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Crazy Sexy Diet's 21 Day Adventure Cleanse?

And you can sign up to do the cleanse for free on Crazy Sexy Life:

Is anyone else here doing this? Or interested in doing this?

My boyfriend and I just started today. It's not something where you only drink liquids! I could not handle that. It's basically a lot of green smoothies/juices, raw foods, huge salads, some supplements, meditation, yoga, and daily exercise.

Anyway, if anyone else has done it or is doing it: hi! Let me know what you think/thought and I'll definitely post about my experience with the cleanse in here. So far, so good, but it's only 10 a.m. on the first day. Woo! Let's do this! (Oh, and I'm not at all affiliated with Kris Carr, I just wanted to do the cleanse!)

I could use that glass of green juice right about now!!


i started juicing this monday... i love the stuff! my coworkers are asking for shots of my magical potion... seriously, my boss is already hitting me up to make her juice everyday for cash LOL... i love that you can get so many veggies into some juice and add a little fruit and it is AMAZING! the only thing i feel kind of rotten about is all the pulp that i throw out :(


Things to do with your juicer pulp!

I used beet greens in my juice so my green juice was purplish!


Don't feel bad about tossing the pulp, Amy.  I used to feel guilty, as well, but really - if your juicer is efficient, all the nutrients are being removed from the fruit & veg to make the juice, so pretty much all that's left in the pulp is fiber.  But sometimes I put the pulp into a salad or use it along with flaxseeds & some fresh veggies to make flax crackers!


thanks for the link storm i bookmarked it...

jess, tell me more about how to make the crackers!


I have the recipe in one of my raw books.  Let me find it & I'll type it up!


Hmmm, I don't really see why not, as long as you're getting enough calories!  I'm certainly not an expert, though, so I'm sure you'd want to read it & decide for yourself.  I know that "cleanses" typically aren't recommended for pregnant & breastfeeding women, but this isn't a deprivation cleanse.  It's really just cutting out the crap like caffeine, sugar, refined carbs, and adding in healthy habits like dry-brushing, neti pot-ing, daily exercise, etc.  I think if I were you, I would keep at least some gluten in (no real reason to avoid it if you don't have an allergy), and perhaps just steer clear of refined stuff like white flour?  Also, you might need more at breakfast than just a green juice.  You're a smart cookie, so I am sure you could take from the book/cleanse what you want, and ignore the stuff that doesn't fit your lifestyle right now!  :)


No, it's not online.  But I really think the book is a worthwhile purchase because it has so much great info, and the recipes are great.  I have had it for months now & I still look at it at least once a week just because I love it so much.  The book also has daily reflections & questions for journaling during the 21 day cleanse, which I really, really liked.

But basically, the cleanse is...

Saying NO to:
   * Eggs, dairy, and flesh (as usual)
   * Gluten
   * Coffee (tea is okay)
   * Alcohol
   * Refined sugar (stevia & agave nectar are acceptable in small doses)
   * Artificial sweeteners & other chemicals

Saying YES to:
   * Lots of fresh, alkaline vegetables (mostly raw, some cooked)
   * Fruit (in smaller doses than vegetables; being mindful of the sugar)
   * Green juices
   * Green smoothies
   * Whole (gluten-free) grains like quinoa, amaranth, and millet
   * Beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds
   * Plenty of water!
   * Exercise in whatever form makes you happy, as long as it’s for at least 35 minutes/day
   * 15 minutes of meditation each morning (or another time of day if that works better)
   * Dry brushing

Like I said, I think the book is a great purchase and you will learn a lot about the hows & whys of the cleanse - but that's the gist of it.


Oh, and colonics and/or enemas are encouraged, but I don't really buy into the hype on those, so I didn't do any of that stuff.


I got my book in the mail last week, and I love it!!! Its so pretty, and has lots of great information....along the lines of "take the best, leave the rest", I think there will be plenty of things I will do when I start my cleanse (juice,exercise, meditation, yoga, more raw veggies, nonprocessed foods, dry brushing, etc)

and some that I won't (probably no enemas, and not too crazy about the gluten free part, probably "reduced gluten"----no seitan, etc, limiting fruit consumption, etc.)

One little thing that bugged me was the doctor linking gluten allergies to autism, as of now there is no reasearch supporting that.  But, it stresses a lot of families out.....anyways, that was a small little sentence.....

Either way, i am super excited about the book, and the cleanse, and i totally love Kris, she is so positive its infectious!!! Now all i need is a juicer! Any suggestions?


One little thing that bugged me was the doctor linking gluten allergies to autism, as of now there is no reasearch supporting that.  But, it stresses a lot of families out.....anyways, that was a small little sentence.....

I don't remember that part of the book!  I must have glossed over it.  I will say that while I am not familiar with any research or evidence (for or against) gluten allergies being related to autism, I used to nanny for a little boy with autism and I have babysat for several other autistic children, and all of these kids GREATLY improved when their parents put them on gluten- and dairy-free diets.  It was crazy to see how much better they seemed to get once gluten & dairy was removed.  It wasn't like a miracle "cure" or anything, and the kids still struggled with the typical autism issues, but not nearly as much as they had before when they ate dairy & gluten.

