any other ladies (NVR)

Well I just got back from my "annual" pelvic exam. OK so it's 18 mos since the last one, life has been too busy. And the appt is 2 mos late. We discussed the impact of the thyroid problem on the other issues I've been having. She was very encouraged and everything looks clear--though the Pap has to be analized yet.

So, how are you both doing on Uterine Health Month? You said if I would, you would. Well I did! Your turn, now! ;)

I went last month- everything is super.  I also got tested for every STD under the sun- hooray again- clean as a.... um.... non- infected person.  Yay!

I think it's really important for people to get tested, too!  Especially us 'younger' ones who think "oh it can't happen to me"...

Congrats, yabbit on your follow-through!


im due for a check up, and i need new contacts, and I need to go to the dentist......blah

fun fun fun


im due for a check up, and i need new contacts, and I need to go to the dentist......blah

fun fun fun

I just went to the eye doc last Wednesday and have the dentist this Wednesday.  I'm all up on my stuff.  :P


ahh, a finely tuned up Meggs machine

i think i have that on my xmas list


ahh, a finely tuned up Meggs machine

i think i have that on my xmas list

LOL  ;)
Ok no more hijacking yabbit's thread- this is important stuff.


I have my yearly gyn appointment next week.  I plan on getting tested for everything.  Since my mom's cancer diagnosis last month we've talked about keeping myself up to date on testing.  My mom's cousin died of ovarian cancer and her other cousin had to have a hysterectomy (spelling) as did my mom's sister.  My grandmother and my great-grandmother (on my mother's side) both died in childbirth and my mother had a difficult time with me.  I am now at an age (31) where I need to start paying more attention.  I go for a regular exam every year but did you know that ovarian cancer screens are NOT part of a regular exam?  You have to ask for it specifically and they are usually not covered by insurance  >:(  Since I have a family history now, mine should be covered.  Anyway, probably more information than you wanted, but it's important to examine your family history and know what is part of your routine exam and what is not. 


You give me courage, yg.  Apparently I have out-slacked you, being that  I haven't exactly made that appointment yet, even though we made a pact - what, four months ago, at least?

*whiny voice*  Okay, I'll do it (in February).


I have to say I am lucky with my gynae, she has such gentle hands. And since I had a teratoma removed 3 yrs ago the ovarian screening is standard. She did ask for a urine sample, why, I have no idea! DH sat in the waiting room and wondered because, he says, you could hear us giggling like hyenas...or at least like koo-koo bananas!  ;D I guess it's because I wore totally the WRONG clothes and basically had to strip to my skin...the jokes were flying thick and fast! After the breast exam I sat up and said, "So, was it good for you?" That did it!  ;D ;D


I guess it's because I wore totally the WRONG clothes and basically had to strip to my skin...

We've established before that I've cancelled all of my appointments to date, so I'm completely out of the know.  What are the right clothes?  ???


May I suggest a skirt, not with pantyhose, so you can just take off your knickers...if you have a garter belt this would be the time to wear it. And a top that makes it easy to unhook your bra without taking your top off. I wore jeans, tennies and a difficult top. Shoes off to get jeans and knickers off, then I couldn't unhook myself...FAAARRR TMI!! ::) ::) HTBT, definitely.


When it comes to this there's never TMI, although I don't own a skirt.  Knowledge is power and knowing what I'm getting myself in for definitely means I might make an appointment (sometime next year). 


huh, whenever i go in i always have to get naked (minus my socks!) and wear this paper shirt and skirt combo. super sexy  :-* :-*

Yeah, I'm with BP here, they always tell me to take everything off (have to keep the socks, though, those stirrups are COLD) and put on the ever so sexy/comfy/drafty paper ensemble.

It's never really bothered me. I mean, where's the room for modesty when you're about to be very intimate with an assortment of cold metal instruments??

:D ;D :D


huh, whenever i go in i always have to get naked (minus my socks!) and wear this paper shirt and skirt combo. super sexy  :-* :-*

Yep, me, too. Maybe the difference in American and Spanish doctors?


I take off my socks....I feel it sets the mood better


Aw, man... I've been missing out on the socks at the gyno! I always have my yearly check-up in the summer, so I wear my flip-flops or flats (without socks, obviously)... Maybe I'll bring some socks next time. Haha.

P.S. How the hell does Adam always find his way into these "ladies only" conversations?! :D ;D I mean, I'm happy to have you here & learn about your opinions, but what makes you even peek in here? The Diva Cup thread, shaving your legs, pelvic exams... You are an adventurous (and curious?) man! ;)

P.P.S. I think something either happened to Cheezes or she's just not a VegWebber anymore... I sent her a message almost two months ago & she never wrote back (we had been talking regularly before that) and I don't think she's made any posts for ages! :'( I know she was having computer/internet problems, but jeez...


My doctor's office got cloth thingies to wrap my naked body in- much better than the paper ones. 
Then you get that lovely paper "cover" as well.


i have had FOUR pap tests in the last year.  HORRIBLE!  I've moved around so much in the last year, I wasn't in one place long enough to totally fix one small problem.  I would go, get the medicine, try it out, then have to move a week later discovering that, oh, the medicine didnt work.  Lets try another doctor in a new town.  Oh, I need to get another lousy pap smear for every new doctor.  Horay.  Luckily the last one said, hmm, you've had 4 pap tests in the past 6 months, I dont think we need to do another one.  By the time I got to her my condition got worse and I had TWO problems!  UGH!

NEXT problem.  The only female gyno near me now is an hour away. BOOO.

on a positive note.  my faaavorite gyno, who was actually a midwife, had these soft robes to wear. oooo they were so nice.

which reminds me.  if i need a refill for my b/c can i just call an old gyno and have her call in to refill it?  Or do i need to go to a new doctor to get a new script?  I dont know how these things work yet.


if i need a refill for my b/c can i just call an old gyno and have her call in to refill it?  Or do i need to go to a new doctor to get a new script?  I dont know how these things work yet.

Depends on your doctor.


My doctor's office got cloth thingies to wrap my naked body in- much better than the paper ones. 
Then you get that lovely paper "cover" as well.

Same here!


which reminds me.  if i need a refill for my b/c can i just call an old gyno and have her call in to refill it?  Or do i need to go to a new doctor to get a new script?  I dont know how these things work yet.

My pharmacy takes care of it, they fax a request into my doctor and he gives them the okay for the next six refills.  And I actually get mine refilled by gyno OR derm since I started in on it originally as an acne problem fixer, and I have the feeling my family doctor would do it too. I usually just ask the month before I'm out to send in a request to whichever I want



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