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Colonics? How did it go?

I'm interested in the idea of colon cleansing, but it seems kind of *weird* at the same time, and I've heard it can be detrimental because of just moving all that *lower* bacteria all over the place making you more prone to infection as opposed to cleansing...any thoughts? Experiences?

In hospital, they call them enemas. I found the one I had painful, not in the doing but in the after-effects. I had terrible intestinal cramps for a couple of hours after, and the need to dash to the toilet right now.


Yeah I think it's bullshit.  No pun intended.

But really, there is no good science to back up colon cleansing.  It makes you feel lighter because you are moving every single ounce of crap out of you, but you're just gonna put it back in.  You're supposed to have stuff in there.  If your intestine magically evacuated itself every time you pooped....well, that's only gonna happen if you put something foreign in there to blast it all out.   ???

Our noses run when needed.  Our vaginas secrete stuff.  And we poop.  Assuming you eat right, I think colon cleansing is a total waste of time and have yet to read a single piece of compelling, scientific, non-anecdotal evidence in its favor.  Like, what are the benefits supposed to be?  Toxin removal?  Meh.  Show me the facts.


There are certain things that could be hanging around in your system that are harmful (heavy metals and what have you), but these things won't be eliminated by cleaning out the colon; they circulate in your blood!
Everything that your body or the bacteria in your intestines cannot digest moves right on; typically, this is fiber. Everything it can digest, whether it be harmful or beneficial, will be digested. Clearly with the obesity epidemic in the U.S., humans are pretty good at digesting bad food.
Some people note that, when they do some intense colon cleanse thing, that there's, er, "sludge" or "goo" or whatever that does eventually come out, and attribute this to toxins and whatnot. But, actually, it's the natural mucosal lining of your intestines (and you need it!). You need the mucous to protect your delicate epithelial cells from damage and to provide a home to your beneficial bacterial gut flora. That's another thing - if you clean out tons of your gut flora, you'll have quite some trouble digesting once you do eat. They do a lot of the work for us (ah, we're lazy in so so many ways...), and serious decline in gut flora numbers can be dangerous (you can survive without them fine, but the trouble is that there are certain potentially harmful ones in there that are kept at bay by the others - when you remove them , the harmful type  (C. difficile) can gain a foothold and cause a really bad infection). In fact, when people do get that problem, one of the solutions is... a poop enema! You can imagine what this might be  :D
I swear there was a different thread on this a while ago...
Anyway, when people get colonoscopies, they take a moderate laxative beforehand. When they go in with the camera - there's no build up anywhere! Just a happy, pink colon, and all the ones I've seen were done on omnivores anyway.


Just say no to colonics.  You colon is full of poop, it's not supposed to be clean pink and pretty. 

The human body is fairly effective at ridding itself of food waste products throught the colon naturally.   

Veg*ns who eat plenty of fiber and drink plenty of fluids need not worry about colonics. 

Colonics might "feel good" because sometimes there's no better feeling than a good dump, but there's no medical reason for a "cleansing".  Don't mess with mother nature here.


I have to agree with Tweety, here. By doing colonics regularly (particularly with coffee etc as espoused by some places) you may end up killing off your friendly intestinal flora and laying yourself open to infections that could be long-lasting and nasty.

I had the enema because I was about to have abdominal surgery, and they were understandably trying to keep the field as clean as possible. But I wouldn't just go do I said, it was damned painful.


I had the enema because I was about to have abdominal surgery, and they were understandably trying to keep the field as clean as possible. But I wouldn't just go do I said, it was damned painful.

I've never had an enema or colonic but they definately sound preferable to the prep work you have to do for a colonoscopy.  Drinking a nasty thick koolaid like subtances until you start to throw it up is infinately worse in my opinion.  Not only does it taste disgusting but you also have to deal with sever cramping/bathroom issues.


It seems like doing these regularly would hinder some nutrient absorption too, no?  I mean, if it's clearing EVERYTHING out as quickly as possible, that means it's taking undigested (and unabsorbed) food with it, leaving you deprived of certain nutrients.  I don't buy into the idea.  I think there are much better ways to "cleanse" your body--I'm not a fan of fasting, either, but I would fast before I would do a colon cleanse.


Yup, you depend on those little bacteria buggers to make many nutrients available to you. Additionally, diarrhea/fast-paced-digestion in general tends to result in the last phase to be skipped: fat-soluble nutrient absorption. While some people think "yay! no fat!" when they hear this, it's super important for A, D, E, and K absorption.
Additionally, some laxative-type agents actually bind fat soluble vitamins, making them entirely unavailable (such as mineral oil and Olestra). But, in my experience the agents used for colonics are neither of these.
I think a nice "middle path" to this whole business is incorporating more fiber into the diet, preferably dietary fiber and not fiber supplements. (on another note, if you don't drink enough water with a high-fiber diet, you wind up with the opposite effect: constipation! egh.)


Thanks for all the input guys  ;)b
I've always heard that certain foods like popcorn never leave the colon, so the idea of colon cleansing has always intrigued me...however it seems so invasive, so I probably will not try it anytime soon....the idea of being hooked up to a tube and sitting on a toilet while I get 'flushed' has me a litle spooked at the get-go  :-X
But...I never say never  ::)


What goes in must come out, sooner or later. Think about however long you've been alive. If all the popcorn or whatever I've snarfed in 46 years of life "never left my colon" I'd have burst a couple of decades ago.

Ask any physiology prof.


Lol, well said, YG.  ;D

I needed that laugh.


I actually had one.....I told the lady doing it that I thought it was worse than labor! I did see some yucky stuff come out (I was trying to cleanse myself of my former disgusting eating habits). I actually had her stop early because I couldn't take it anymore. I guess I'm of the school that mine is an EXIT only opening!  :o ;)


I guess I'm of the school that mine is an EXIT only opening!   :o ;)

Don't make me say it....

I'll just say:  ^-^ and  ;)


Thanks for all the input guys   ;)b
I've always heard that certain foods like popcorn never leave the colon, so the idea of colon cleansing has always intrigued me...however it seems so invasive, so I probably will not try it anytime soon....the idea of being hooked up to a tube and sitting on a toilet while I get 'flushed' has me a litle spooked at the get-go  :-X
But...I never say never   ::)

People with diverticulosis (which are pouches in the colon) sometimes retain food products, particularly seeds like popcorn in these pouches.  But again, watching what you eat, and includes lots of high fiber foods and water and you're good to um...go.  :)


Yeah, and diverticulosis is usually treated with antibiotics and a low fiber diet. You won't have to worry about them anyway as long as you never have to strain too hard.


Thanks for all the input guys  ;)b
I've always heard that certain foods like popcorn never leave the colon, so the idea of colon cleansing has always intrigued me...however it seems so invasive, so I probably will not try it anytime soon....the idea of being hooked up to a tube and sitting on a toilet while I get 'flushed' has me a litle spooked at the get-go  :-X
But...I never say never  ::)

People with diverticulosis (which are pouches in the colon) sometimes retain food products, particularly seeds like popcorn in these pouches.  But again, watching what you eat, and includes lots of high fiber foods and water and you're good to um...go.  :)

haha....too funny  :P

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