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Goal Tracking Club

This thread is for people who formally want to track either one or two goals and hold themselves accountable to each other.  Research says that people who quantify and track their goals in a way that keeps them accountable lose up to twice as much weight.  :)

These can be any type of fitness/health goals, not just weight loss or the like.  It could be an amount of time spent working out, or drinking a certain amount of water each day, or losing a certain number of inches, for example.

Here's the chart I made, but I don't know why it's showing up so small.  Let me try to fix it....

Ugh....what is going on!?!?  I only lost another .8lbs!  I'm so frustrated!
I feel like I've lost 10 lbs, but I'm really only at 5.....I don't understand....
The lady told me that I probably wasn't eating enough...I just don't get does eating more food make any sense?
But I'll give it a shot - it can't get any worse, right?


ok, I want to do this! Here's my goal

My overall goal: To love the way I look and feel in my clothes

My starting point: I'm currently working out 4-5 days for 20-30 intense mins each. I'd like to be workingout everyday for at least 45 intense mins.

My weekly goal: To lose a minimum of 2-3 lbs a week. I'm a new vegan so I have a lot of wieght to lose. :-) Slow and healthy though!


i'm officially a size 8!!!! :D


This week I only hit the gym 3 times.  :(  Snow days mess me up an my weight class on Friday was a cardio thing. Boo!

BUT I have noticed more muscle definition in my calves and that my tush is noticeably higher.  Plus someone said they can tell the difference in my face since I started working out in December.  (One of my coworkers whom I go to the gym with sometimes.)  Im so thrilled.  I should go downstairs an lift some weight but I have a house guest.


i'm officially a size 8!!!! :D



Did some bellydacing and yoga this morning. Can't wait to workout again with my hubby! Love working out!! :)>>>


I lost .8lbs - for the third week in a row.....I don't understand what I'm doing wrong....thats only 5.6lbs in one month....ugh, I used to be so good at losing weight


erin, what do you mean 'only'?  5.6lbs in one month is great!  I know you may have been wanting much more, but surely if you lose it too quickly then there's more chance of putting it all back on?
I think you deserve a well done, anyways! <3


Thanks, Shell.  I just get frustrated easily with my body.  But it's been all out of whack since I quit smoking and I think my body is rebelling, even though it should be thanking me....
Slow and steady wins the race, I hope....


I think I'm the only one that uses this anymore.....but I lost 1.6 lbs this week!
I'm happy with that - I was beginning to worry that I'd only lose .8 every week...and that would take forever.....


yayyy erin!!! im still wearing my big pants so i dont know exactly where i'm at, but i can look in the mirror during practice now. before, i avoided them and either stood on front of a wall or watched other people in the mirror. now im comfortable enough with myself to actually see myself. yay!


That's awesome, vh!
I'm down a total of 7.2 lbs and all of my jeans are loose and saggy in the butt, but I'm not thin enough to wear my skinny jeans yet.....


but you're getting there!!! yayyy!!


you ladies rock! woo!
I was going to do this and then I didn't. But I finally bought a jump rope and did a small workout today. It's hard! I think I really need to lose some weight though, in addition to getting in shape. I've never been so sedentary in my life and it doesn't help that I have all this time to cook yummy foods all day. I want to get rid of the big roll of fat on my tummy.


i've been failing since my wisdom tooth extraction. just letting everyone know!


Down 23 lbs and loving it!


aw hesp, thats not your fault though.

laideebug- THAT'S AWESOME!! congrats!


Thanks Veganhippie!   :)>>>


another 1.2 lbs down!
that's a total of 8.4 lbs.....
slowly but surely....


Great job, Erin!

To get myself back into running/exercising, I've been doing the couch to 5k for 3.5 weeks now. It's been good to start easy, and be gradual. I hope I can stick with it after the program is done, and continue the jogging. It's been nice. I've also stopped eating anything after 7pm, and I like that.

I weighed myself a few weeks ago without shoes, and then on Saturday (even with shoes), and it was down 2+ pounds. That could obviously just be clothes/water/day to day differences, but it was nice to not see it be higher.



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