Defeating the Flu Blues
Posted by mmmrealfood on Oct 17, 2009 · Member since Jun 2012 · 15 posts
Alright, Important question: WHAT do you do when you feel an illness coming on to STOP IT IN ITS TRACKS!?!?
I have already been hella bad sick once since the school year started in september and I feel another nasty bug coming on now. I never get sick during the semesters that I am not taking classes... How do I KILL IT???
What do you all do to keep yourself from getting these bugs in the first place? I know, I know, wash your hands, eat healthy right? But above these things, when you are in University, surrounded by students who hold
"personal hygiene optional" as their motto, what can I DO?
I can't be the only one with this problem.
Drink lots of water, try to sweat, SLEEP as much as you feel the need to. Make sure you're eating enough, and eat citrus fruits.
When I was younger and having some serious issues with my immune system, my pediatrician recommended an herbal supplement called echinacea. Like most herbal remedies, science isn't quite ready to say with any certainty that it "works", but it seems to prevent cold/flu and boost the immune system. Now, it may very well be the placebo effect, but that stuff worked like a charm for me. I started taking it everyday and didn't get sick for the next year. I don't take it quite as regularly now, but when I do feel something coming on I get right back on it and can usually fight it off.
Of course, Vitamin C is a good idea as well. However, based on the research I've read, Vitamin C only seems to help if you're immune system is having some trouble already. So, I wouldn't take it regularly, but since you feel like you're getting sick you might start taking some to give those white blood cells a boost. :)
I'd second what supadupabee said as well. The best thing you can do is get plenty of rest and ensure that you're getting the things your body needs in your diet. Take care of yourself, and I hope you stay well!
Alright, Important question: WHAT do you do when you feel an illness coming on to STOP IT IN ITS TRACKS!?!?
I have already been hella bad sick once since the school year started in september and I feel another nasty bug coming on now. I never get sick during the semesters that I am not taking classes... How do I KILL IT???
What do you all do to keep yourself from getting these bugs in the first place? I know, I know, wash your hands, eat healthy right? But above these things, when you are in University, surrounded by students who hold
"personal hygiene optional" as their motto, what can I DO?
I can't be the only one with this problem.
The reason your body has employed a microbe to assist it in detoxification is because it hasn't been given adequate time to detox on its own(If you allow your body time to keep itself clean you will never get sick)....Focus on eating more fruits and vegatables as opposed to so much processed foods. Also don't snack between meals....the body needs time to detox and look to heal any health issues that may be developing in the body. Also, over eating and dehydration contribute to the problem.....If you feel like you don't have an appetite listen to your body(fasting is the best way to detox) needs the energy it would spend digesting food to remove toxins....Also try Olive is one of many herbs that assist the body in detoxification and will speed up the process
childofzion beat me to suggesting olive leaf. When working/living among enclosed masses of people (ie restaurants, dorms, etc), I take oregano oil daily, and when I feel something coming, I add olive leaf and double my dosage of oregano oil. Also take extra B-vitamins, and calcium is good to prevent/lower fevers. If you can stand it, I like to eat 3-4 cloves worth of garlic as well during the 'possible sick/sick' time a day.
eta: here's a link for echinacea info
as soon as I get a symptom I drink 2 cups of Gypsy Cold Care Tea by Traditional Medicinals and then I think its 1 cup every few hours or something it works WONDERS u feel better right away. Garlic helps too, so I make homemade garlic bread by mincing up a few cloves and put in on some toast with butter and putting in in the oven on 350 for about 7-8 minutes. also Miso has probiotics in it so I will make a vegan chicken broth with miso in it and drink it, I try to do that every day to keep colds away. :-) good luck
Wow lots of responses! I will def try out some of these. Lots to take in. I am definately going to try out the oregano oil and the olive leaf. Echinacea soudns like a good idea, I have heard that one and the garlic before, but it didnt cross my mind.
Childofzion, that def sounds like good advice. My diet tends to slide downhill during the semester and depend too much on convenience foods that are cheapcheapcheap to offset tuition. i should prob budget more towards fresh REAL food... I also have had very little appetite lately, but have been forcing myself to eat out of habit. I should listen to my body more.
Thanks everyone for the help and good mojo! :D