Eye Problems!
Posted by poopinshmicken on Aug 12, 2008 · Member since May 2008 · 112 posts
Hey guys,
My eyes are getting really dry and the whites used to look white but now they kind of look red or yellow-ish. Does anyone else have this problem and could it possibly be due to some vitamin deficiency? Thanks.
it could be allergies, dust, esp if it is in both eyes.
try lubricating drops...not visine!, but drops like Refresh plus or Genteal brand. I use the single use ones (in little plastic droppers) b/c they are preservative free, as they can be irritating too.
have you changed your face soap or lotion lately? do you have hard or chlorinated water?
Here in Spain you can buy a pack of single-use pipettes of saline solution to wash your eyes out with. I find them to be a real blessing. See if you can get them at your pharmacy. Or, if you can get a small bottle of saline (like say a cup) and an eye-bath, use that. It does wonders! It feels wierd the first time to open your eye in the water but it's saline--so cooling and refreshing.
Yellow eyes can be a sign of jaundice or liver problems. May want to have that looked at.
Here in Spain you can buy a pack of single-use pipettes of saline solution to wash your eyes out with
thats what they are...pipettes!! yes, here they are preservativefree and *are* a godsend.
i also have severe dry eyes and have permanent punctal plugs in my tear ducts. It just allows for the natural tears to stay in the eye and not drain away. they help alot.
Yellow eyes can be a sign of jaundice or liver problems. May want to have that looked at.
True! Look at the back of your tongue and if it's yellowish or discoloured, get to the doctor STAT. Juandice is no joke.
I was thinking the same thing about Jaundice. If they look yellow, that is a bad sign. Better get to a doctor! If just red, then perhaps just allergies?
No not jaundice. My tongue is fine too. My eyes feel very very dry and the whites are not very white. They're red with a little hint of yellow. I'm staying hydrated and I use eye drops a lot, but I was wondering if this is a sign that I'm deficient in something.... vitamins, minerals, medical knowledge...
According to this http://www.webmd.com/eye-health/news/20051020/dont-want-dry-eyes-eat-your-tuna I should eat more tuna. HA HA HA HA :-D It's perhaps due to a lack of omega3s soo.... guess I'll try eating more flax seed
Ever have gallbladder issues? Pain in the upper right quadrant of your abdomen? Especially after oily/fatty/greasy meals? Pain in one of your shoulders/back after said meal? My eyes were getting pretty yellow, and it's because I had a huge stone in my gall bladder, and it was messing w/ my bilirubin, so I was getting jaundiced. Just a thought.
There are a lot of conditions that can discolor the sclera of the eye ... in my case, a wee touch of ocular rosacea, just for maximum hawtness. Extreme pallor of the sclerae is common in youth and (I am sorry to say) they tend to discolor as you mature, getting more ivory/yellow/red. Some people are lucky enough to have bright white ones when they're mature, some aren't -- just as it is with white/not-so-white teeth. Check your health if you're concerned, moisturize your eyes if you're itchy or uncomfortable, but don't worry.
... or it could also be that dang pale lavender-on-white text you're typing! :-D Kidding, kidding.
1. No no no gall bladder problems. just a gritty sort of feeling almost constantly in the eye.
2. The whole "white eyes in youth" thing... ummm... I'm 19 so maybe the whites in my eyes should be kind of bright?
I'm going to concentrate on eating more omega-3s but honestly I might have "Dry Eye". My contacts help a little actually ("hydraclear" and what not) but I think I might have to go to my doctor. grrr...