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Crazy Sexy Diet's 21 Day Adventure Cleanse?

And you can sign up to do the cleanse for free on Crazy Sexy Life:

Is anyone else here doing this? Or interested in doing this?

My boyfriend and I just started today. It's not something where you only drink liquids! I could not handle that. It's basically a lot of green smoothies/juices, raw foods, huge salads, some supplements, meditation, yoga, and daily exercise.

Anyway, if anyone else has done it or is doing it: hi! Let me know what you think/thought and I'll definitely post about my experience with the cleanse in here. So far, so good, but it's only 10 a.m. on the first day. Woo! Let's do this! (Oh, and I'm not at all affiliated with Kris Carr, I just wanted to do the cleanse!)

Hey Jess, where is this blog of which Mistress Laura speaks?  I'd sure love to read about your experience.
I think coffee is going to be the hardest part for me.  Since I'm already more than reasonably raw I won't have too much to give up in terms of food.  


Food wasn't hard for me, either!  I think this was mostly because I have been incorporating raw foods into my diet for awhile, I have been juicing for over a year, and I was already vegan (duh).  If I had gone from SAD to CSD overnight, I probably would have felt pretty overwhelmed with all the changes.  I mean, people can do it (Kris Carr herself did, actually) - but as it was, it ended up being a fun challenge for me to experiment with new ways of cooking.  I mostly loved the simplicity of the way I was eating.  It was also fun to tweak old favorite recipes to be cleanse-friendly.  Like when thickening a soup, instead of using flour, I'd use arrowroot or tapioca starch to make it gluten-free.  Or when sweetening a sauce or baked goods, I used agave or stevia instead of sugar.  I'm kinda dorky in this way, but I had a lot of fun with this new way of eating/cooking!

I "eased" into the cleanse for a week, and during that time, I weaned myself off of coffee prior to officially starting the cleanse.  I think I kind of had it easier than most in this regard because I am not addicted to coffee.  I love the taste of it, and most days I have a cup in the morning - but if I don't have one, I don't get bitchy or headache-y or anything.  I also don't feel like I'm dragging without coffee.  I don't know why this is (maybe because I grew up drinking shitloads of soda, so I'm immune to caffeine?!  ???), but when I drink coffee, I drink it because I like it, not because I "need" it.  Though I will say that during this cleanse, I didn't have my typical mid-afternoon energy crash/slump, and I don't doubt that staying away from caffeine largely contributed to that.

My blog is:  :)  I didn't blog about the cleanse too much, but there are a few posts - mainly a Day 10 "check in" to report how I was feeling, and then a "wrap up" with my final thoughts on it.  ;)b


Thanks for the link Jess!

So, I went and bought a neti pot today.  I hope I don't end up snorking saltwater up my nose....that would suck.


Haha, it takes a little practice, but after you get the hang of it, it's easy!  I have never felt like I'm drowning, but sometimes the water goes straight to the back of my throat, which obviously tastes gross...  I just have to lean forward & find the right angle so the water flows up one nostril & out the other.  :)

(Sounds so gross to type out, but I love it!)


Storm - how did the neti pot go?! It look me a little getting used to but I'm super into it now!

Oh, also, if you're on twitter: VegNews chat with Kris Carr (you can ask questions!) happening at 6 pm PST TODAY! more details:


jessacita....your blog is great :)


I must admit, I chickened out with the neti pot last night.  :-[  I swear I'm going to do it today!

I started my morning with meditation (which was nice) and no coffee (which was not nice).  Lets see how long it takes me to get cranky!  


jessacita....your blog is great :)

Aww, thanks!  :)

You can do it, Storm!!!


Well, I was Miss Cranky Pants all morning and felt like crap until about noon, but then I started to even out.  It's hard giving up coffee.  I'm loving my new juicer and putting some miles on my Ninja and on my feet (I walked down to Nature's Finest, which is 1.6 miles from my house, for a shot of wheatgrass juice.)  Tonight, I swear I'm trying the neti pot! 


Storm, that's awesome! I had a hard time with the coffee, too. Mainly because it is delicious!

Let me know what you think of the neti pot! I read in another forum that making a "k" sound in your mouth  is a good idea because it keeps the water from accidentally going down your throat! Also, watching neti pot videos on YouTube helped with my form!


Thanks Laura, I'll definitely check out youtube.  I made my first attempt last night and was sort of semi-successful.  Some of the water did come out the right way, but some of it went right up my nasal passages....maybe my head was tilted too far?  Caused an unpleasant case of "brain burn" for a minute.  

Another hard morning without my coffee, but I will prevail.  I spent most of my drive to work this morning telling myself that it was okay to have the coffee.....just one cup.  My evil admin. is brewing it now and it smells so good.....le sigh.  

*sips lemon water*


You know what grates my vegan cheese?  >:(  Undependable people.  I started this Wednesday, with presumably four other people on the site.  Only two of us actually launched on Wednesday, myself and the organizer, and she coded yesterday and bailed.  Am I really the only person who knows how to follow through? Grrrr!

Enyhoo, this morning was easier without my coffee.  I'm still tired, but no crankiness and no low-grade headache.


Oh, no!  I'm sorry, Storm.  That would grate my cheese, too.  >:(

You still have us for support, even if we're not going through it with you!


I think I'm officially over the caffeine/coffee hump!  Felt fabulous this morning.  I'm putting some serious miles on my juicer!


i received my book a couple days ago and i LOVE it! i bought cacao yesterday and it's so yummy!


Yay Storm, LV and WML!

Jess-I read those blog posts and they were great!

I ordered this on Amazon, and can not wait to start! I want winter to be over and would like to cleanse as we (hopefully) move closer to spring! I think it sounds like a great way to get myself to do things I am always "meaning" to do (yoga, meditate, exercise, cut out sugar, etc...) And I am typically an all-or-nothing kind of person, (its the only way I went vegan too, no easing into it), so I think this book will help me to modivate me.  I also have a tendency to stress, so I am looking forward to the meditation and yoga piece.

Now I just have to wait for it to get here!


I am officially addicted to green juice!  ;)b


Storm - I just finished the cleanse and am still drinking green juice almost daily. I might have a problem!

How are you feeling??

Anyone else start the cleanse!? I am interested in feedback from lots of people. I have to admit, I didn't feel amazing the whole cleanse, but I did take away from it lots of habits I want to stick with, including insane amounts of veggie consumption via green juice :)


I'm feeling pretty good.  I took a header towards the end of last week, but it was likely due to going off sleeping pills cold turkey.  I think I did too much all at once, but it didn't make any sense to me to do the cleanse while popping restoril like candy.  I'm actually pretty surprised at my energy level considering the lack of sleep.  I'm also 3 days overdue for my Enbrel injection (arthritis), but I have no pain so I'm going to ride it and see how long I can go without it. 



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