It is definitely interesting how much food affects us!  Just to be clear, I don't think that gluten CAUSES autism (and neither did these parents), but removing it from autistic children's diets seems to have some sort of positive effect for a lot of kids.

I'll have to check out that part of the book (just out of curiosity).  :)


One little thing that bugged me was the doctor linking gluten allergies to autism, as of now there is no reasearch supporting that.  But, it stresses a lot of families out.....anyways, that was a small little sentence.....

I don't remember that part of the book!  I must have glossed over it.  I will say that while I am not familiar with any research or evidence (for or against) gluten allergies being related to autism, I used to nanny for a little boy with autism and I have babysat for several other autistic children, and all of these kids GREATLY improved when their parents put them on gluten- and dairy-free diets.  It was crazy to see how much better they seemed to get once gluten & dairy was removed.  It wasn't like a miracle "cure" or anything, and the kids still struggled with the typical autism issues, but not nearly as much as they had before when they ate dairy & gluten.

It is definitely interesting how much food affects us!  Just to be clear, I don't think that gluten CAUSES autism (and neither did these parents), but removing it from autistic children's diets seems to have some sort of positive effect for a lot of kids.

I'll have to check out that part of the book (just out of curiosity).  :)

Yeah, the only research they have done on it (and the vaccination stuff) doesn't correspond, although, many kids these days have food allergy issues (my own included), and I do think if a child did have a gluten, or anything intolerance, that removing it from their diet would greatly benefit them and you would probably see quite a difference in their behavior, from feeling better.  So the majority of the research says it doesn't correspond, unless that child has food allergies, (unrelated to the autism).

I know that as a parent I would also try just about anything, but unfortunately the "gluten and caesin free diet" has gained a lot of popularity as a magic bullet type treatment, that doesn't have much research to back it up.  I would never discourage parents from trying an elimination diet or allergy testing to try and help their kids, but many bend over backwards trying to do it, or worse use it without looking into researched treatments. The good yet bad thing about autism is that the sooner a child's treated, the better the outcome, yet that means precious time gets wasted while parents look at alternative treatments that are more popular because celebrities (Jenniy McCarthy) endorse them all over TV.....

okay rant over, sorry it was seriously like 1 sentence of the book :)  but yes, as a parent of a child with food allergies, cutting out her allergens made big differences in her behavior (sleeping better, crying less, etc..) and I am sure the same would be true for a child with autism, just not inplace of their treatments :)

Oh, and, my Mom is going to help me out to get a jucier! I can't wait!! I had a green smoothie today, but it just doesn't feel the same!
I need my garden to start for some free kale and cucumbers! What's everyone's fav juice?


i think for greens (in the little juicing i've done so far) spinach, celery, and kale are delicious... i sweeten the juices i made so far with apples or oranges... good stuff!! i tried mustard greens for the first time and thought it made the juice spicy and sick! also don't go overboard on ginger! beets were also pretty good but def "earthy"


Good points, BGS!  I knew the vacc "research" was bunk, but I didn't know anything about the gluten/casein thing other than my own experience with those kids I mentioned.  Interesting!

My favorite juice is typically celery, spinach, 1/2 green apple, 1/2 lime, kale stems and/or collards stems (I cook with the leaves then juice the stems!), parsley, and cucumber.  Sometimes a carrot, but not usually.  The juice is a much prettier green if I leave the carrot out because otherwise the orange color muddies it!  :)

Basically, a ton of green veggies + a small amount of fruit.  Ginger is really good, too, but I kind of gingered myself out & now I'm sick of it!


awesome, I am so excited to start juicing, for now I am making smoothies with kale, frozen blueberries, and rice milk.....I need to pick up some hempseeds to add to it, I like those shelled kinds.  My blender isn't perfect, and the kale is usually a little bit "rustic" and not totally smooth, but its okay for now!


oh, and btw, I LOVE dry-brushing!!!! It feels great!


dry brushing? must google LOL


dry brushing? must google LOL

its just brushing yourself with a dry loofah/exfoliation thing in the morning, in circular strokes towards your heart, before taking a feels really good, even though it sounds kinda weird!


I would like you all's honest opinion. I just turned vegan about 2 week ago ;)b I have just gotten into WFS recipe of their almond/berry/spinach smoothie or shall I say ADDICTED to it. I really want to try this Crazy Sexy Diet's 21 Day Cleanse. But should I wait? Believe me when I tell you my body is "cleansing" itself. I have dropped 7 lbs in this two week period :) The sitz bath has been a new "friend" of mine(I know, totally gross) :-D

I would really appreciate you all's advice. Thanks ;)b


Totally up to you!  I think that if you don't feel overwhelmed by going vegan, the cleanse will just be another way to "step it up," health-wise.  The cleanse is designed with non-vegans in mind, and for people who won't necessarily stay vegan forever, so I don't really see the harm.  Personally, when I first went vegan, I was having too much fun learning how to bake & make seitan for me to even think about avoiding sugar & gluten - but that's just me.  ;)  Even if you try the cleanse & after a couple days decide that you're not ready, no harm done, you know?

(Congrats on going vegan, BTW.  That's wonderful!)



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