Best ways to prevent getting sick
Posted by lisaanddini on Sep 19, 2008 · Member since May 2007 · 2179 posts
I've been really tired this past week & thought it was just because I've been really busy + I have my period, but now my throat is a little sore & I'm afraid I'm starting to get sick again. I plan on taking the Wellness Supplements That I used before, but does anyone else have any tips for trying to fight off whatever this is? Should I go crazy with Vitamin C?
I always go crazy with the vitamin C when I'm getting sick, so I'd say yes. And zinc for your sore throat. Hope you feel better soon. Being sick sucks.
Wash your hands all the time. Every time you touch a public door knob, light switch, counter. All the time. Carry anti-microbial stuff and use it before you eat, after you touch a menu or any of the afore mentioned items. It's a really easy habit to develop and, if you can get over feeling a bit OCD, you won't get sick much, if at all.
And get plenty of sunshine. Vitamin D is proven to deter flu bugs.
This combo has worked for us for two years now, with no major and only a few minor (light sore throat type of thing) bugs. Oh, and we avoid children like the plague. ;)b
Yeah man, ditto on the hand washing things. Every time I touch something in a public space, every time I touch a computer/phone, every time I come home, every time I take public transport, before I eat anything or touch my face... I know it is OCD, but I work with kids, so you know... I can feel the grime on my hands if I haven't washed hands in 30 minutes or so. *shudder*
I really don't mean this to sound smug, but I also attribute my great health to not having kids. I get exposed to all the germs and whatnot at work, so my immune system is pretty tough, but I don't have any of my own, so I tend to be pretty well rested, which parents are very often *not*. I think rest is very very important when it comes to your health.
Yes, wash your hands often. Also, try not to touch your face, especially your eyes or mouth.
Ditto on the handwashing and not-touching-eyes.
And drink miso soup a lot. Either hot-water-and-miso (blargh) or stir it into your favourite broth. Even if I get blindsided by a cold I find that miso makes me feel better faster.
I take it you have kids, Lisaandini? Because I was going to recommend a whole day of sleep, and I know that it's not always possible with kids. I got sick at the beginning of August (some kind of cold bug caught on people around here...), I ate minestrone and slept all day. I also took Tylenol for cold, which is something I usually don't take, but it helped me sleep, otherwise I would cough and cough and just end up crying because I couldn't sleep.
And the hand washing thing and the plenty of vitamins and positive thinking can also help!
i'm also big on wash your hands, don't touch your face. I've found Zicam Intranasal gel has helped to nip a cold in the bud too.
thanks for the tips everyone! I do wash my hands a lot, but I'm not OCD about it yet. I will work on that. I think since I'm training for a marathon my immune system will be a little suppressed for a while & needs all the help it can get. I don't have any kids, so sleep isn't that difficult. It really is just the very begining of a cold, so I'm hoping to prevent it. I am now fully stocked on vitamins & supplements & yerba mate tea, so we shall see how it goes!
You know, I haven't gotten sick since I went veg*n.
You know, I haven't gotten sick since I went veg*n.
Don't jynx yourself, bubs. I used to brag that I hadn't gotten sick since going vegan and then I came down with some sort of evil plague in january and it destroyed me for a week. I haven't been that sick in my entire life!
And if you DO get a cold, in spite of all your efforts, remember to clean your nose skin with a tissue dampened in water every time you think about it. It's not the tissue that chaps your nose and makes it sore, it's the residue of mucus left on the skin when you blow and wipe. A friend of mine is a chemical engineer and she told me this. It works.
does anyone else have any tips for trying to fight off whatever this is?
Sleep / power-relaxing is a cure-all.
for sore throats, I gargle with warm baking soda water. it totally gets rid of it.
also, i love the neti pot. i think its a good preventative too, but i only seem to think of it when i have a cold.
Work in a kindergarten center. Exposure to 400 5-year-olds will immunize you to every germ in the book.
Except, apparently, the one I have managed to contract this week. I have literally not been sick in years and forget how much it sucks!
It worked! I didn't even take it as easy as I should have, I went out friday night, ran long sat morning & went out again sat, then super cleaned the house sunday & went for a bike ride, but I feel better today than I did friday! yay!
I highly recommend source naturals "wellness formula"